<?php use yii\helpers\Html; /* @var $this yii\web\View */ /* @var $name string */ /* @var $message string */ /* @var $exception Exception */ $this->title = $name; ?> <section class="content"> <div class="error-page"> <h2 class="headline text-info"><i class="fa fa-warning text-yellow"></i></h2> <div class="error-content"> <h3><?= $name ?></h3> <p> <?= nl2br(Html::encode($message)) ?> </p> <p> The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request. Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you. Meanwhile, you may <a href='<?= Yii::$app->homeUrl ?>'>return to dashboard</a> or try using the search form. </p> <form class='search-form'> <div class='input-group'> <input type="text" name="search" class='form-control' placeholder="Search"/> <div class="input-group-btn"> <button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> </button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </section>