2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

400 lines
11 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
* HTTP API request collector.
* @package query-monitor
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* @extends QM_DataCollector<QM_Data_HTTP>
class QM_Collector_HTTP extends QM_DataCollector {
* @var string
public $id = 'http';
* @var mixed|null
private $info = null;
* @var array<string, array<string, mixed>>
* @phpstan-var array<string, array{
* url: string,
* start: float,
* args: array<string, mixed>,
* filtered_trace: list<array<string, mixed>>,
* component: QM_Component,
* }>
private $http_requests = array();
* @var array<string, array<string, mixed>>
* @phpstan-var array<string, array{
* end: float,
* args: array<string, mixed>,
* response: mixed[]|WP_Error,
* info: array<string, mixed>|null,
* }>
private $http_responses = array();
public function get_storage(): QM_Data {
return new QM_Data_HTTP();
* @return void
public function set_up() {
add_filter( 'http_request_args', array( $this, 'filter_http_request_args' ), 9999, 2 );
add_filter( 'pre_http_request', array( $this, 'filter_pre_http_request' ), 9999, 3 );
add_action( 'http_api_debug', array( $this, 'action_http_api_debug' ), 9999, 5 );
add_action( 'requests-curl.after_request', array( $this, 'action_curl_after_request' ), 9999, 2 );
add_action( 'requests-fsockopen.after_request', array( $this, 'action_fsockopen_after_request' ), 9999, 2 );
* @return void
public function tear_down() {
remove_filter( 'http_request_args', array( $this, 'filter_http_request_args' ), 9999 );
remove_filter( 'pre_http_request', array( $this, 'filter_pre_http_request' ), 9999 );
remove_action( 'http_api_debug', array( $this, 'action_http_api_debug' ), 9999 );
remove_action( 'requests-curl.before_request', array( $this, 'action_curl_before_request' ), 9999 );
remove_action( 'requests-curl.after_request', array( $this, 'action_curl_after_request' ), 9999 );
remove_action( 'requests-fsockopen.before_request', array( $this, 'action_fsockopen_before_request' ), 9999 );
remove_action( 'requests-fsockopen.after_request', array( $this, 'action_fsockopen_after_request' ), 9999 );
* @return array<int, string>
public function get_concerned_actions() {
$actions = array(
$transports = array(
foreach ( $transports as $transport ) {
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.after_headers";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.after_multi_exec";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.after_request";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.after_send";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_multi_add";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_multi_exec";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_parse";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_redirect";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_redirect_check";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_request";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.before_send";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.remote_host_path";
$actions[] = "requests-{$transport}.remote_socket";
return $actions;
* @return array<int, string>
public function get_concerned_filters() {
return array(
* @return array<int, string>
public function get_concerned_constants() {
return array(
* Filter the arguments used in an HTTP request.
* Used to log the request, and to add the logging key to the arguments array.
* @param array<string, mixed> $args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @return array<string, mixed> HTTP request arguments.
public function filter_http_request_args( array $args, $url ) {
$trace = new QM_Backtrace( array(
'ignore_hook' => array(
current_filter() => true,
'ignore_class' => array(
'WP_Http' => true,
'ignore_func' => array(
'wp_safe_remote_request' => true,
'wp_safe_remote_get' => true,
'wp_safe_remote_post' => true,
'wp_safe_remote_head' => true,
'wp_remote_request' => true,
'wp_remote_get' => true,
'wp_remote_post' => true,
'wp_remote_head' => true,
'wp_remote_fopen' => true,
'download_url' => true,
'vip_safe_wp_remote_get' => true,
'vip_safe_wp_remote_request' => true,
'wpcom_vip_file_get_contents' => true,
) );
if ( isset( $args['_qm_key'], $this->http_requests[ $args['_qm_key'] ] ) ) {
// Something has triggered another HTTP request from within the `pre_http_request` filter
// (eg. WordPress Beta Tester does this). This allows for one level of nested queries.
$args['_qm_original_key'] = $args['_qm_key'];
$start = $this->http_requests[ $args['_qm_key'] ]['start'];
} else {
$start = microtime( true );
$key = microtime( true ) . $url;
$this->http_requests[ $key ] = array(
'url' => $url,
'args' => $args,
'start' => $start,
'filtered_trace' => $trace->get_filtered_trace(),
'component' => $trace->get_component(),
$args['_qm_key'] = $key;
return $args;
* Log the HTTP request's response if it's being short-circuited by another plugin.
* This is necessary due to https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/25747
* $response should be one of boolean false, an array, or a `WP_Error`, but be aware that plugins
* which short-circuit the request using this filter may (incorrectly) return data of another type.
* @param false|mixed[]|WP_Error $response The preemptive HTTP response. Default false.
* @param array<string, mixed> $args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @return false|mixed[]|WP_Error The preemptive HTTP response.
public function filter_pre_http_request( $response, array $args, $url ) {
// All is well:
if ( false === $response ) {
return $response;
// Something's filtering the response, so we'll log it
$this->log_http_response( $response, $args, $url );
return $response;
* Debugging action for the HTTP API.
* @param mixed $response A parameter which varies depending on $action.
* @param string $action The debug action. Currently one of 'response' or 'transports_list'.
* @param string $class The HTTP transport class name.
* @param array<string, mixed> $args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @return void
public function action_http_api_debug( $response, $action, $class, $args, $url ) {
switch ( $action ) {
case 'response':
$this->log_http_response( $response, $args, $url );
case 'transports_list':
# Nothing
* @param mixed $headers
* @param mixed[] $info
* @return void
public function action_curl_after_request( $headers, array $info = null ) {
$this->info = $info;
* @param mixed $headers
* @param mixed[] $info
* @return void
public function action_fsockopen_after_request( $headers, array $info = null ) {
$this->info = $info;
* Log an HTTP response.
* @param mixed[]|WP_Error $response The HTTP response.
* @param array<string, mixed> $args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @return void
public function log_http_response( $response, array $args, $url ) {
/** @var string */
$key = $args['_qm_key'];
$http_response = array(
'end' => microtime( true ),
'response' => $response,
'args' => $args,
'info' => $this->info,
if ( isset( $args['_qm_original_key'] ) ) {
/** @var string */
$original_key = $args['_qm_original_key'];
$this->http_responses[ $original_key ]['end'] = $this->http_requests[ $original_key ]['start'];
$this->http_responses[ $original_key ]['response'] = new WP_Error( 'http_request_not_executed', sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Hook name */
__( 'Request not executed due to a filter on %s', 'query-monitor' ),
) );
$this->http_responses[ $key ] = $http_response;
$this->info = null;
* @return void
public function process() {
$this->data->ltime = 0;
if ( empty( $this->http_requests ) ) {
* List of HTTP API error codes to ignore.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param array $http_errors Array of HTTP errors.
$silent = apply_filters( 'qm/collect/silent_http_errors', array(
) );
$home_host = (string) parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST );
foreach ( $this->http_requests as $key => $request ) {
$response = $this->http_responses[ $key ];
if ( empty( $response['response'] ) ) {
// Timed out
$response['response'] = new WP_Error( 'http_request_timed_out', __( 'Request timed out', 'query-monitor' ) );
$response['end'] = floatval( $request['start'] + $response['args']['timeout'] );
if ( $response['response'] instanceof WP_Error ) {
if ( ! in_array( $response['response']->get_error_code(), $silent, true ) ) {
$this->data->errors['alert'][] = $key;
$type = 'error';
} elseif ( ! $response['args']['blocking'] ) {
$type = 'non-blocking';
} else {
$code = intval( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response['response'] ) );
$type = "http:{$code}";
if ( ( $code >= 400 ) && ( 'HEAD' !== $request['args']['method'] ) ) {
$this->data->errors['warning'][] = $key;
$ltime = ( $response['end'] - $request['start'] );
$redirected_to = null;
if ( isset( $response['info'] ) && ! empty( $response['info']['url'] ) && is_string( $response['info']['url'] ) ) {
// Ignore query variables when detecting a redirect.
$from = untrailingslashit( preg_replace( '#\?[^$]+$#', '', $request['url'] ) );
$to = untrailingslashit( preg_replace( '#\?[^$]+$#', '', $response['info']['url'] ) );
if ( $from !== $to ) {
$redirected_to = $response['info']['url'];
$this->data->ltime += $ltime;
$host = (string) parse_url( $request['url'], PHP_URL_HOST );
$local = ( $host === $home_host );
$this->log_type( $type );
$this->log_component( $request['component'], $ltime, $type );
$this->data->http[ $key ] = array(
'args' => $response['args'],
'component' => $request['component'],
'filtered_trace' => $request['filtered_trace'],
'host' => $host,
'info' => $response['info'],
'local' => $local,
'ltime' => $ltime,
'redirected_to' => $redirected_to,
'response' => $response['response'],
'type' => $type,
'url' => $request['url'],
# Load early in case a plugin is doing an HTTP request when it initialises instead of after the `plugins_loaded` hook
QM_Collectors::add( new QM_Collector_HTTP() );