2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

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namespace Nextend\SmartSlider3\Conflict;
use Nextend\Framework\Database\Database;
use Nextend\Framework\Model\StorageSectionManager;
class Conflict {
* @var Conflict
private static $platformConflict;
protected $conflicts = array();
protected $debugConflicts = array();
public $curlLog = false;
* @return Conflict
final public static function getInstance() {
if (!isset(self::$platformConflict)) {
self::$platformConflict = new WordPress\WordPressConflict();
return static::$platformConflict;
protected function __construct() {
public function getConflicts() {
return $this->conflicts;
public function getDebugConflicts() {
return $this->debugConflicts;
public function getCurlLog() {
return $this->curlLog;
protected function displayConflict($title, $description, $url = '') {
$this->conflicts[] = '<b>' . $title . '</b> - ' . $description . (!empty($url) ? ' <a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . n2_('Learn more') . '</a>' : '');
$this->debugConflicts[] = $title;
private function testPHPINIMaxInputVars() {
if (function_exists('ini_get')) {
$max_input_vars = intval(ini_get('max_input_vars'));
if ($max_input_vars < 1000) {
$this->displayConflict('PHP - max_input_vars', sprintf(n2_('Increase %1$s in php.ini to 1000 or more. Current value: %2$s'), '<b>max_input_vars</b>', $max_input_vars), 'https://smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1717-wordpress-installation');
private function testOpcache() {
if (function_exists('ini_get') && ini_get('opcache.enable')) {
$revalidateFrequenty = intval(ini_get('opcache.revalidate_freq'));
if ($revalidateFrequenty >= 15) {
$this->displayConflict('PHP - opcache', sprintf(n2_('Decrease %1$s below 15 in php.ini to prevent fatal errors on plugin updates. Current value: %2$s'), '<b>opcache.revalidate_freq</b>', $revalidateFrequenty), 'https://smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1717-wordpress-installation');
private function testApiConnection() {
$log = StorageSectionManager::getStorage('smartslider')
->get('log', 'api');
if (!empty($log)) {
if (strpos($log, 'ACTION_MISSING') === false) {
$this->displayConflict(n2_('Unable to connect to the API'), sprintf(n2_('See %1$sDebug Information%2$s for more details!'), '<b>', '</b>'));
$this->curlLog = json_decode($log, true);
private function testDatabaseTables() {
$tables = array(
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$table = Database::parsePrefix($table);
$result = Database::queryRow('SHOW TABLES LIKE :table', array(
":table" => $table
if (empty($result)) {
$this->conflicts[] = n2_('MySQL table missing') . ': ' . $table;
$this->debugConflicts[] = n2_('MySQL table missing') . ': ' . $table;
private function testGantry4() {
if (defined('GANTRY_VERSION') && version_compare(GANTRY_VERSION, '5', '<')) {
$this->displayConflict('Gantry 4', n2_('Your theme uses an outdated MooTools library which is not compatible.'), 'https://wordpress.org/support/topic/mootools-overwrites-the-native-bind/');