special_styles(); $inside_editor = $styles['inside-editor']; $asset_location = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset_SEO_Location( WPSEO_FILE ); $url = $asset_location->get_url( $inside_editor, WPSEO_Admin_Asset::TYPE_CSS ); if ( $css_files === '' ) { $css_files = $url; } else { $css_files .= ',' . $url; } return $css_files; } /** * Enqueues the CSS to use in the TinyMCE editor. */ public function add_editor_styles() { $asset_manager = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager(); $asset_manager->enqueue_style( 'inside-editor' ); } /** * Adds a custom element to the tinyMCE editor that we need for marking the content. * * @param array $tinymce_config The tinyMCE config as configured by WordPress. * * @return array The new tinyMCE config with our added custom elements. */ public function add_custom_element( $tinymce_config ) { if ( ! empty( $tinymce_config['custom_elements'] ) ) { $custom_elements = $tinymce_config['custom_elements']; $custom_elements .= ',~yoastmark'; } else { $custom_elements = '~yoastmark'; } $tinymce_config['custom_elements'] = $custom_elements; return $tinymce_config; } }