2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

302 lines
12 KiB

jQuery( function( $ ) {
* @typedef ezTOC
* @type {Object} ezTOC
* @property {string} affixSelector
* @property {string} scroll_offset
* @property {string} smooth_scroll
* @property {string} visibility_hide_by_default
if ( typeof ezTOC != 'undefined' ) {
* Init EZ TOC.
function ezTOCInit() {
var affix = $( '.ez-toc-widget-container.ez-toc-affix' );
if ( 0 !== affix.length ) {
* The smooth scroll offset needs to be taken into account when defining the offset_top property.
* @link https://github.com/shazahm1/Easy-Table-of-Contents/issues/19
* @type {number}
var affixOffset = 30;
// check offset setting
if ( typeof ezTOC.scroll_offset != 'undefined' ) {
affixOffset = parseInt( ezTOC.scroll_offset );
$( ezTOC.affixSelector ).stick_in_parent( {
inner_scrolling: false,
offset_top: affixOffset
} )
$.fn.shrinkTOCWidth = function() {
$( this ).css( {
width: 'auto',
display: 'table'
if ( /MSIE 7\./.test( navigator.userAgent ) )
$( this ).css( 'width', '' );
if ( typeof ezTOC.visibility_hide_by_default != 'undefined' ) {
// Get all toggles that have not been loaded.
var toggles = $( '.ez-toc-toggle:not(.ez-toc-loaded),.ez-toc-widget-sticky-toggle:not(.ez-toc-loaded)' );
var invert = ezTOC.visibility_hide_by_default;
$.each(toggles, function(i, obj) {
var toggle = $(this);
$(toggle).addClass('ez-toc-loaded'); // Attach loaded class.
var toc = $( toggle ).parents('#ez-toc-container,#ez-toc-widget-container,#ez-toc-widget-sticky-container').find( 'ul.ez-toc-list,ul.ez-toc-widget-sticky-list' );
invert = 1;
if ( Cookies ) {
Cookies.get( 'ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i ) == 1 ? $(toggle).data( 'visible', false ) : $(toggle).data( 'visible', true );
Cookies.remove('ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i)
} else {
$(toggle).data( 'visible', true );
Cookies.remove('ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i);
if ( invert ) {
$(toggle).data( 'visible', false )
if ( ! $(toggle).data( 'visible' ) ) {
$(toggle).on( 'click', function( event ) {
const main = document.querySelector("#ez-toc-container");
const side = document.querySelector(".ez-toc-widget-container,.ez-toc-widget-sticky-container");
if ( $( this ).data( 'visible' ) ) {
$( this ).data( 'visible', false );
if ( Cookies ) {
if ( invert )
Cookies.set( 'ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i, null, { path: '/' } );
Cookies.set( 'ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i, '1', { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
toc.hide( 'fast' );
} else {
$( this ).data( 'visible', true );
if ( Cookies ) {
if ( invert )
Cookies.set( 'ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i, '1', { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
Cookies.set( 'ezTOC_hidetoc-' + i, null, { path: '/' } );
toc.show( 'fast' );
} );
// ======================================
// Set active heading in ez-toc-widget list
// ======================================
var headings = $( 'span.ez-toc-section' ).toArray();
var headingToListElementLinkMap = getHeadingToListElementLinkMap( headings );
var listElementLinks = $.map( headingToListElementLinkMap, function ( value, key ) {
return value
} );
var scrollOffset = getScrollOffset();
function setActiveEzTocListElement() {
var activeHeading = getActiveHeading( scrollOffset, headings );
if ( activeHeading ) {
var activeListElementLink = headingToListElementLinkMap[ activeHeading.id ];
removeStyleFromNonActiveListElement( activeListElementLink, listElementLinks );
setStyleForActiveListElementElement( activeListElementLink );
function activateSetActiveEzTocListElement() {
if ( headings.length > 0 && $('.ez-toc-widget-container').length) {
$( window ).on( 'load resize scroll', setActiveEzTocListElement );
function deactivateSetActiveEzTocListElement() {
$( window ).off( 'load resize scroll', setActiveEzTocListElement );
function getEzTocListElementLinkByHeading( heading ) {
return $( '.ez-toc-widget-container .ez-toc-list a[href="#' + $( heading ).attr( 'id' ) + '"]' );
function getHeadingToListElementLinkMap( headings ) {
return headings.reduce( function ( map, heading ) {
map[ heading.id ] = getEzTocListElementLinkByHeading( heading );
return map;
}, {} );
function getScrollOffset() {
var scrollOffset = 5; // so if smooth offset is off, the correct title is set as active
if ( typeof ezTOC.smooth_scroll != 'undefined' && parseInt( ezTOC.smooth_scroll ) === 1 ) {
scrollOffset = ( typeof ezTOC.scroll_offset != 'undefined' ) ? parseInt( ezTOC.scroll_offset ) : 30;
var adminbar = $( '#wpadminbar' );
if ( adminbar.length ) {
scrollOffset += adminbar.height();
return scrollOffset;
function getActiveHeading( topOffset, headings ) {
var scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop();
var relevantOffset = scrollTop + topOffset + 1;
var activeHeading = headings[ 0 ];
var closestHeadingAboveOffset = relevantOffset - $( activeHeading ).offset().top;
headings.forEach( function ( section ) {
var topOffset = relevantOffset - $( section ).offset().top;
if ( topOffset > 0 && topOffset < closestHeadingAboveOffset ) {
closestHeadingAboveOffset = topOffset;
activeHeading = section;
} );
return activeHeading;
function removeStyleFromNonActiveListElement( activeListElementLink, listElementLinks ) {
listElementLinks.forEach( function ( listElementLink ) {
if ( activeListElementLink !== listElementLink && listElementLink.parent().hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
listElementLink.parent().removeClass( 'active' );
} );
function correctActiveListElementBackgroundColorHeight( activeListElement ) {
var listElementHeight = getListElementHeightWithoutUlChildren( activeListElement );
addListElementBackgroundColorHeightStyleToHead( listElementHeight );
function getListElementHeightWithoutUlChildren( listElement ) {
var $listElement = $( listElement );
var content = $listElement.html();
// Adding list item with class '.active' to get the real height.
// When adding a class to an existing element and using jQuery(..).height() directly afterwards,
// the height is the 'old' height. The height might change due to text-wraps when setting the text-weight bold for example
// When adding a new item, the height is calculated correctly.
// But only when it might be visible (so display:none; is not possible...)
// But because it get's directly removed afterwards it never will be rendered by the browser
// (at least in my tests in FF, Chrome, IE11 and Edge)
$listElement.parent().append( '<li id="ez-toc-height-test" class="active">' + content + '</li>' );
var listItem = $( '#ez-toc-height-test' );
var height = listItem.height();
return height - ($listElement.children( 'ul' ).first().height() || 0);
function addListElementBackgroundColorHeightStyleToHead( listElementHeight ) {
// Remove existing
//$( '#ez-toc-active-height' ).remove();
// jQuery(..).css(..) doesn't work, because ::before is a pseudo element and not part of the DOM
// Workaround is to add it to head
// $( '<style id="ez-toc-active-height">.ez-toc-widget-container ul.ez-toc-list li.active {height:' + listElementHeight + 'px;' + '} </style>' ).appendTo( 'head' );
$( '.ez-toc-widget-container ul.ez-toc-list li.active' ).css( 'height',listElementHeight + 'px' );
function setStyleForActiveListElementElement( activeListElementLink ) {
var activeListElement = activeListElementLink.parent();
if ( !activeListElement.hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
activeListElement.addClass( 'active' );
correctActiveListElementBackgroundColorHeight( activeListElement );
if($( '#ez-toc-container').length){
if(!$( '#ez-toc-container .ez-toc-toggle label span').html()){
$( '#ez-toc-container .ez-toc-toggle label').html(ezTOC.fallbackIcon);
* Attach global init handler to ezTOC window object.
ezTOC.init = function(){
// Start EZ TOC on page load.
if ( typeof ezTOC.ajax_toggle != 'undefined' && parseInt( ezTOC.ajax_toggle ) === 1 ) {
$( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
$("#ez-toc-more-links-enabler").click(function () {
$("#ez-toc-more-links-disabler").click(function () {
$(document).on('click', '#ez-toc-open-sub-hd', function(e) {
$(document).on('click', '#ez-toc-open-sub-hd-active', function(e) {
} );