2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

377 lines
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namespace ShortPixel;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use ShortPixel\Notices\NoticeController as Notice;
use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
use ShortPixel\Model\File\DirectoryOtherMediaModel as DirectoryOtherMediaModel;
use ShortPixel\Controller\OtherMediaController as OtherMediaController;
use ShortPixel\Controller\AdminNoticesController as AdminNoticesController;
use ShortPixel\NextGenViewController as NextGenViewController;
// @integration NextGen Gallery
class NextGenController
protected static $instance;
// protected $view;
private $enableOverride = false; // when activating NG will not report active yet, but try to refresh folders. Do so.
// ngg_created_new_gallery
public function __construct()
add_filter('shortpixel/init/optimize_on_screens', array($this, 'add_screen_loads'));
add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'hooks'));
add_action('deactivate_nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php', array($this, 'resetNotification'));
public function hooks()
$controller = new NextGenViewController();
if ($this->optimizeNextGen()) // if optimization is on, hook.
add_action('ngg_update_addgallery_page', array( $this, 'addNextGenGalleriesToCustom'));
add_action('ngg_added_new_image', array($this,'handleImageUpload'));
if ($this->has_nextgen())
add_action('ngg_delete_image', array($this, 'OnDeleteImage'),10, 2); // this works only on single images!
add_action('shortpixel/othermedia/folder/load', array($this, 'loadFolder'), 10, 2);
// Off because this causes bad UX ( refresh folder but no images added)
//add_action('shortpixel/othermedia/addfiles', array($this, 'checkAddFiles'), 10, 3);
add_filter( 'ngg_manage_images_columns', array( $controller, 'nggColumns' ) );
add_filter( 'ngg_manage_images_number_of_columns', array( $controller, 'nggCountColumns' ) );
add_filter( 'ngg_manage_images_column_7_header', array( $controller, 'nggColumnHeader' ) );
add_filter( 'ngg_manage_images_column_7_content', array( $this, 'loadNextGenItem' ), 10,2 );
add_filter('ngg_manage_gallery_fields', array($this, 'refreshFolderOnLoad'), 10, 2);
// Use GetInstance, don't use the construct.
public static function getInstance()
if (is_null(self::$instance))
self::$instance = new NextGenController();
return self::$instance;
public function has_nextgen()
if (defined('NGG_PLUGIN'))
return true;
return false;
public function optimizeNextGen()
if (true === $this->enableOverride || \wpSPIO()->settings()->includeNextGen == 1)
return true;
return false;
public function isNextGenScreen()
$screens = $this->add_screen_loads(array());
if (! is_admin())
return false;
if (! function_exists('get_current_screen'))
return false;
$screen_id = \wpSPIO()->env()->screen_id;
if (in_array($screen_id, $screens))
return true;
return false;
/** called from settingController when enabling the nextGen settings */
public function enableNextGen($silent)
$this->enableOverride = true;
public function add_screen_loads($use_screens)
$use_screens[] = 'toplevel_page_nextgen-gallery'; // toplevel
$use_screens[] = 'nextgen-gallery_page_ngg_addgallery'; // add gallery
$use_screens[] = 'nextgen-gallery_page_nggallery-manage-album'; // manage album
$use_screens[] = 'nextgen-gallery_page_nggallery-manage-gallery'; // manage toplevel gallery
$use_screens[] = 'nggallery-manage-images'; // images in gallery overview
return $use_screens;
public function loadNextGenItem($unknown, $picture)
$viewController = new NextGenViewController();
public function refreshFolderOnLoad($array, $gallery)
$galleries = $this->getGalleries($gallery->gid);
if (isset($galleries[0]))
$otherMedia = OtherMediaController::getInstance();
$galleryFolder = $galleries[0];
$folder = $otherMedia->getFolderByPath($galleryFolder->getPath());
return $array;
/** Enables nextGen, add galleries to custom folders
* @param boolean $silent Throw a notice or not. This seems to be based if nextgen was already activated previously or not.
public function nextGenEnabled($silent)
} */
/** Tries to find a nextgen gallery for a shortpixel folder.
* Purpose is to test if this folder is a nextgen gallery
* Problem is that NG stores folders in a short format, not from root while SPIO stores whole path
* Assumption: The last two directory names should lead to an unique gallery and if so, it's nextgen
* @param $id int Folder ID
* @param $directory DirectoryOtherMediaModel Directory Object
public function loadFolder($id, $directory)
$path = $directory->getPath();
// No reason to check this?
if ($directory->get('status') == DirectoryOtherMediaModel::DIRECTORY_STATUS_NEXTGEN)
{ return; }
$path_split = array_filter(explode('/', $path));
$searchPath = trailingslashit(implode('/', array_slice($path_split, -2, 2)));
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SELECT gid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ngg_gallery WHERE path LIKE %s";
$sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, '%' . $searchPath . '');
$gid = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
if (! is_null($gid) && is_numeric($gid))
$res = $directory->set('status', DirectoryOtherMediaModel::DIRECTORY_STATUS_NEXTGEN);
//echo $gid;
/** Hook. If there is a refreshFolder action on a nextGen Directory, but the optimize Nextgen setting is off, it should not add those files to the custom Media */
public function checkAddFiles($bool, $files, $dirObj)
// Nothing nextgen.
if ($dirObj->get('is_nextgen') === false)
return $bool;
// If it's nextgen, but the setting is not on, reject those files.
if ($this->optimizeNextGen() === false)
return false;
return $bool;
/* @return DirectoryModel */
public function getGalleries($id = null)
global $wpdb;
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$homepath = $fs->getWPFileBase();
$sql = "SELECT path FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ngg_gallery";
if (! is_null($id))
$sql .= ' WHERE gid = %d';
$sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $id);
$result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
$galleries = array();
foreach($result as $row)
$directory = $fs->getDirectory($homepath->getPath() . $row->path);
if ($directory->exists())
$galleries[] = $directory;
return $galleries;
/** Adds nextGen galleries to custom table
* Note - this function does *Not* check if nextgen is enabled, not if checks custom Tables. Use nextgenEnabled for this.
* Enabled checks are not an external class issue, so must be done before calling.
public function addNextGenGalleriesToCustom($silent = true) {
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$homepath = $fs->getWPFileBase();
//add the NextGen galleries to custom folders
$ngGalleries = $this->getGalleries(); // DirectoryModel return.
$otherMedia = OtherMediaController::getInstance();
foreach($ngGalleries as $gallery)
$folder = $otherMedia->getFolderByPath($gallery->getPath());
if ($folder->get('in_db') === true)
if ($folder->get('status') !== 1)
$folder->set('status', DirectoryOtherMediaModel::DIRECTORY_STATUS_NEXTGEN);
// Try to silently fail this if directory is not allowed.
if (false === $folder->checkDirectory(true))
$directory = $otherMedia->addDirectory($gallery->getPath());
if (! $directory)
Log::addWarn('Could not add this directory' . $gallery->getPath() );
$directory->set('status', DirectoryOtherMediaModel::DIRECTORY_STATUS_NEXTGEN);
if (count($ngGalleries) > 0)
// put timestamp to this setting.
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$settings->hasCustomFolders = time();
public function handleImageUpload($image)
$otherMedia = OtherMediaController::getInstance();
//$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
if ($this->optimizeNextGen() === true) {
$imageFsPath = $this->getImageAbspath($image);
$otherMedia->addImage($imageFsPath, array('is_nextgen' => true));
public function resetNotification()
public function onDeleteImage($nggId, $size)
$image = $this->getNGImageByID($nggId);
$paths = array();
if ($size === false)
$imageSizes = $this->getImageSizes($image);
foreach($imageSizes as $size)
$paths[] = $this->getImageAbspath($image, $size);
else {
$paths = array_merge($paths, $this->getImageAbspath($image, $size));
foreach($paths as $path)
$otherMediaController = OtherMediaController::getInstance();
$mediaItem = $otherMediaController->getCustomImageByPath($path);
public function updateImageSize($nggId, $path) {
$image = $this->getNGImageByID($nggId);
$dimensions = getimagesize($this->getImageAbspath($image));
$size_meta = array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1]);
$image->meta_data = array_merge($image->meta_data, $size_meta);
$image->meta_data['full'] = $size_meta;
protected function getNGImageByID($nggId)
$mapper = \C_Image_Mapper::get_instance();
$image = $mapper->find($nggId);
return $image;
/* @param NextGen Image */
protected function saveToNextGen($image)
$mapper = \C_Image_Mapper::get_instance();
protected function getImageAbspath($image, $size = 'full') {
$storage = \C_Gallery_Storage::get_instance();
return $storage->get_image_abspath($image, $size);
protected function getImageSizes($image)
$storage = \C_Gallery_Storage::get_instance();
return $storage->get_image_sizes($image);
} // class.
$ng = NextGenController::getInstance();