2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

211 lines
7.6 KiB

function sldr_setMessage( msg ) {
(function($) {
$( ".error" ).hide();
$( ".sldr_image_update_message" ).html( msg ).show();
function sldr_setError( msg ) {
(function($) {
$( ".sldr_image_update_message" ).hide();
$( ".error" ).html( msg ).show();
(function($) {
$(document).ready( function() {
if ( $( window ).width() < 800 ) {
$.each( $( '.sldr_add_responsive_column' ), function() {
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content = content + '<label>' + $( this ).attr( 'data-colname' ) + '</label><br/>' + $( this ).html() + '<br/>';
$( this ).html( '' );
content = content + '</div>';
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$( '#sldr-media-insert' ).click( function open_media_window() {
if ( this.window === undefined ) {
this.window = wp.media({
title: sldr_vars.wp_media_title,
library: { type: 'image, video/MP4, video/WebM, video/Ogg' },
multiple: true,
button: { text: sldr_vars.wp_media_button }
var self = this; /* Needed to retrieve our variable in the anonymous function below */
this.window.on( 'select', function() {
var all = self.window.state().get( 'selection' ).toJSON();
all.forEach( function( item, i, arr ) {
url: '../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
type: "POST",
data: "action=sldr_add_from_media&add_id=" + item.id + "&post_id=" + $( '#post_ID' ).val() + "&sldr_ajax_add_nonce=" + sldr_vars.sldr_add_nonce,
success: function( result ) {
$( '#sldr-attachments' ).prepend( result );
$( '#sldr-attachments li:first-child' ).addClass( 'success' );
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-select-button' ).show();
if ( ! $( '#sldr-attachments' ).data( 'ui-sortable' ) ) {
$('<input type="hidden" name="sldr_new_image[]" id="sldr_new_image_' + item.id + '" value="' + item.id + '" />').appendTo( '#hidden' );
return false;
function sldr_add_sortable() {
if ( $.fn.sortable ) {
if ( $( "#sldr-attachments li" ).length > 1 ) {
$( '#sldr-attachments' ).sortable({
stop: function( event, ui ) {
var g = $( '#sldr-attachments' ).sortable( 'toArray' );
var f = g.length;
$.each( g,
function( k,l ) {
$( '#' + l + ' input[name^="_sldr_order"]' ).val( k + 1 );
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-select-button' ).on( 'click', function() {
$( '.attachments' ).sortable( 'disable' ).addClass( 'bulk-selected' );
$( '.sldr-wp-filter' ).addClass( 'selected' );
$( '.sldr-media-attachment' ).on( 'click', function() {
var attachment_id = $( this ).find( '.sldr_attachment_id' ).val();
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$( this ).addClass( 'details selected' );
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if ( $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'details' ) )
$( this ).parent().removeClass( 'details selected' );
$( this ).parent().addClass( 'details selected' );
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$( '.sldr-media-bulk-delete-selected-button' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
return false;
return false;
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-cansel-select-button' ).on( 'click', function() {
$( '.attachments' ).sortable().removeClass( 'bulk-selected' );
$( '.attachments' ).sortable( 'option', 'disabled', false );
$( '.attachments li' ).removeClass( 'details selected' );
$( '.sldr-wp-filter' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
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$( '.sldr-media-check' ).off( 'click' );
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$( document ).on( 'click', '.sldr-media-actions-delete', function() {
if ( window.confirm( sldr_vars.warnSingleDelete ) ) {
var attachment_id = $( this ).parent().find( '.sldr_attachment_id' ).val(),
slider_id = $( this ).parent().find( '.sldr_slider_id' ).val();
url: '../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
type: "POST",
data: "action=sldr_delete_image&delete_id_array=" + attachment_id + "&slider_id=" + slider_id + "&sldr_ajax_nonce_field=" + sldr_vars.sldr_nonce,
success: function( result ) {
$( '#sldr_new_image_' + attachment_id ).remove();
$( '#post-' + attachment_id ).remove();
if ( ! $( '.attachments li' ).length )
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-select-button' ).hide();
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-delete-selected-button' ).on( 'click', function() {
if ( 'disabled' != $( this ).attr( 'disabled' ) ) {
if ( window.confirm( sldr_vars.warnBulkDelete ) ) {
var delete_id_array = '';
$( '.attachments li.selected' ).each( function() {
delete_id_array += $( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'post-', '' ) + ',';
var slider_id = $( '.sldr_slider_id' ).val();
$( '.sldr-media-spinner' ).css( 'display', 'inline-block' );
$( '.attachments' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
url: '../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
type: "POST",
data: "action=sldr_delete_image&delete_id_array=" + delete_id_array + "&slider_id=" + slider_id + "&sldr_ajax_nonce_field=" + sldr_vars.sldr_nonce,
success: function( result ) {
$( '.remove-selected' ).remove();
$( '.sldr-media-attachment.selected' ).remove();
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-delete-selected-button' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
if ( ! $( '#post-body-content .attachments li' ).length ) {
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-cansel-select-button' ).trigger( 'click' );
$( '.sldr-media-bulk-select-button' ).hide();
$( '.sldr-media-spinner' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
$( '.attachments' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
return false;
/* Create notice on a gallery page */
function sldr_notice_view( data_id ) {
(function( $ ) {
/* function to send Ajax request to gallery notice */
sldr_notice_media_attach = function( thumb_id ) {
url: "../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
type: "POST",
data: "action=sldr_media_check&thumbnail_id=" + thumb_id + "&sldr_ajax_nonce_field=" + sldr_vars.sldr_nonce,
success: function( html ) {
if ( undefined != html.data ) {
$( ".media-frame-content" ).find( "#sldr_media_notice" ).html( html.data );
$( '.button.media-button-select' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
} else {
$( '.button.media-button-select' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
sldr_notice_media_attach( data_id );
})( jQuery );