
\Nextend\Framework\Localization\Localization::addJS(array("%s or newer required for this feature.","Above %s pixels.","Action","Activate","Activate Smart Slider 3 Pro","Activation is required to unlock all features!","Add animation","Add keyframe","Add Layer","Add post","Adjust","Advanced","Align (Absolute)","All","All layers, all devices","All layers, current device","An event you use to trigger layer animation(s) with","Animated heading","Animation","Animation tab","Are you sure?","Area","Arrows","Audio","Auto","Autoplay duration","Backward","Before After","Below %s pixels.","Between %s and %s pixels.","Block","bottom","Bottom","Boxed","Button","Cancel","Caption","Carousel","Center","Change group","Change slider type","Changing your slider type is irreversible. After changing your slider type, %syou will lose all slider type related settings%s.","Child layers","Choose folder","Choose images","Circle counter","Clean HTML","Clear device specific settings","Clear guides","Close","Column","Content","Content List - One Per Line","Content tab","Convert","Convert to slide","Copy","Copy slide to","Countdown","Counter","Create","Create a New Project","Create group","Create new project","Current layer, all devices","Current layer, current device","Current path","Dashboard","Data","Days","Delete","Delete permanently","delete these slides","delete this slide","delete this slider","Deleted.","Desktop","Direction","Disabled","Done","Drop files here","Duplicate","Edit","Edit generator","Edit Slider","Editor settings","Empty","empty the trash","Enabled","Event name","Examples","Filter","Find image","Find link","Forward","Full page","Full width","General","Go Pro","Go to slide","Go to slide ID","Got it","Group","Group created","Group name","Groups","Guide settings","Heading","Height","Hide on","Highlighted heading","Hours","HTML","Icon","Icon not found","Icons","Iframe","Image","Image area","Image box","Image field can not be empty!","Input","Insert","Insert a slider into your content","Insert group","Join more than 120,000 subscribers and get access to the latest slider templates, tips, tutorials and other exclusive contents directly to your inbox.","Join The Smart Slider 3 Community","Joomla module","Keyboard shortcuts","Keyframe","Landscape","Laptop","Large desktop","Large mobile","Large tablet","Layer","Layer Animation - Basic","Layer Animation - Reveal","Layer design options affect every device. If you need to make responsive adjustments, look for the options with the device icon.","Layer List","Layer(s)","Layout","left","Left","Lightbox","List","Load style","Loop","Loops %s and returns to starting slide.","Loops %s and stops before starting slide.","Margin","Max width","Middle","Minutes","Mobile","Move (Absolute)","Move to trash","My project","Name","Next slide","No","No file selected.","None","Notice","Numeric keys","Off","On","Oops, Something Went Wrong","Open docs","Open/Close","or import your own files","Orientation","Outer %s","Overwrite preset","Padding","Parent","Parent directory","Paste","Pick the align point of the child layer!","Pick the align point of the parent layer!","Pick the parent layer!","Play animations","Please fill the name field!","Please select a Post first!","Portrait","Posts","Preset","Preset deleted.","Preset saved.","Preview","Previous slide","Pro","Progress bar","Project type","Publish","Records","Redo","Register Smart Slider 3 Pro on this domain to enable auto update, slider templates and slide library.","Remove animations","Remove HTML","Remove line breaks","Remove links","Rename","Reset style to default","Respect words","Result","right","Right","Round to 5px","Row","Ruler","Save","Save as","Save as New","Save style as new preset","Saved.","Scroll to","Scroll to alias","Scrolls to the bottom of the page.","Scrolls to the top of the page.","Search","Search keyword","Seconds","Select","Select image","Select Slider","Select the slider you want to insert.","Set","Set as first","Settings","Show/Hide in editor","Showcase","Simple","Size","Skip","Slide","Slide event","Slide height","Slide ID","Slide index","slide index: 2 %s direction: backward","slide index: 5 %s direction: forward","Slide title","Slide width","Slider","Slider alias","Slider alias set at Slider settings > General","Slider type","Smart Slider 3 activated!","Smart snap","Special Zero","Split by Chars","Start a new project from scratch and build exactly what you’ve imagined. You can easily customize every pixels and create anything with layers.","Start with a Template","Start with a template and make it your own with the innovative drag and drop interface. You can choose from hundreds of premade templates.","Static","Strict","Style tab","Subscribe","Success","Switches %s slide(s).","Switches to the %s. slide.","Switches to the fifth slide as if the next arrow was pressed","Switches to the second slide as if the previous arrow was pressed","Switches to the slide with the #2 ID as if the previous arrow was pressed","Switches to the slide with the #5 ID as if the next arrow was pressed","Tablet","Text","Text animation in","Text animation out","The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.","The deletion is irreversible, and it's not possible to recover %s.","The image is empty","Theme","There is no layer available to be parent of the current layer!","This block is not available in the free version. %s","This section requires activated Pro version.","This slide is hidden on the following devices: %s","Timeline","Titles - One Per Line","top","Top","Top and bottom","Transition","Undo","Unexpected response","Unpublish","Up","Upgrade to Pro","URL","Use default selector","Use Joomla selector","Use our powerful visual editor, or simply import one of our existing template.","Video","View","What do you want to create today?","Width","You can use any jQuery selector to scroll to a specific element on the page. Example: \"#pricing\" scrolls to the element with the id of \"pricing\".","You can use presets to save style settings for later use. Clicking on any preset will load its styling to your current layer, and the previous style settings will be lost.","You have not created any presets for this layer yet.","You're about to %s. "));