<?php namespace frontend\modules\api\controllers; use common\models\Document; use common\models\DocumentFieldValue; use common\services\DocumentService; use Yii; use yii\web\BadRequestHttpException; use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException; use yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException; class DocumentController extends ApiController { public function verbs(): array { return [ 'get-document-list' => ['get'], 'get-document' => ['get'], 'create-document' => ['post'], ]; } /** * @throws NotFoundHttpException */ public function actionGetDocumentList($document_type = null): array { $documents = DocumentService::getDocumentList($document_type); if(empty($documents)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException('Documents not found'); } return $documents; } /** * @throws NotFoundHttpException */ public function actionGetDocument($document_id): array { if(empty($document_id) or !is_numeric($document_id)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException('Incorrect document ID'); } $document = DocumentService::getDocument($document_id); if(empty($document)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException('There is no such document'); } return $document; } public function actionCreateDocument() { $document = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getBodyParams(); $documentFieldValues = $document['documentFieldValues']; $modelDocument = new Document(); if ($modelDocument->load($document, '') && $modelDocument->save()) { try { $this->createDocimentFields($documentFieldValues, $modelDocument->id, $modelDocument->template_id); } catch (ServerErrorHttpException $e) { $modelDocument->delete(); throw new BadRequestHttpException(json_encode($e->getMessage())); } } else { throw new BadRequestHttpException(json_encode($modelDocument->errors)); } Yii::$app->getResponse()->setStatusCode(201); return DocumentService::getDocument($modelDocument->id); } private function createDocimentFields($documentFieldValues , $document_id, $template_id) { if (!empty($documentFieldValues)) { $modelFieldsArray = array(); foreach ($documentFieldValues as $docFieldValue) { $tmpModelField = new DocumentFieldValue(); if ($tmpModelField->load($docFieldValue, '')) { $modelFieldsArray[] = $tmpModelField; } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException( 'Failed to load document field value where modelField: field_id=' . $tmpModelField->field_id . ' value=' . $tmpModelField->value); } } foreach ($modelFieldsArray as $modelField) { $modelField->document_id = $document_id; if (!$modelField->save()) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException( 'Failed to save document field value where modelField: field_id=' . $modelField->field_id . ' value=' . $modelField->value); } } } } }