2024-07-03 14:41:15 +03:00

208 lines
5.1 KiB

<?php namespace Phroute\Phroute;
use Phroute\Phroute\Exception\BadRouteException;
* Parses routes of the following form:
* "/user/{name}/{id:[0-9]+}?"
class RouteParser {
* Search through the given route looking for dynamic portions.
* Using ~ as the regex delimiter.
* We start by looking for a literal '{' character followed by any amount of whitespace.
* The next portion inside the parentheses looks for a parameter name containing alphanumeric characters or underscore.
* After this we look for the ':\d+' and ':[0-9]+' style portion ending with a closing '}' character.
* Finally we look for an optional '?' which is used to signify an optional route.
\s* ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) \s*
: \s* ([^{]+(?:\{.*?\})?)
* The default parameter character restriction (One or more characters that is not a '/').
private $parts;
private $reverseParts;
private $partsCounter;
private $variables;
private $regexOffset;
* Handy parameter type restrictions.
* @var array
private $regexShortcuts = array(
':i}' => ':[0-9]+}',
':a}' => ':[0-9A-Za-z]+}',
':h}' => ':[0-9A-Fa-f]+}',
':c}' => ':[a-zA-Z0-9+_\-\.]+}'
* Parse a route returning the correct data format to pass to the dispatch engine.
* @param $route
* @return array
public function parse($route)
$route = strtr($route, $this->regexShortcuts);
if (!$matches = $this->extractVariableRouteParts($route))
$reverse = array(
'variable' => false,
'value' => $route
return [[$route], array($reverse)];
foreach ($matches as $set) {
$this->staticParts($route, $set[0][1]);
$regexPart = (isset($set[2]) ? trim($set[2][0]) : self::DEFAULT_DISPATCH_REGEX);
$this->regexOffset = $set[0][1] + strlen($set[0][0]);
$match = '(' . $regexPart . ')';
$isOptional = substr($set[0][0], -1) === '?';
$match = $this->makeOptional($match);
$this->reverseParts[$this->partsCounter] = array(
'variable' => true,
'optional' => $isOptional,
'name' => $set[1][0]
$this->parts[$this->partsCounter++] = $match;
$this->staticParts($route, strlen($route));
return [[implode('', $this->parts), $this->variables], array_values($this->reverseParts)];
* Reset the parser ready for the next route.
private function reset()
$this->parts = array();
$this->reverseParts = array();
$this->partsCounter = 0;
$this->variables = array();
$this->regexOffset = 0;
* Return any variable route portions from the given route.
* @param $route
* @return mixed
private function extractVariableRouteParts($route)
if(preg_match_all(self::VARIABLE_REGEX, $route, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER))
return $matches;
* @param $route
* @param $nextOffset
private function staticParts($route, $nextOffset)
$static = preg_split('~(/)~u', substr($route, $this->regexOffset, $nextOffset - $this->regexOffset), 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach($static as $staticPart)
$quotedPart = $this->quote($staticPart);
$this->parts[$this->partsCounter] = $quotedPart;
$this->reverseParts[$this->partsCounter] = array(
'variable' => false,
'value' => $staticPart
* @param $varName
private function validateVariable($varName)
if (isset($this->variables[$varName]))
throw new BadRouteException("Cannot use the same placeholder '$varName' twice");
$this->variables[$varName] = $varName;
* @param $match
* @return string
private function makeOptional($match)
$previous = $this->partsCounter - 1;
if(isset($this->parts[$previous]) && $this->parts[$previous] === '/')
$match = '(?:/' . $match . ')';
return $match . '?';
* @param $part
* @return string
private function quote($part)
return preg_quote($part, '~');