import './style.scss'; import selectStyles from 'gutenberg-react-select-styles'; import $ from 'jquery'; import rafSchd from 'raf-schd'; import Select, { components } from 'react-select'; import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/async'; import CreatableSelect from 'react-select/creatable'; import { SortableContainer, SortableElement, sortableHandle, } from 'react-sortable-hoc'; import { debounce } from 'throttle-debounce'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; const { Option } = components; const { ajaxurl, VPGutenbergVariables } = window; const cachedOptions = {}; const SortableSelect = SortableContainer(Select); const SortableCreatableSelect = SortableContainer(CreatableSelect); const SortableAsyncSelect = SortableContainer(AsyncSelect); const SortableMultiValueLabel = sortableHandle((props) => ( )); const SortableMultiValue = SortableElement((props) => { // this prevents the menu from being opened/closed when the user clicks // on a value to begin dragging it. ideally, detecting a click (instead of // a drag) would still focus the control and toggle the menu, but that // requires some magic with refs that are out of scope for this example const onMouseDown = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }; const innerProps = { ...props.innerProps, onMouseDown }; return ; }); function arrayMove(array, from, to) { array = array.slice(); array.splice(to < 0 ? array.length + to : to, 0, array.splice(from, 1)[0]); return array; } /** * Component Class */ export default class VpfSelectControl extends Component { constructor(...args) { super(...args); const { callback } = this.props; this.state = { options: {}, ajaxStatus: !!callback, }; this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this); this.getDefaultValue = this.getDefaultValue.bind(this); this.findValueData = this.findValueData.bind(this); this.requestAjax = this.requestAjax.bind(this); this.requestAjaxDebounce = debounce(300, rafSchd(this.requestAjax)); } componentDidMount() { const { callback } = this.props; if (callback) { this.requestAjax({}, (result) => { if (result.options) { this.setState({ options: result.options, }); } }); } } /** * Get options list. * * @return {Object} - options list for React Select. */ getOptions() { const { controlName } = this.props; if (cachedOptions[controlName]) { return cachedOptions[controlName]; } return Object.keys(this.state.options).length ? this.state.options : this.props.options; } /** * Get default value in to support React Select attribute. * * @return {Object} - value object for React Select. */ getDefaultValue() { const { value, isMultiple } = this.props; let result = null; if (isMultiple) { if ((!value && typeof value !== 'string') || !value.length) { return result; } result = []; value.forEach((innerVal) => { result.push(this.findValueData(innerVal)); }); } else { if (!value && typeof value !== 'string') { return result; } result = this.findValueData(value); } return result; } /** * Find option data by value. * * @param {string} findVal - value. * * @return {Object | boolean} - value object. */ findValueData(findVal) { let result = { value: findVal, label: findVal, }; const options = this.getOptions(); // Find value in options. if (options) { Object.keys(options).forEach((val) => { const data = options[val]; if (val === findVal) { if (typeof data === 'string') { result.label = data; } else { result = data; } } }); } return result; } /** * Request AJAX dynamic data. * * @param {Object} additionalData - additional data for AJAX call. * @param {Function} callback - callback. * @param {boolean} useStateLoading - use state change when loading. */ requestAjax( additionalData = {}, callback = () => {}, useStateLoading = true ) { const { controlName, attributes } = this.props; if (this.isAJAXinProgress) { return; } this.isAJAXinProgress = true; if (useStateLoading) { this.setState({ ajaxStatus: 'progress', }); } const ajaxData = { action: 'vp_dynamic_control_callback', nonce: VPGutenbergVariables.nonce, vp_control_name: controlName, vp_attributes: attributes, ...additionalData, }; $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: ajaxData, complete: (data) => { const json = data.responseJSON; if (callback && json.response) { if (json.response.options) { cachedOptions[controlName] = { ...cachedOptions[controlName], ...json.response.options, }; } callback(json.response); } if (useStateLoading) { this.setState({ ajaxStatus: true, }); } this.isAJAXinProgress = false; }, }); } /** * Prepare options for React Select structure. * * @param {Object} options - options object. * * @return {Object} - prepared options. */ prepareOptions(options) { return Object.keys(options || {}).map((val) => { const option = options[val]; let result = { value: val, label: options[val], }; if (typeof option === 'object') { result = { ...option }; } return result; }); } render() { const { onChange, isMultiple, isSearchable, isCreatable, callback } = this.props; const { ajaxStatus } = this.state; const isAsync = !!callback && isSearchable; const isLoading = ajaxStatus && ajaxStatus === 'progress'; const selectProps = { // Test opened menu items: // menuIsOpen: true, className: 'vpf-component-select', styles: { ...selectStyles, menuPortal: (styles) => { return { ...styles, zIndex: 1000000, }; }, }, menuPortalTarget: document.body, components: { Option(optionProps) { const { data } = optionProps; return ( ); }, }, value: this.getDefaultValue(), options: this.prepareOptions(this.getOptions()), onChange(val) { if (isMultiple) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { const result = []; val.forEach((innerVal) => { result.push(innerVal ? innerVal.value : ''); }); onChange(result); } else { onChange([]); } } else { onChange(val ? val.value : ''); } }, isMulti: isMultiple, isSearchable, isLoading, isClearable: false, placeholder: isSearchable ? __('Type to search…', 'visual-portfolio') : __('Select…', 'visual-portfolio'), }; // Multiple select. if (isMultiple) { selectProps.useDragHandle = true; selectProps.axis = 'xy'; selectProps.onSortEnd = ({ oldIndex, newIndex }) => { const newValue = arrayMove( this.getDefaultValue(), oldIndex, newIndex ); selectProps.onChange(newValue); }; selectProps.distance = 4; // small fix for selectProps.getHelperDimensions = ({ node }) => node.getBoundingClientRect(); selectProps.components.MultiValue = SortableMultiValue; selectProps.components.MultiValueLabel = SortableMultiValueLabel; // prevent closing options dropdown after select. selectProps.closeMenuOnSelect = false; } // Creatable select. if (isCreatable) { selectProps.placeholder = __( 'Type and press Enter…', 'visual-portfolio' ); selectProps.isSearchable = true; if (isMultiple) { return ; } return ; } // Async select. if (isAsync) { selectProps.loadOptions = (inputValue, cb) => { this.requestAjaxDebounce( { q: inputValue }, (result) => { const newOptions = []; if (result && result.options) { Object.keys(result.options).forEach((k) => { newOptions.push(result.options[k]); }); } cb(newOptions.length ? newOptions : null); }, false ); }; selectProps.cacheOptions = true; selectProps.defaultOptions = selectProps.options; delete selectProps.options; delete selectProps.isLoading; if (isMultiple) { return ; } return ; } // Default select. if (isMultiple) { return ; } return