<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades; /** * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application loadEnvironmentFrom(string $file) * @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider register(\Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string $provider, bool $force = false) * @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider resolveProvider(string $provider) * @method static array getProviders(\Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string $provider) * @method static bool configurationIsCached() * @method static bool hasBeenBootstrapped() * @method static bool isDownForMaintenance() * @method static bool routesAreCached() * @method static bool runningInConsole() * @method static bool runningUnitTests() * @method static bool shouldSkipMiddleware() * @method static string basePath() * @method static string bootstrapPath(string $path = '') * @method static string configPath(string $path = '') * @method static string databasePath(string $path = '') * @method static string detectEnvironment(callable $callback) * @method static string environmentFile() * @method static string environmentFilePath() * @method static string environmentPath() * @method static string getCachedConfigPath() * @method static string getCachedPackagesPath() * @method static string getCachedRoutesPath() * @method static string getCachedServicesPath() * @method static string getLocale() * @method static string getNamespace() * @method static string resourcePath(string $path = '') * @method static string storagePath(string $path = '') * @method static string version() * @method static string|bool environment(string|array ...$environments) * @method static void boot() * @method static void booted(callable $callback) * @method static void booting(callable $callback) * @method static void bootstrapWith(array $bootstrappers) * @method static void loadDeferredProviders() * @method static void registerConfiguredProviders() * @method static void registerDeferredProvider(string $provider, string $service = null) * @method static void setLocale(string $locale) * @method static void terminate() * * @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application */ class App extends Facade { /** * Get the registered name of the component. * * @return string */ protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'app'; } }