581 lines
13 KiB
581 lines
13 KiB
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Easy Table of Contents\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-24 10:35-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-09 09:47-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Steven A. Zahm <helpdesk@connections-pro.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Steven A. Zahm <helpdesk@connections-pro.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-WPHeader: easy-table-of-contents.php\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
#: includes/class.admin.php:60
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:92 includes/class.admin.php:93
#: includes/class.admin.php:145 includes/class.widget-toc.php:27
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:2
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:188
msgid "Disable the automatic insertion of the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:199
msgid "Insert table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:211
msgid "Advanced:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:218
msgid "NOTE:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:220
msgid ""
"Using the advanced options below will override the global advanced settings."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:229 includes/class.options.php:446
msgid "Headings:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:235 includes/class.options.php:447
msgid ""
"Select the heading to consider when generating the table of contents. "
"Deselecting a heading will exclude it."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:237 includes/class.options.php:450
msgid "Heading 1 (h1)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:238 includes/class.options.php:451
msgid "Heading 2 (h2)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:239 includes/class.options.php:452
msgid "Heading 3 (h3)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:240 includes/class.options.php:453
msgid "Heading 4 (h4)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:241 includes/class.options.php:454
msgid "Heading 5 (h5)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:242 includes/class.options.php:455
msgid "Heading 6 (h6)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:252
msgid "Alternate Headings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:258
msgid ""
"Specify alternate table of contents header string. Add the header to be "
"replaced and the alternate header on a single line separated with a pipe "
"<code>|</code>. Put each additional original and alternate header on its own "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:275 includes/class.admin.php:309
#: includes/class.options.php:470
msgid "Examples:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:277
msgid ""
"<code>Level [1.1]|Alternate TOC Header</code> Replaces Level [1.1] in the "
"table of contents with Alternate TOC Header."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:279
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> This is case sensitive."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:286 includes/class.options.php:461
msgid "Exclude Headings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:292 includes/class.options.php:462
msgid ""
"Specify headings to be excluded from appearing in the table of contents. "
"Separate multiple headings with a pipe <code>|</code>. Use an asterisk "
"<code>*</code> as a wildcard to match other text."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:311 includes/class.options.php:472
msgid "<code>Fruit*</code> Ignore headings starting with \"Fruit\"."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:312 includes/class.options.php:473
msgid ""
"<code>*Fruit Diet*</code> Ignore headings with \"Fruit Diet\" somewhere in "
"the heading."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:313 includes/class.options.php:474
msgid ""
"<code>Apple Tree|Oranges|Yellow Bananas</code> Ignore headings that are "
"exactly \"Apple Tree\", \"Oranges\" or \"Yellow Bananas\"."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.admin.php:315 includes/class.options.php:476
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> This is not case sensitive."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:163
msgid "Enable Support"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:164
msgid "Select the post types to enable the support for table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:171
msgid "Auto Insert"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:172
msgid ""
"Select the post types which will have the table of contents automatically "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:173
msgid ""
"NOTE: The table of contents will only be automatically inserted on post "
"types for which it has been enabled."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:180
msgid "Position"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:181
msgid "Choose where where you want to display the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:184
msgid "Before first heading (default)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:185
msgid "After first heading"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:186
msgid "Top"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:187
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:194
msgid "Show when"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:195
msgid "or more headings are present"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:202
msgid "Display Header Label"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:203
msgid "Show header text above the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:209
msgid "Header Label"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:210
msgid "Eg: Contents, Table of Contents, Page Contents"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:212
msgid "Contents"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:216
msgid "Toggle View"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:217
msgid "Allow the user to toggle the visibility of the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:237
msgid "Initial View"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:238
msgid "Initially hide the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:244
msgid "Show as Hierarchy"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:251
msgid "Counter"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:255
msgid "Decimal (default)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:256
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:257
msgid "Roman"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:258
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:264
msgid "Smooth Scroll"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:276
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:281
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:295
msgid "Relative"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:307 includes/class.options.php:352
msgid "Custom"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:309
msgid "User Defined"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:317
msgid "Custom Width"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:318
msgid ""
"Select the User Defined option from the Width option to utilitze the custom "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:324
msgid "Float"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:328
msgid "None (Default)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:329
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:330
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:336
msgid "Font Size"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:343
msgid "Theme"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:344
msgid ""
"The theme is only applied to the table of contents which is auto inserted "
"into the post. The Table of Contents widget will inherit the theme widget "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:347
msgid "Grey"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:348
msgid "Light Blue"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:349
msgid "White"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:350
msgid "Black"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:351
msgid "Transparent"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:358
msgid "Custom Theme"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:359
msgid "For the following settings to apply, select the Custom Theme option."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:364
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:371
msgid "Border Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:378
msgid "Title Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:385
msgid "Link Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:392
msgid "Link Hover Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:399
msgid "Link Visited Color"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:411
msgid "Lowercase"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:412
msgid "Ensure anchors are in lowercase."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:418
msgid "Hyphenate"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:419
msgid "Use - rather than _ in anchors."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:425
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:426
msgid "Show the table of contents for qualifying items on the homepage."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:432
msgid "CSS"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:433
msgid ""
"Prevent the loading the core CSS styles. When selected, the appearance "
"options from above will be ignored."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:481
msgid "Smooth Scroll Offset"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:482
msgid ""
"If you have a consistent menu across the top of your site, you can adjust "
"the top offset to stop the headings from appearing underneath the top menu. "
"A setting of 30 accommodates the WordPress admin bar. This setting only has "
"an effect after you have enabled Smooth Scroll option."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:489
msgid "Limit Path"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:490
msgid ""
"Restrict generation of the table of contents to pages that match the "
"required path. This path is from the root of your site and always begins "
"with a forward slash."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:491
msgid "Eg: /wiki/, /corporate/annual-reports/"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:496
msgid "Default Anchor Prefix"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:497
msgid ""
"Anchor targets are restricted to alphanumeric characters as per HTML "
"specification (see readme for more detail). The default anchor prefix will "
"be used when no characters qualify. When left blank, a number will be used "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:498
msgid ""
"This option normally applies to content written in character sets other than "
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:499
msgid "Eg: i, toc_index, index, _"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:505
msgid "Widget Affix Selector"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:506
msgid ""
"To enable the option to affix or pin the Table of Contents widget enter the "
"theme's sidebar class or id."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:507
msgid ""
"Since every theme is different, this can not be determined automatically. If "
"you are unsure how to find the sidebar's class or id, please ask the theme's "
"support persons."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:508
msgid "Eg: .widget-area or #sidebar"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.options.php:756
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The callback function used for the <strong>%s</strong> setting is missing."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.widget-toc.php:22
msgid "Display the table of contents."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.widget-toc.php:310
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.widget-toc.php:317
msgid "Active Section Highlight Color:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.widget-toc.php:325
msgid "Affix or pin the widget."
msgstr ""
#: includes/class.widget-toc.php:329
msgid ""
"If you choose to affix the widget, do not add any other widgets on the "
"sidebar. Also, make sure you have only one instance Table of Contents widget "
"on the page."
msgstr ""
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:9
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:27
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr ""
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:45
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:61
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Easy Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://connections-pro.com/"
msgstr ""
#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
"Adds a user friendly and fully automatic way to create and display a table "
"of contents generated from the page content."
msgstr ""
#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid "Steven A. Zahm"
msgstr ""
#: Sticky Toggle Options
#: includes/inc.admin-options-page.php:286
msgid "Sticky Toggle Options"
msgstr ""
msgid "On/Off"
msgstr ""
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
msgid "Custom Width"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enter sticky toggle custom width here.."
msgstr ""
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
msgid "Custom Height"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enter sticky toggle custom height here.."
msgstr ""
msgid "Open Button Text"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enter sticky toggle open button text here.."
msgstr ""