import $ from 'jquery'; const { ResizeObserver } = window; function setImgWidth($el) { if ($el && $el.height > 1) { $ = `${$el.height}px`; } } // We need to use resize observer because for some reason in the Preview // and on some mobile devices image height is 1px. const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach(({ target }) => { if (target) { setImgWidth(target); } }); }); // Init minimal paged pagination. $(document).on('init.vpf loadedNewItems.vpf', (event, self) => { if ( event.namespace !== 'vpf' || self.options.pagination !== 'paged' || !self.$pagination.children('.vp-pagination__style-minimal').length ) { return; } // Hack used in Paged active item to make circle using hidden . // See styles for tag in /templates/pagination/style.scss const $activeItem = self.$pagination.find('.vp-pagination__item-active'); let $img = $activeItem.find('img'); if (!$img.length) { $img = $( '' ); resizeObserver.observe($img[0]); $activeItem.prepend($img); setImgWidth($img[0]); } });