 * No direct access to this file
if (! isset($data)) {
<p>This is the list of all the CSS/JS that had its original position changed (e.g. from <code>&lt;HEAD&gt;</code> to <code>&lt;BODY&gt;</code> (also known as: footer) to reduce render blocking resources, or from <code>&lt;BODY&gt;</code> to <code>&lt;HEAD&gt;</code> for early triggering). Changing the location of an asset is available in the<img style="opacity: 0.6;" width="20" height="20" src="<?php echo esc_url(WPACU_PLUGIN_URL); ?>/assets/icons/icon-lock.svg" valign="top" alt="" /> <a href="<?php echo apply_filters('wpacu_go_pro_affiliate_link', WPACU_PLUGIN_GO_PRO_URL . '?utm_source=plugin_bulk_changes&utm_medium=assets_positions'); ?>">Pro version</a> only.</p>