// npm package: bootstrap-maxlength // github link: https://github.com/mimo84/bootstrap-maxlength $(function() { 'use strict'; $('#defaultconfig').maxlength({ warningClass: "badge mt-1 bg-success", limitReachedClass: "badge mt-1 bg-danger" }); $('#defaultconfig-2').maxlength({ alwaysShow: true, threshold: 20, warningClass: "badge mt-1 bg-success", limitReachedClass: "badge mt-1 bg-danger" }); $('#defaultconfig-3').maxlength({ alwaysShow: true, threshold: 10, warningClass: "badge mt-1 bg-success", limitReachedClass: "badge mt-1 bg-danger", separator: ' of ', preText: 'You have ', postText: ' chars remaining.', validate: true }); $('#maxlength-textarea').maxlength({ alwaysShow: true, warningClass: "badge mt-1 bg-success", limitReachedClass: "badge mt-1 bg-danger" }); });