2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00

112 lines
4.5 KiB

( function( $ ) {
$( window ).on( 'load', function() {
$( window ).on( 'resize', function() {
/* Enable style for the Booking search form */
$( '.sldr_bkng_wrapper' ).each( function() {
var sliderBoxWidth = $( this ).find( '.sldr_wrapper' ).width();
var sliderExist = $( this ).find( '.sldr_wrapper' ).length;
var return_location_list = $( this ).find( 'select[name="bws_bkng_search[bkng_return_location]"]' ).parent().parent();
if ( sliderExist > 0 && sliderBoxWidth > 900 ) {
/* If the slider block width is more than 900px, display standard Booking search form */
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' );
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' );
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' );
if ( $( this ).find('.bws_bkng_search_products_item').parent().hasClass( 'bws_bkng_search_products_items' ) ) {
$( this ).find( '.bws_bkng_search_products_item' ).unwrap( '<div class="bws_bkng_search_products_items" />' );
/* For theme Renty */
var interval = setInterval( function() {
if ( $( 'a.sbToggle' ).length > 0 ) {
clearInterval( interval );
$( 'a.sbToggle' ).css( 'width', '0' );
}, 50 );
/* end */
$( 'a.sbToggle' ).css( 'width', '0' );
return_location_list.css( {'display' : 'block', 'width' : '100%'} );
} else if( sliderExist > 0 && sliderBoxWidth > 520 && sliderBoxWidth < 900 ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' );
/* If the slider block width is less than 900px, display Booking search form in row */
if ( ! $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' ) ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' );
/* Show/hide the return locations list in the products search form */
$( this ).find( '.crrntl-return-different-location' ).prop( 'checked', true );
/* Display hidden return locations field on the search form */
$( this ).find( '.crrntl-return-different-location' ).on( 'change', function() {
/*var return_location_list = $( this ).parent().parent().next( 'div' );*/
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
return_location_list.css( { 'display':'block', 'width':'21%' } );
} else {
} ).trigger( 'change' );
if ( ! $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' ) ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' );
$( '.bws_bkng_search_products_form' ).each( function() {
if ( ! $( this ).find( '.bws_bkng_filter_button' ).parent().hasClass( 'bws_bkng_buttons' ) ) {
$( this ).find( '.bws_bkng_filter_button[type="submit"]' ).wrap( '<div class="bws_bkng_buttons" />' );
$( this ).find( '.bws_bkng_filter_button[type="reset"]' ).appendTo( $( this ).find( '.bws_bkng_buttons' ) );
if ( ! $( this ).children().hasClass( 'bws_bkng_search_products_items' ) ) {
$( this ).children().wrapAll( '<div class="bws_bkng_search_products_items" />' );
} );
/* if there isn't any created location */
if ( $( 'select[name="bws_bkng_search[bkng_return_location]"]' ).length == 0 ) {
$( '.bws_bkng_search_products_item:nth-child(2)' ).css( 'top', '55%' );
/* end */
} else if ( sliderExist > 0 && sliderBoxWidth < 520 ) {
/* If the slider block width is less than 520px, display standard mobile Booking search form */
if ( ! $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' ) ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_view' );
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_mobile_inline_view' );
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'sldr_bkng_inline_form' );
return_location_list.css( {'display' : 'block', 'width' : '100%'} );
} );
/* Search form position regarding the height of the slider */
$( '.sldr_bkng_wrapper' ).each( function() {
var height = $( this ).find( '.sldr_wrapper' ).height();
var marginTop = Math.ceil( height * -0.2 );
$( this ).find( '.crrntl_search_form_wrap' ).find( '.crrntl_search_form' ).css( 'margin-top', marginTop );
} );
} ).trigger( 'resize' );
} );
} )( jQuery );