2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

38 lines
1.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="WordPress Coding Standards">
<description>WordPress Coding Standards</description>
<!-- Scan all files in directory -->
<!-- Scan only PHP files -->
<arg name="extensions" value="php"/>
<!-- Show progress, show the error codes for each message (source). -->
<arg value="ps" />
<!-- Check up to 8 files simultaneously. -->
<arg name="parallel" value="8"/>
<!-- Exclude the Composer Vendor directory. -->
<!-- Exclude minified Javascript files. -->
<!-- Include the WordPress-Extra standard. -->
<rule ref="WordPress-Extra">
<exclude name="Universal.Arrays.DisallowShortArraySyntax.Found"/>
<exclude name="Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure.NotAllowed"/>
<exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.ContentBeforeEnd"/>
<exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.ContentBeforeOpen"/>
<exclude name="WordPress.PHP.DisallowShortTernary.Found"/>
<!-- Let's also check that everything is properly documented. -->
<!--<rule ref="WordPress-Docs"/>-->
<rule ref="Internal.NoCodeFound">