<?php namespace Nextend\SmartSlider3\Slider\Feature; use Nextend\Framework\Image\ImageEdit; use Nextend\Framework\Image\ImageManager; use Nextend\Framework\Parser\Color; use Nextend\Framework\ResourceTranslator\ResourceTranslator; use Nextend\Framework\View\Html; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Slider\Slide; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Slider\Slider; class SlideBackground { /** * @var Slider */ private $slider; public function __construct($slider) { $this->slider = $slider; } public function makeJavaScriptProperties(&$properties) { $enabled = intval($this->slider->params->get('slide-background-parallax', 0)); if ($enabled) { $properties['backgroundParallax'] = array( 'strength' => intval($this->slider->params->get('slide-background-parallax-strength', 50)) / 100, 'tablet' => intval($this->slider->params->get('bg-parallax-tablet', 0)), 'mobile' => intval($this->slider->params->get('bg-parallax-mobile', 0)) ); } } /** * @param $slide Slide * * @return string */ public function make($slide) { if ($slide->parameters->get('background-type') == '') { $slide->parameters->set('background-type', 'color'); if ($slide->parameters->get('backgroundVideoMp4')) { $slide->parameters->set('background-type', 'video'); } else if ($slide->parameters->get('backgroundImage')) { $slide->parameters->set('background-type', 'image'); } } return $this->makeBackground($slide); } private function getBackgroundStyle($slide) { $attributes = array(); $style = ''; $color = $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundColor', '')); if (empty($color)) { $color = 'ffffff00'; } if (strlen($color) > 0 && $color[0] == '#') { $color = substr($color, 1); if (strlen($color) == 6) { $color .= 'ff'; } } $gradient = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundGradient', 'off'); if ($gradient != 'off') { $colorEnd = $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundColorEnd', 'ffffff00')); if (empty($colorEnd)) { $colorEnd = 'ffffff00'; } if ($colorEnd[0] == '#') { $colorEnd = substr($colorEnd, 1); if (strlen($colorEnd) == 6) { $colorEnd .= 'ff'; } } $startColor = Color::colorToRGBA($color); $endColor = Color::colorToRGBA($colorEnd); $attributes['data-gradient'] = $gradient; $attributes['data-color-start'] = $startColor; $attributes['data-color-end'] = $endColor; switch ($gradient) { case 'horizontal': $style .= 'background:linear-gradient(to right, ' . $startColor . ' 0%,' . $endColor . ' 100%);'; break; case 'vertical': $style .= 'background:linear-gradient(to bottom, ' . $startColor . ' 0%,' . $endColor . ' 100%);'; break; case 'diagonal1': $style .= 'background:linear-gradient(45deg, ' . $startColor . ' 0%,' . $endColor . ' 100%);'; break; case 'diagonal2': $style .= 'background:linear-gradient(135deg, ' . $startColor . ' 0%,' . $endColor . ' 100%);'; break; } } else { if (strlen($color) == 8) { $colorRGBA = Color::colorToRGBA($color); $style .= "background-color: " . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ";"; $attributes['data-color'] = $colorRGBA; } } $attributes['style'] = $style; return $attributes; } private function makeBackground($slide) { $backgroundType = $slide->parameters->get('background-type'); if (empty($backgroundType)) { $backgroundVideoMp4 = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundVideoMp4', ''); $backgroundImage = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundImage', ''); if (!empty($backgroundVideoMp4)) { $backgroundType = 'video'; } else if (!empty($backgroundImage)) { $backgroundType = 'image'; } else { $backgroundType = 'color'; } } $fillMode = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundMode', 'default'); if ($fillMode == 'default') { $fillMode = $this->slider->params->get('backgroundMode', 'fill'); } $backgroundElements = array(); if ($backgroundType == 'color') { $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderColor($slide); } else if ($backgroundType == 'video') { $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderBackgroundVideo($slide); $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderImage($slide, $fillMode); $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderColor($slide); } else if ($backgroundType == 'image') { $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderImage($slide, $fillMode); $backgroundElements[] = $this->renderColor($slide); } $html = implode('', $backgroundElements); /* @see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1181291 * if (!$slide->getFrontendFirst()) { * $html = '<template>' . $html . '</template>'; * } */ return Html::tag('div', array( 'class' => "n2-ss-slide-background", 'data-public-id' => $slide->publicID, 'data-mode' => $fillMode ), $html); } private function renderColor($slide) { $backgroundAttributes = $this->getBackgroundStyle($slide); if (!empty($backgroundAttributes['style'])) { $backgroundAttributes['class'] = 'n2-ss-slide-background-color'; if ($slide->parameters->get('backgroundColorOverlay', 0)) { $backgroundAttributes['data-overlay'] = 1; } return Html::tag('div', $backgroundAttributes, ''); } return ''; } /** * @param $slide Slide * @param $fillMode * * @return string */ private function renderImage($slide, $fillMode) { $rawBackgroundImage = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundImage', ''); if (empty($rawBackgroundImage)) { return ''; } $backgroundImageBlur = max(0, $slide->parameters->get('backgroundImageBlur', 0)); $focusX = max(0, min(100, $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundFocusX', 50)))); $focusY = max(0, min(100, $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundFocusY', 50)))); $backgroundImageMobile = ''; $backgroundImageTablet = ''; $backgroundImageDesktopRetina = ''; $backgroundImage = $slide->fill($rawBackgroundImage); if (!$slide->hasGenerator()) { $imageData = ImageManager::getImageData($backgroundImage); $backgroundImageDesktopRetina = $imageData['desktop-retina']['image']; $backgroundImageMobile = $imageData['mobile']['image']; $backgroundImageTablet = $imageData['tablet']['image']; } $alt = $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundAlt', '')); $title = $slide->fill($slide->parameters->get('backgroundTitle', '')); $opacity = min(100, max(0, $slide->parameters->get('backgroundImageOpacity', 100))); $style = array(); if ($opacity < 100) { $style[] = 'opacity:' . ($opacity / 100); } if ($focusX != '50') { $style[] = '--ss-o-pos-x:' . $focusX . '%'; } if ($focusY != '50') { $style[] = '--ss-o-pos-y:' . $focusY . '%'; } $attributes = array( "class" => 'n2-ss-slide-background-image', "data-blur" => $backgroundImageBlur, "data-opacity" => $opacity, "data-x" => $focusX, "data-y" => $focusY, "data-alt" => $alt, "data-title" => $title ); if (!empty($style)) { $attributes['style'] = implode(';', $style); } $sources = array(); if ($this->slider->isAdmin) { $src = $backgroundImage; $attributes['data-hash'] = md5($src); $attributes['data-src-desktop'] = $src; $attributes['data-src-desktop-retina'] = $backgroundImageDesktopRetina; $attributes['data-src-tablet'] = $backgroundImageTablet; $attributes['data-src-mobile'] = $backgroundImageMobile; } else { if (empty($backgroundImage)) { /** * @todo Does it really work as expected? */ $src = ImageEdit::base64Transparent(); } else { /** * @todo this resize might have a better place */ $src = $backgroundImage; if ($this->slider->params->get('optimize-scale', 0)) { $src = ResourceTranslator::urlToResource($this->slider->features->optimize->optimizeBackground($backgroundImage, $focusX, $focusY)); } $slide->addImage(ResourceTranslator::toUrl($src)); } $hasDeviceSpecificImage = false; $mediaQueries = $this->slider->features->responsive->mediaQueries; if (!empty($backgroundImageDesktopRetina)) { $hasDeviceSpecificImage = true; $backgroundImageDesktopRetina = ResourceTranslator::toUrl($backgroundImageDesktopRetina); $mediaQueryMinPixelRatio = ' and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)'; if (!empty($mediaQueries['desktopportrait'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageDesktopRetina, 'media' => implode($mediaQueryMinPixelRatio . ',', $mediaQueries['desktopportrait']) . $mediaQueryMinPixelRatio )), false, false); } if (!empty($mediaQueries['desktoplandscape'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageDesktopRetina, 'media' => implode($mediaQueryMinPixelRatio . ',', $mediaQueries['desktoplandscape']) . $mediaQueryMinPixelRatio )), false, false); } } if (!empty($backgroundImageMobile)) { $hasDeviceSpecificImage = true; $backgroundImageMobileUrl = ResourceTranslator::toUrl($backgroundImageMobile); if (!empty($mediaQueries['mobileportrait'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageMobileUrl, 'media' => implode(',', $mediaQueries['mobileportrait']) )), false, false); } if (!empty($mediaQueries['mobilelandscape'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageMobileUrl, 'media' => implode(',', $mediaQueries['mobilelandscape']) )), false, false); } } if (!empty($backgroundImageTablet)) { $hasDeviceSpecificImage = true; $backgroundImageTabletUrl = ResourceTranslator::toUrl($backgroundImageTablet); if (!empty($mediaQueries['tabletportrait'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageTabletUrl, 'media' => implode(',', $mediaQueries['tabletportrait']) )), false, false); } if (!empty($mediaQueries['tabletlandscape'])) { $sources[] = HTML::tag('source', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'srcset' => $backgroundImageTabletUrl, 'media' => implode(',', $mediaQueries['tabletlandscape']) )), false, false); } } } $imageAttributes = array( 'src' => ResourceTranslator::toUrl($src), 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $title, 'loading' => 'lazy', 'style' => '' ); $imageAttributes = Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes($imageAttributes); $sources[] = Html::tag('img', $imageAttributes, '', false); $picture = HTML::tag('picture', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(), implode('', $sources)); $originalImage = Html::tag('div', $attributes, $picture); if ($fillMode === 'blurfit') { $slideOption = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundMode', 'default'); if ($slideOption === 'blurfit') { $blurFit = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundBlurFit', 7); } else { $blurFit = $this->slider->params->get('backgroundBlurFit', 7); $attributes['data-blurfitmode'] = 'default'; } $picture = HTML::tag('picture', Html::addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes(array( 'style' => 'filter:blur(' . $blurFit . 'px)' )), implode('', $sources)); $blurFitStyle = array( 'margin:-' . ($blurFit * 2) . 'px', 'padding:' . ($blurFit * 2) . 'px' ); if (!isset($attributes['style'])) { $attributes['style'] = ''; } $attributes['data-globalblur'] = $this->slider->params->get('backgroundBlurFit', 7); $attributes['data-bgblur'] = $slide->parameters->get('backgroundBlurFit', 7); $attributes['style'] = implode(';', $blurFitStyle); $ret = Html::tag('div', $attributes, $picture) . $originalImage; } else { $ret = $originalImage; } return $ret; } /** * @param Slide $slide * * @return string */ private function renderBackgroundVideo($slide) { return ''; } }