diff --git a/bootstrap.php b/bootstrap.php
index 0a85d73..b9b36fc 100644
--- a/bootstrap.php
+++ b/bootstrap.php
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const KERNEL_MODULES_DIR = __DIR__ . "/kernel/modules";
 const KERNEL_ADMIN_THEMES_DIR = __DIR__ . "/kernel/admin_themes";
 const CONSOLE_DIR = __DIR__ . "/kernel/console";
 const RESOURCES_DIR = __DIR__ . "/resources";
+const KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR = __DIR__ . "/kernel/templates";
 const KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR = KERNEL_DIR . "/app_modules";
 const APP_DIR = ROOT_DIR . "/app";
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ function getConst($text): array|false|string
         "{KERNEL}" => KERNEL_DIR,
         "{CONSOLE}" => CONSOLE_DIR,
         "{APP}" => APP_DIR,
diff --git a/kernel/console/controllers/ModuleController.php b/kernel/console/controllers/ModuleController.php
index b181600..92d05a4 100644
--- a/kernel/console/controllers/ModuleController.php
+++ b/kernel/console/controllers/ModuleController.php
@@ -108,34 +108,14 @@ class ModuleController extends ConsoleController
         $moduleService = new ModuleService();
-        $moduleService->createManifest([
-            'name' => $name,
+        $moduleService->createModuleByParams([
+            'slug' => $slug,
+            'model' => ucfirst($slug),
             'author' => $author,
-            'slug' => $slug
+            'name' => $name,
-        $this->out->r("manifest.json создан", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createControllers($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Контроллеры созданы", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createRoutes($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Роуты созданы", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createModuleClassFiles($slug, $label);
-        $this->out->r("Файлы модуля созданы", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createModel($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Модель создана", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createFormModel($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Форма валидации для модели создана", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createService($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Сервис создан", 'green');
-        $moduleService->createViews($slug);
-        $this->out->r("Представления созданы", 'green');
+        $this->out->r("Модуль $slug создан", 'green');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/services/ModuleService.php b/kernel/services/ModuleService.php
index 94ca517..97240ee 100644
--- a/kernel/services/ModuleService.php
+++ b/kernel/services/ModuleService.php
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class ModuleService
     public function isLastVersion(string $slug): bool
-        if ($this->isServerAvailable()){
+        if ($this->isServerAvailable()) {
             $modules_info = RESTClient::request($_ENV['MODULE_SHOP_URL'] . '/api/module_shop/gb_slug');
             $modules_info = json_decode($modules_info->getBody()->getContents(), true);
@@ -473,10 +473,10 @@ class ModuleService
     public function isShopModule(string $slug): bool
-        if ($this->isServerAvailable()){
+        if ($this->isServerAvailable()) {
             $modules_info = RESTClient::request($_ENV['MODULE_SHOP_URL'] . '/api/module_shop/gb_slug');
-            if (!$this->issetModuleShopToken()){
+            if (!$this->issetModuleShopToken()) {
                 return false;
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class ModuleService
     public function isServerAvailable(): bool
-        if (null !== $this->serverAvailable){
+        if (null !== $this->serverAvailable) {
             return $this->serverAvailable;
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ class ModuleService
     public function issetModuleShopToken(): bool
-        if (!empty($_ENV['MODULE_SHOP_TOKEN'])){
+        if (!empty($_ENV['MODULE_SHOP_TOKEN'])) {
             return true;
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ class ModuleService
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug");
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/controllers");
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/migrations");
-        mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/service");
+        mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/services");
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/models");
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/models/forms");
         mkdir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . "/$slug/routs");
@@ -545,120 +545,36 @@ class ModuleService
         mkdir(APP_DIR . "/modules/$slug/routs");
-    public function createManifest(array $params): void
+    public function createModuleByParams(array $params): void
-        $name = $params['name'] ?? '';
-        $author = $params['author'] ?? '';
-        $slug = $params['slug'] ?? '';
+        $slug = $params['slug'];
+        $model = $params['model'];
-        $data = "{\n";
-        $data .= "  \"name\": \"$name\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"version\": \"0.1\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"author\": \"$author\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"slug\": \"$slug\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"description\": \"$name module\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"module_class\": \"app\\\\modules\\\\$slug\\\\" . ucfirst($slug) . "Module\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"module_class_file\": \"{APP}/modules/$slug/" . ucfirst($slug) . "Module.php\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"routs\": \"routs/$slug.php\",\n";
-        $data .= "  \"migration_path\": \"migrations\"\n";
-        $data .= "}";
-        file_put_contents(APP_DIR . "/modules/$slug/manifest.json", $data);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/manifests/manifest_template', APP_DIR . "/modules/$slug/manifest.json", $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/controllers/kernel_controller_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/controllers/' . $model . 'Controller.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/controllers/app_controller_template', APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/controllers/' . $model . 'Controller.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/routs/kernel_routs_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/routs/' . $slug . '.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/routs/app_routs_template', APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/routs/' . $slug . '.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/module_files/kernel_module_file_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/' . $model . 'Module.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/module_files/app_module_file_template', APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/' . $model . 'Module.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/models/model_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/models/' . $model . '.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/models/forms/create_form_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/models/forms/Create' . $model . 'Form.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/services/service_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/services/' . $model . 'Service.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/views/index_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/index.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/views/view_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/view.php', $params);
+        $this->createModuleFileByTemplate(KERNEL_TEMPLATES_DIR . '/views/form_template', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/form.php', $params);
-    public function createControllers(string $slug): void
+    public function createModuleFileByTemplate(string $templatePath, string $filePath, array $params): void
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/controllers/kernel_controller_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/controllers/' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Controller.php', $data);
+        $data = file_get_contents($templatePath);
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/controllers/app_controller_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/controllers/' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Controller.php', $data );
-    }
+        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $params['slug'], $data);
+        $data = str_replace('{model}', $params['model'], $data);
+        $data = str_replace('{name}', $params['name'], $data);
+        $data = str_replace('{author}', $params['author'], $data);
-    public function createRoutes(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/routs/kernel_routs_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/routs/' . $slug . '.php', $data);
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/routs/app_routs_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/routs/' . $slug . '.php', $data );
-    }
-    public function createModuleClassFiles(string $slug, string $label): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/module_files/kernel_module_file_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{label}', $label, $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Module.php', $data);
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/module_files/app_module_file_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $slug . '/' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Module.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createModel(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/models/model_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/models/' . ucfirst($slug) . '.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createFormModel(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/models/forms/create_form_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/models/forms/Create' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Form.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createService(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/services/service_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/service/' . ucfirst($slug) . 'Service.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createViews(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $this->createIndex($slug);
-        $this->createView($slug);
-        $this->createForm($slug);
-    }
-    public function createIndex(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/views/index_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/index.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createView(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/views/view_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/view.php', $data);
-    }
-    public function createForm(string $slug): void
-    {
-        $data = file_get_contents(KERNEL_DIR . '/templates/views/form_template');
-        $data = str_replace('{slug}', $slug, $data);
-        $data = str_replace('{model}', ucfirst($slug), $data);
-        file_put_contents(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $slug . '/views/form.php', $data);
+        file_put_contents($filePath, $data);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/templates/controllers/kernel_controller_template b/kernel/templates/controllers/kernel_controller_template
index 8afd414..80309ad 100644
--- a/kernel/templates/controllers/kernel_controller_template
+++ b/kernel/templates/controllers/kernel_controller_template
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ use kernel\AdminController;
 use kernel\app_modules\{slug}\models\forms\Create{model}Form;
 use kernel\app_modules\{slug}\models\{model};
 use kernel\app_modules\{slug}\service\{model}Service;
-use kernel\EntityRelation;
-use kernel\Flash;
-use kernel\helpers\Debug;
-use kernel\models\Option;
-use kernel\modules\menu\service\MenuService;
-use kernel\Request;
 class {model}Controller extends AdminController
diff --git a/kernel/templates/manifests/manifest_template b/kernel/templates/manifests/manifest_template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7704dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/templates/manifests/manifest_template
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  "name": "{name}",
+  "version": "0.1",
+  "author": "{author}",
+  "slug": "{slug}",
+  "description": "{name} module",
+  "module_class": "app\\modules\\{slug}\\{model}Module",
+  "module_class_file": "{APP}/modules/{slug}/{model}Module.php",
+  "routs": "routs/{slug}.php",
+  "migration_path": "migrations"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/templates/services/service_template b/kernel/templates/services/service_template
index ba4277d..21878db 100644
--- a/kernel/templates/services/service_template
+++ b/kernel/templates/services/service_template
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 namespace kernel\app_modules\{slug}\service;
 use kernel\helpers\Debug;
-use kernel\helpers\Slug;
 use kernel\app_modules\{slug}\models\{model};
 use kernel\FormModel;