2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

592 lines
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namespace ShortPixel\Model\Image;
use ShortPixel\Helper\DownloadHelper as DownloadHelper;
use ShortPixel\Helper\UtilHelper as UtilHelper;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
use \ShortPixel\Model\File\FileModel as FileModel;
// Represent a thumbnail image / limited image in mediaLibrary.
class MediaLibraryThumbnailModel extends \ShortPixel\Model\Image\ImageModel
public $name;
/* public $width;
public $height;
public $mime; */
protected $prevent_next_try = false;
protected $is_main_file = false;
protected $is_retina = false; // diffentiate from thumbnail / retina.
protected $id; // this is the parent attachment id
protected $size; // size name of image in WP, if applicable.
protected $sizeDefinition; // size width / height / crop according to WordPress
public function __construct($path, $id, $size)
$this->image_meta = new ImageThumbnailMeta();
$this->id = $id;
$this->imageType = self::IMAGE_TYPE_THUMB;
$this->size = $size;
protected function loadMeta()
protected function saveMeta()
public function __debugInfo() {
return array(
'image_meta' => $this->image_meta,
'name' => $this->name,
'path' => $this->getFullPath(),
'size' => $this->size,
'width' => $this->get('width'),
'height' => $this->get('height'),
'exists' => ($this->exists()) ? 'yes' : 'no',
'is_virtual' => ($this->is_virtual()) ? 'yes' : 'no',
'wordpress_size' => $this->sizeDefinition,
/** Set the meta name of thumbnail. */
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function setSizeDefinition($sizedef)
$this->sizeDefinition = $sizedef;
public function setImageType($type)
$this->imageType = $type;
public function getRetina()
if ($this->is_virtual())
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$filepath = apply_filters('shortpixel/file/virtual/translate', $this->getFullPath(), $this);
$virtualFile = $fs->getFile($filepath);
$filebase = $virtualFile->getFileBase();
$filepath = (string) $virtualFile->getFileDir();
$extension = $virtualFile->getExtension();
// This function needs an hard check on file exists, which might not be wanted.
if (false === \wpSPIO()->env()->useVirtualHeavyFunctions())
return false;
else {
$filebase = $this->getFileBase();
$filepath = (string) $this->getFileDir();
$extension = $this->getExtension();
$retina = new MediaLibraryThumbnailModel($filepath . $filebase . '@2x.' . $extension, $this->id, $this->size); // mind the dot in after 2x
$retina->is_retina = true;
$forceCheck = true;
if ($retina->exists($forceCheck))
return $retina;
return false;
public function isFileTypeNeeded($type = 'webp')
// pdf extension can be optimized, but don't come with these filetypes
if ($this->getExtension() == 'pdf')
return false;
if ($type == 'webp')
$file = $this->getWebp();
elseif ($type == 'avif')
$file = $this->getAvif();
if ( ($this->isThumbnailProcessable() || $this->isOptimized()) && $file === false) // if no file, it can be optimized.
return true;
return false;
// @param FileDelete can be false. I.e. multilang duplicates might need removal of metadata, but not images.
public function onDelete($fileDelete = true)
if ($fileDelete == true)
$bool = parent::onDelete();
else {
$bool = true;
// minimally reset all the metadata.
if ($this->is_main_file)
$this->image_meta = new ImageMeta();
else {
$this->image_meta = new ImageThumbnailMeta();
return $bool;
protected function setMetaObj($metaObj)
$this->image_meta = clone $metaObj;
protected function getMetaObj()
return $this->image_meta;
// get_path param see MediaLibraryModel
// This should be unused at the moment!
public function getOptimizeUrls()
if (! $this->isProcessable() )
return false;
$url = $this->getURL();
if (! $url)
return false; //nothing
return $url;
public function getURL()
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
if ($this->size == 'original' && ! $this->get('is_retina'))
$url = wp_get_original_image_url($this->id);
elseif ($this->isUnlisted())
$url = $fs->pathToUrl($this);
// We can't trust higher lever function, or any WP functions. I.e. Woocommerce messes with the URL's if they like so.
// So get it from intermediate and if that doesn't work, default to pathToUrl - better than nothing.
// https://app.asana.com/0/1200110778640816/1202589533659780
$size_array = image_get_intermediate_size($this->id, $this->size);
if ($size_array === false || ! isset($size_array['url']))
$url = $fs->pathToUrl($this);
elseif (isset($size_array['url']))
$url = $size_array['url'];
// Even this can go wrong :/
if (strpos($url, $this->getFileName() ) === false)
// Taken from image_get_intermediate_size if somebody still messes with the filters.
$mainurl = wp_get_attachment_url( $this->id);
$url = path_join( dirname( $mainurl ), $this->getFileName() );
else {
return false;
return $this->fs()->checkURL($url);
// Just a placeholder for abstract, shouldn't do anything.
public function getImprovements()
return parent::getImprovements();
public function getBackupFileName()
$mainFile = ($this->is_main_file) ? $this : $this->getMainFile();
if (false == $mainFile)
return parent::getBackupFileName();
if ($mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getReplacementImageBase() !== false)
if ($this->is_main_file)
return $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getReplacementImageBase() . '.' . $this->getExtension();
else {
// $fileBaseNoSize =
$name = str_replace($mainFile->getFileBase(), $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getReplacementImageBase(), $this->getFileName());
return $name;
return parent::getBackupFileName();
protected function preventNextTry($reason = '')
$this->prevent_next_try = $reason;
// Don't ask thumbnails this, only the main image
public function isOptimizePrevented()
return false;
// Don't ask thumbnails this, only the main image
public function resetPrevent()
return null;
protected function isThumbnailProcessable()
// if thumbnail processing is off, thumbs are never processable.
// This is also used by main file, so check for that!
if ( $this->excludeThumbnails() && $this->is_main_file === false && $this->get('imageType') !== self::IMAGE_TYPE_ORIGINAL)
$this->processable_status = self::P_EXCLUDE_SIZE;
return false;
$bool = parent::isProcessable();
return $bool;
/** Function to check if said thumbnail is a WP-native or something SPIO added as unlisted
protected function isUnlisted()
if (! is_null($this->getMeta('file')))
return true;
return false;
// !Important . This doubles as checking excluded image sizes.
protected function isSizeExcluded()
$excludeSizes = \wpSPIO()->settings()->excludeSizes;
if (is_array($excludeSizes) && in_array($this->name, $excludeSizes))
$this->processable_status = self::P_EXCLUDE_SIZE;
return true;
$bool = parent::isSizeExcluded();
return $bool;
public function isProcessableFileType($type = 'webp')
// Prevent webp / avif processing for thumbnails if this is off. Exclude main file
if ($this->excludeThumbnails() === true && $this->is_main_file === false )
return false;
return parent::isProcessableFileType($type);
protected function getExcludePatterns()
$args = array(
'filter' => true,
'thumbname' => $this->name,
'is_thumbnail' => (true === $this->is_main_file) ? false : true,
// @todo Find a way to cache IsProcessable perhaps due to amount of checks being done. Should be release in flushOptimizeCache or elsewhere (?)
// $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 10);
$patterns = UtilHelper::getExclusions($args);
// echo "<PRE>"; print_r($args); print_r($patterns); echo "</PRE>";
return $patterns;
protected function excludeThumbnails()
return (! \wpSPIO()->settings()->processThumbnails);
public function hasBackup($args = array())
$defaults = array(
'forceConverted' => false,
'noConversionCheck' => false, // do not check on mainfile, this loops when used in loadMeta / legacyConversion
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
// @todo This can probably go.
if (true === $args['noConversionCheck'])
return parent::hasBackup();
$mainFile = ($this->is_main_file) ? $this : $this->getMainFile();
if (false == $mainFile)
return parent::hasBackup();
// When main file and converted and omitBackup is true ( only original backup ) and not forced.
$loadRegular= (false === $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted() ||
false === $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->omitBackup()) && false === $args['forceConverted'];
if (true === $loadRegular)
return parent::hasBackup();
$directory = $this->getBackupDirectory();
$converted_ext = $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getFileFormat();
if (! $directory)
return false;
$backupFile = $directory . $this->getFileBase() . '.' . $converted_ext;
// Issue with PNG not being scaled on the main file.
if (! file_exists($backupFile) && $mainFile->isScaled())
$backupFile = $directory . $mainFile->getOriginalFile()->getFileBase() . '.' . $converted_ext;
if (file_exists($backupFile) && ! is_dir($backupFile) )
return true;
else {
return false;
public function hasDBRecord()
global $wpdb;
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'shortpixel_postmeta WHERE attach_id = %d AND size = %s';
$sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id, $this->size);
$id = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
if (is_null($id))
return false;
elseif (is_numeric($id)) {
return true;
public function restore()
if ($this->is_virtual())
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$filepath = apply_filters('shortpixel/file/virtual/translate', $this->getFullPath(), $this);
$bool = parent::restore();
if ($bool === true)
if ($this->is_main_file)
// If item is converted and will not be moved back to original format ( but converted ) , keep the convert metadata
if (true === $this->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted() && false === $this->getMeta()->convertMeta()->omitBackup() )
$convertMeta = clone $this->getMeta()->convertMeta();
$imageMeta = new ImageMeta();
$bool = false; // Prevent cleanRestore from deleting the metadata.
else {
$imageMeta = new ImageMeta();
$this->image_meta = $imageMeta;
$this->image_meta = new ImageThumbNailMeta();
return $bool;
/** Tries to retrieve an *existing* BackupFile. Returns false if not present.
* This file might not be writable.
* To get writable directory reference to backup, use FileSystemController
public function getBackupFile($args = array())
$defaults = array(
'forceConverted' => false,
'noConversionCheck' => false, // do not check on mainfile, this loops when used in loadMeta / legacyConversion
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
if (true === $args['noConversionCheck'])
return parent::getBackupFile();
$mainFile = ($this->is_main_file) ? $this : $this->getMainFile();
if (false == $mainFile)
return parent::getBackupFile();
// When main file and converted and omitBackup is true ( only original backup ) and not forced.
$loadRegular= (false === $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted() ||
false === $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->omitBackup()) && false === $args['forceConverted'];
if (true === $loadRegular )
return parent::getBackupFile();
if ($this->hasBackup($args))
$directory = $this->getBackupDirectory();
$converted_ext = $mainFile->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getFileFormat();
$backupFile = $directory . $this->getFileBase() . '.' . $converted_ext;
/* Because WP doesn't support big PNG with scaled for some reason, it's possible it doesn't create them. Which means we end up with a scaled images without backup */
if (! file_exists($backupFile) && $mainFile->isScaled())
$backupFile = $directory . $mainFile->getOriginalFile()->getFileBase() . '.' . $converted_ext;
return new FileModel($backupFile);
return false;
protected function createBackup()
if ($this->is_virtual()) // download remote file to backup.
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$filepath = apply_filters('shortpixel/file/virtual/translate', $this->getFullPath(), $this);
$result = false;
if ($this->virtual_status == self::$VIRTUAL_REMOTE)
// filepath is translated. Check if this exists as a local copy, if not remotely download.
if ($filepath !== $this->getFullPath())
$fileObj = $fs->getFile($filepath);
$fileExists = $fileObj->exists();
else {
$fileExists = false;
if (false === $fileExists)
$downloadHelper = DownloadHelper::getInstance();
$url = $this->getURL();
$result = $downloadHelper->downloadFile($url, array('destinationPath' => $filepath));
elseif ($this->virtual_status == self::$VIRTUAL_STATELESS)
$result = $filepath;
else {
Log::addWarning('Virtual Status not set. Trying to blindly download vv DownloadHelper');
$downloadHelper = DownloadHelper::getInstance();
$url = $this->getURL();
$result = $downloadHelper->downloadFile($url, array('destinationPath' => $filepath));
if ($result == false)
$this->preventNextTry(__('Fatal Issue: Remote virtual file could not be downloaded for backup', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
Log::addError('Remote file download failed from : ' . $url . ' to: ' . $filepath, $this->getURL());
$this->error_message = __('Remote file could not be downloaded' . $this->getFullPath(), 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
return false;
return parent::createBackup();
// @todo This is a breach of pattern to realize checking for changes to the main image path on conversion / duplicates.
private function getMainFile()
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
return $fs->getMediaImage($this->id, true, true);
} // class