export const DateTimeSwaggerPlugin = {
components: {
JsonSchema_string_date: JsonSchema_string_date,
"JsonSchema_string_date-time": JsonSchema_string_date_time
### Request Snippets
SwaggerUI can be configured with the `requestSnippetsEnabled: true` option to activate Request Snippets.
Instead of the generic curl that is generated upon doing a request. It gives you more granular options:
- curl for bash
- curl for cmd
- curl for powershell
There might be the case where you want to provide your own snipped generator. This can be done by using the plugin api.
A Request Snipped generator consists of the configuration and a `fn`,
which takes the internal request object and transforms it to the desired snippet.
// Add config to Request Snippets Configuration with an unique key like "node_native"
const snippetConfig = {
requestSnippetsEnabled: true,
requestSnippets: {
generators: {
"node_native": {
title: "NodeJs Native",
syntax: "javascript"
const SnippedGeneratorNodeJsPlugin = {
fn: {
// use `requestSnippetGenerator_` + key from config (node_native) for generator fn
requestSnippetGenerator_node_native: (request) => {
const url = new Url(request.get("url"))
let isMultipartFormDataRequest = false
const headers = request.get("headers")
if(headers && headers.size) {
request.get("headers").map((val, key) => {
isMultipartFormDataRequest = isMultipartFormDataRequest || /^content-type$/i.test(key) && /^multipart\/form-data$/i.test(val)
const packageStr = url.protocol === "https:" ? "https" : "http"
let reqBody = request.get("body")
if (request.get("body")) {
if (isMultipartFormDataRequest && ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH"].includes(request.get("method"))) {
return "throw new Error(\"Currently unsupported content-type: /^multipart\\/form-data$/i\");"
} else {
if (!Map.isMap(reqBody)) {
if (typeof reqBody !== "string") {
reqBody = JSON.stringify(reqBody)
} else {
reqBody = getStringBodyOfMap(request)
} else if (!request.get("body") && request.get("method") === "POST") {
reqBody = ""
const stringBody = "`" + (reqBody || "")
.replace(/\\n/g, "\n")
.replace(/`/g, "\\`")
+ "`"
return `const http = require("${packageStr}");
const options = {
"method": "${request.get("method")}",
"hostname": "${}",
"port": ${url.port || "null"},
"path": "${url.pathname}"${headers && headers.size ? `,
"headers": {
${request.get("headers").map((val, key) => `"${key}": "${val}"`).valueSeq().join(",\n ")}
}` : ""}
const req = http.request(options, function (res) {
const chunks = [];
res.on("data", function (chunk) {
res.on("end", function () {
const body = Buffer.concat(chunks);
${reqBody ? `\nreq.write(${stringBody});` : ""}
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
"dom_id": "#swagger-ui",
deepLinking: true,
presets: [
plugins: [
layout: "StandaloneLayout",
validatorUrl: "",
url: "",
### Error handling
SwaggerUI comes with a `safe-render` plugin that handles error handling allows plugging into error handling system and modify it.
The plugin accepts a list of component names that should be protected by error boundaries.
Its public API looks like this:
fn: {
withErrorBoundary: withErrorBoundary(getSystem),
components: {
safe-render plugin is automatically utilized by [base]( and [standalone]( SwaggerUI presets and
should always be used as the last plugin, after all the components are already known to the SwaggerUI.
The plugin defines a default list of components that should be protected by error boundaries:
As demonstrated below, additional components can be protected by utilizing the safe-render plugin
with configuration options. This gets really handy if you are a SwaggerUI integrator and you maintain a number of
plugins with additional custom components.
const swaggerUI = SwaggerUI({
url: "",
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
plugins: [
() => ({
components: {
MyCustomComponent1: () => 'my custom component',
fullOverride: true, // only the component list defined here will apply (not the default list)
componentList: [
##### componentDidCatch
This static function is invoked after a component has thrown an error.
It receives two parameters:
1. `error` - The error that was thrown.
2. `info` - An object with a componentStack key containing [information about which component threw the error](
It has precisely the same signature as error boundaries [componentDidCatch lifecycle method](,
except it's a static function and not a class method.
Default implement of componentDidCatch uses `console.error` to display the received error:
export const componentDidCatch = console.error;
To utilize your own error handling logic (e.g. [bugsnag](, create new SwaggerUI plugin that overrides componentDidCatch:
{% highlight js linenos %}
const BugsnagErrorHandlerPlugin = () => {
// init bugsnag
return {
fn: {
componentDidCatch = (error, info) => {
{% endhighlight %}
##### withErrorBoundary
This function is HOC (Higher Order Component). It wraps a particular component into the `ErrorBoundary` component.
It can be overridden via a plugin system to control how components are wrapped by the ErrorBoundary component.
In 99.9% of situations, you won't need to override this function, but if you do, please read the source code of this function first.
##### Fallback
The component is displayed when the error boundary catches an error. It can be overridden via a plugin system.
Its default implementation is trivial:
import React from "react"
import PropTypes from "prop-types"
const Fallback = ({ name }) => (
😱 Could not render { name === "t" ? "this component" : name }, see the console.
Fallback.propTypes = {
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
export default Fallback
Feel free to override it to match your look & feel:
const CustomFallbackPlugin = () => ({
components: {
Fallback: ({ name } ) => `This is my custom fallback. ${name} failed to render`,
const swaggerUI = SwaggerUI({
url: "",
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
plugins: [
##### ErrorBoundary
This is the component that implements React error boundaries. Uses `componentDidCatch` and `Fallback`
under the hood. In 99.9% of situations, you won't need to override this component, but if you do,
please read the source code of this component first.
##### Change in behavior
In prior releases of SwaggerUI (before v4.3.0), almost all components have been protected, and when thrown error,
`Fallback` component was displayed. This changes with SwaggerUI v4.3.0. Only components defined
by the `safe-render` plugin are now protected and display fallback. If a small component somewhere within
SwaggerUI React component tree fails to render and throws an error. The error bubbles up to the closest
error boundary, and that error boundary displays the `Fallback` component and invokes `componentDidCatch`.