get('id'); $primary = isset($actions['optimizethumbs']) ? 'button-primary' : ''; $output .= "
"; $output .= "
"; foreach($actions as $actionName => $actionData) { $link = ($actionData['type'] == 'js') ? 'javascript:' . $actionData['function'] : $actionData['function']; $output .= "" . esc_html($actionData['text']) . ""; } $output .= "
"; return $output; } public static function renderSuccessText($imageObj) { $output = ''; //$percent = $imageObj->getMeta('improvement'); $percent = $imageObj->getImprovement(); if($percent == 999) return ; if ($percent == 999 ) $output .= __("Reduced by X%(unknown)", 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); if ($percent && $percent > 0) { $output .= __('Reduced by','shortpixel-image-optimiser') . ' ' . self::formatNumber($percent,2) . '% '; } if (intval($percent) < 5) $output .= __('Bonus processing','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $type = $imageObj->getMeta('compressionType'); $output .= ' ('. self::compressionTypeToText($type) .')'; $thumbs = $imageObj->get('thumbnails'); $thumbsDone = $retinasDone = 0; $thumbsTotal = ($thumbs) ? count($thumbs) : 0; $retinas = $imageObj->get('retinas'); $webpsTotal = $imageObj->count('webps'); $avifsTotal = $imageObj->count('avifs'); if($retinas) { foreach($retinas as $retinaObj) { if ($retinaObj->isOptimized()) { $retinasDone++; } } } $improvements = $imageObj->getImprovements(); $thumbTotal = $thumbsDone = 0; if ($imageObj->get('thumbnails')) { $thumbsTotal = count($imageObj->get('thumbnails')); // //$thumbsDone = (isset($improvements['thumbnails'])) ? count($improvements['thumbnails']) : 0; $thumbsDone = $imageObj->count('optimized', array('thumbs_only' => true)); $excludedThumbs = $imageObj->count('user_excluded', array('thumbs_only' => true)); } if (isset($improvements['thumbnails'])) { $excluded = ($excludedThumbs > 0) ? sprintf(__('(%s excluded)', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $excludedThumbs) : ''; $output .= '
'; if ($thumbsTotal > $thumbsDone) $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+%s of %s thumbnails optimized','shortpixel-image-optimiser'), self::formatNumber($thumbsDone,0), self::formatNumber($thumbsTotal,0)) . ' ' . $excluded . '
'; elseif ($thumbsDone > 0) $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+%s thumbnails optimized','shortpixel-image-optimiser'), self::formatNumber($thumbsDone, 0)) . ' ' . $excluded . '
'; $improvs = array(); uasort($improvements['thumbnails'], function ($a, $b) { //return $b[0] <=> $a[0]; // @todo Efficient code to use once PHP 5 support is done. if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($b < $a) ? -1 : 1; }); $cutoff = false; $thumbCount = count($improvements['thumbnails']); if ($thumbCount > 20) { $improvements['thumbnails'] = array_slice($improvements['thumbnails'], 0, 15, true); $cutoff = true; } // Quality Check foreach($improvements['thumbnails'] as $thumbName => $thumbStat) { $stat = $thumbStat[0]; if (is_numeric($stat) && $stat >= 0) { $improvs[$thumbName] = $stat; //self::formatNumber($stat,2); } } if (count($improvs) > 0) { $output .= "
"; $lowrating = 0; foreach($improvs as $thumbName => $stat) { $statText = self::formatNumber($stat, 2); $title = sprintf(__('%s : %s', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $thumbName, $statText . '%'); $rating = ceil( round($stat) / 10); if (0 == $rating) { $lowrating++; continue; } $blocks_on = str_repeat(' ', $rating); $blocks_off = str_repeat(' ', (10- $rating)); $output .= "
" . "" . $thumbName . '' . "" . $blocks_on . $blocks_off . "
"; } if ($lowrating > 0) { $blocks_off = str_repeat(' ', 10); $output .= "
" . "" . sprintf(__('+ %d thumbnails ', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $lowrating) . '' . "" . $blocks_off . "
"; } if (true === $cutoff) { $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+ %d more', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), ($thumbCount - 15)) . '
'; } $output .= "
"; } $output .= "
"; } if ($retinasDone > 0) { $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+%s Retina images optimized','shortpixel-image-optimiser') , $retinasDone) . '
'; } if ($webpsTotal > 0) { $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+%s Webp images ','shortpixel-image-optimiser') , $webpsTotal) . '
'; } if ($avifsTotal > 0) { $output .= '
' . sprintf(__('+%s Avif images ','shortpixel-image-optimiser') , $avifsTotal) . '
'; } if ($imageObj->isSomethingOptimized() && $imageObj->isProcessable()) { list($urls, $optimizable) = $imageObj->getCountOptimizeData('thumbnails'); list($webpUrls, $webpCount) = $imageObj->getCountOptimizeData('webp'); list($avifUrls, $avifCount) = $imageObj->getCountOptimizeData('avif'); $maxList = 10; if (count($urls) > $maxList) { $urls = array_slice($urls, 0, $maxList, true); $urls[] = '...'; } if (count($webpUrls) > $maxList) { $webpUrls = array_slice($webpUrls, 0, $maxList, true); $webpUrls[] = '...'; } if (count($avifUrls) > $maxList) { $avifUrls = array_slice($avifUrls, 0, $maxList, true); $avifUrls[] = '...'; } if ($optimizable > 0) { $output .= '

' . sprintf(__('%d images to optimize', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $optimizable) . '

'; $output .= ""; foreach($urls as $optObj) { if ($optObj === '...') $output .= $optObj; else $output .= substr($optObj, strrpos($optObj, '/')+1) . '
'; } $output .= "
"; $output .= '
'; } if ($webpCount > 0 ) { $output .= '

' . sprintf(__('%d Webp files to create', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $webpCount) . '

'; $output .= ""; foreach($webpUrls as $optObj) { if ($optObj === '...') $output .= $optObj; else $output .= self::convertImageTypeName(substr($optObj, strrpos($optObj, '/')+1), 'webp') . '
'; } $output .= "
"; $output .= '
'; } if ($avifCount > 0) { $output .= '

' . sprintf(__('%d Avif files to create', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $avifCount) . '

'; $output .= ""; foreach($avifUrls as $optObj) { $output .= self::convertImageTypeName(substr($optObj, strrpos($optObj, '/')+1), 'avif') . '
'; } $output .= "
"; $output .= '
'; } } return $output; } public static function compressionTypeToText($type) { if ($type == ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS ) return __('Lossless', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); if ($type == ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSY ) return __('Lossy', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); if ($type == ImageModel::COMPRESSION_GLOSSY ) return __('Glossy', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); return $type; } public static function getListActions($mediaItem) { $list_actions = array(); $id = $mediaItem->get('id'); $keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance(); if (! $keyControl->keyIsVerified()) { return array(); // nothing } $quotaControl = QuotaController::getInstance(); $access = AccessModel::getInstance(); if (! $access->imageIsEditable($mediaItem)) { return array(); } if ($id === 0) return array(); if ($mediaItem->isSomethingOptimized() ) { list($u, $optimizable) = $mediaItem->getCountOptimizeData('thumbnails'); list($u, $optimizableWebp) = $mediaItem->getCountOptimizeData('webp'); list($u, $optimizableAvif) = $mediaItem->getCountOptimizeData('avif'); if ($mediaItem->isProcessable() && ! $mediaItem->isOptimizePrevented()) { $action = self::getAction('optimizethumbs', $id); if ($optimizable > 0) { $total = $optimizable + $optimizableWebp + $optimizableAvif; if ($optimizableWebp > 0 || $optimizableAvif > 0) $itemText = __('items', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); else { $itemText = __('thumbnails', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); } $action['text'] = sprintf(__('Optimize %s %s','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),$total, $itemText); } else { if ($optimizableWebp > 0 && $optimizableAvif > 0) $text = sprintf(__('Optimize %s webps and %s avif','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),$optimizableWebp, $optimizableAvif); elseif ($optimizableWebp > 0) $text = sprintf(__('Optimize %s webps','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),$optimizableWebp); else $text = sprintf(__('Optimize %s avifs','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),$optimizableAvif); $action['text'] = $text; } $list_actions['optimizethumbs'] = $action; } if ($mediaItem->isRestorable()) { if ($mediaItem->get('type') == 'custom') { if ($mediaItem->getExtension() !== 'pdf') // no support for this $list_actions['comparer'] = self::getAction('compare-custom', $id); } else { // PDF without thumbnail can't be compared. $showCompare = true; if ($mediaItem->getExtension() == 'pdf') { if (! $mediaItem->getThumbnail('full')) $showCompare = false; elseif(! $mediaItem->getThumbnail('full')->hasBackup()) $showCompare = false; } if ($showCompare) $list_actions['comparer'] = self::getAction('compare', $id); } if ($mediaItem->isRestorable()) { $compressionType = $mediaItem->getMeta('compressionType'); switch($compressionType) { case ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS: $list_actions['reoptimize-lossy'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-lossy', $id); $list_actions['reoptimize-glossy'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-glossy', $id); break; case ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSY: $list_actions['reoptimize-lossless'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-lossless', $id); $list_actions['reoptimize-glossy'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-glossy', $id); break; case ImageModel::COMPRESSION_GLOSSY: $list_actions['reoptimize-lossy'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-lossy', $id); $list_actions['reoptimize-lossless'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-lossless', $id); break; } if ($mediaItem->get('type') === 'media') { $list_actions['reoptimize-smartcrop'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-smartcrop', $id, array('compressionType' => $compressionType)); $list_actions['reoptimize-smartcropless'] = self::getAction('reoptimize-smartcropless', $id, array('compressionType' => $compressionType)); } $list_actions['restore'] = self::getAction('restore', $id); } // isRestorable else { } } // hasBackup if (\wpSPIO()->env()->is_debug && $mediaItem->get('type') == 'media') { $list_actions['redo_legacy'] = self::getAction('redo_legacy', $id); } } //isOptimized if(! $quotaControl->hasQuota()) { $remove = array('reoptimize-lossy' => '', 'reoptimize-glossy' => '', 'reoptimize-lossless' => '', 'optimizethumbs' => ''); $list_actions = array_diff_key($list_actions, $remove); } return $list_actions; } public static function getActions($mediaItem) { $actions = array(); $id = $mediaItem->get('id'); $quotaControl = QuotaController::getInstance(); $optimizeController = new OptimizeController(); $keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance(); if (! $keyControl->keyIsVerified()) { return array(); // nothing } $access = AccessModel::getInstance(); if (! $access->imageIsEditable($mediaItem)) { return array(); } if ($id === 0) return array(); if(! $quotaControl->hasQuota()) { $actions['extendquota'] = self::getAction('extendquota', $id); $actions['checkquota'] = self::getAction('checkquota', $id); } elseif($mediaItem->isProcessable() && ! $mediaItem->isSomethingOptimized() && ! $mediaItem->isOptimizePrevented() && ! $optimizeController->isItemInQueue($mediaItem)) { $actions['optimize'] = self::getAction('optimize', $id); $actions['markCompleted'] = self::getAction('markCompleted', $id); } elseif ($mediaItem->isUserExcluded() && false === $mediaItem->isSomethingOptimized()) { $actions['optimize'] = self::getAction('forceOptimize', $id); } return $actions; } public static function getStatusText($mediaItem) { $keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance(); $quotaControl = QuotaController::getInstance(); $optimizeController = new OptimizeController(); $settings = \wpSPIO()->settings(); $text = ''; if (! $keyControl->keyIsVerified()) { $text = __('Invalid API Key. Check your Settings','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); } // This basically happens when a NextGen gallery is not added to Custom Media. elseif ($mediaItem->get('id') === 0) { if ($mediaItem->isProcessable(true) === false) { $text = __('Not Processable: ','shortpixel_image_optimiser'); $text .= $mediaItem->getProcessableReason(); } else { if (\wpSPIO()->env()->has_nextgen && false == $settings->includeNextGen) { $text = __('This image was not found in our database. Enable "Optimize nextgen galleries" in the settings, or add this folder manually. ', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); } else { $text = __('This image was not found in our database. Refresh folders, or add this gallery', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); } } } elseif ($mediaItem->isSomethingOptimized()) { $text = UiHelper::renderSuccessText($mediaItem); } elseif (false === $mediaItem->isProcessable() ) { $text = __('Not Processable: ','shortpixel_image_optimiser'); $text .= $mediaItem->getProcessableReason(); } elseif (! $mediaItem->exists()) { $text = __('File does not exist.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); } elseif ($mediaItem->getMeta('status') < 0) { $text = $mediaItem->getMeta('errorMessage'); } elseif( $optimizeController->isItemInQueue($mediaItem) === true) { $text = '

' . __('This item is waiting to be processed', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser') . '

'; $action = self::getAction('cancelOptimize', $mediaItem->get('id')); $text .= '

' . $action['text'] . '

'; } if ($mediaItem->isOptimizePrevented() !== false) { $retry = self::getAction('retry', $mediaItem->get('id')); $unmark = self::getAction('unMarkCompleted', $mediaItem->get('id')); $redo_legacy = false; if ($mediaItem->get('type') == 'media') { $was_converted = get_post_meta($mediaItem->get('id'), '_shortpixel_was_converted', true); $updateTs = 1656892800; // July 4th 2022 - 00:00 GMT if ($was_converted < $updateTs) { $meta = $mediaItem->getWPMetaData(); if (is_array($meta) && isset($meta['ShortPixel'])) { $redo_legacy = self::getAction('redo_legacy', $mediaItem->get('id')); } } } $status = $mediaItem->getMeta('status'); $text = ''; // reset text if (ImageModel::FILE_STATUS_MARKED_DONE == $status) { $text .= "
" . esc_html($mediaItem->getReason('processable')); $text .= "

" . sprintf(__('%s Click to unmark as completed %s', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), '', '') . '

'; $text .= '
'; } else { $text .= "
" . esc_html($mediaItem->getReason('processable')); $text .= "" . sprintf(__('After you have fixed this issue, you can %s click here to retry %s', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), '', '') . ''; $text .= '
'; } if ($redo_legacy !== false) { $text .= "
"; $text .= sprintf(esc_html__('It seems you have older converted legacy data, which might cause this issue. You can try to %s %s %s . If nothing changes, this is not the cause. ','shortpixel-image-optimiser'), '', $redo_legacy['text'], ''); $text .= "
"; } } return $text; } // Defines all possible actions in the Ui public static function getAction($name, $id, $args = array()) { $action = array('function' => '', 'type' => '', 'text' => '', 'display' => ''); $keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance(); $compressionType = isset($args['compressionType']) ? $args['compressionType'] : null; switch($name) { case 'optimize': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.Optimize(' . $id . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Optimize Now', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'forceOptimize': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.Optimize(' . $id . ', true)'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Override exclusions and optimize now', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'cancelOptimize': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.CancelOptimizeItem(' . $id . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Cancel item optimization', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'markCompleted': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.MarkCompleted(' . $id . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Mark as Completed', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'button-secondary'; $action['layout'] = 'paragraph'; $action['title'] = __('This will cause the plugin to skip this image for optimization', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case 'unMarkCompleted': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.UnMarkCompleted(' . $id . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Click to unmark this item as done', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'js'; break; case 'optimizethumbs': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.Optimize(' . $id . ');'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = ''; $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'retry': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.Optimize(' . $id . ');'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Retry', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser') ; $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'redo_legacy': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.RedoLegacy(' . $id . ');'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Redo Conversion', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser') ; $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'restore': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.RestoreItem(' . $id . ');'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Restore backup','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'compare': $action['function'] = 'ShortPixel.loadComparer(' . $id . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Compare', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'compare-custom': $action['function'] = 'ShortPixel.loadComparer(' . $id . ',"custom")'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Compare', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'reoptimize-glossy': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.ReOptimize(' . $id . ',' . ImageModel::COMPRESSION_GLOSSY . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Re-optimize Glossy','shortpixel-image-optimiser') ; $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'reoptimize-lossy': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.ReOptimize(' . $id . ',' . ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSY . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Re-optimize Lossy','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'reoptimize-lossless': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.ReOptimize(' . $id . ',' . ImageModel::COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Re-optimize Lossless','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'reoptimize-smartcrop': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.ReOptimize(' . $id . ',' . $compressionType . ',' . ImageModel::ACTION_SMARTCROP . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Re-optimize with SmartCrop','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'reoptimize-smartcropless': $action['function'] = 'window.ShortPixelProcessor.screen.ReOptimize(' . $id . ',' . $compressionType . ',' . ImageModel::ACTION_SMARTCROPLESS . ')'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['text'] = __('Re-optimize without SmartCrop','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'inline'; break; case 'extendquota': $action['function'] = ''. $keyControl->getKeyForDisplay(); $action['type'] = 'button'; $action['text'] = __('Extend Quota','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $action['display'] = 'button'; break; case 'checkquota': $action['function'] = 'ShortPixel.checkQuota()'; $action['type'] = 'js'; $action['display'] = 'button'; $action['text'] = __('Check  Quota','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; } return $action; } public static function getConvertErrorReason($error) { switch($error) { case -1: //ERROR_LIBRARY: $reason = __('PNG Library is not present or not working', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case -2: //ERROR_PATHFAIL: $reason = __('Could not create path', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case -3: //ERROR_RESULTLARGER: $reason = __('Result file is larger','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case -4: // ERROR_WRITEERROR $reason = __('Could not write result file', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case -5: // ERROR_BACKUPERROR $reason = __('Could not create backup', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; case -6: // ERROR_TRANSPARENT $reason = __('Image is transparent', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); break; default: $reason = sprintf(__('Unknown error %s', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $error); break; } $message = sprintf(__('Not converted: %s ', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $reason); return $message; } public static function getKBSearchLink($subject) { return esc_url(self::$knowledge_url . sanitize_text_field($subject)); } // @param MediaLibraryModel Object $imageItem // @param String $size Preferred size // @param String Preload The preloader tries to guess what the preview might be for a more smooth process. Ignore optimize / backup public static function findBestPreview($imageItem, $size = 800, $preload = false) { $closestObj = $imageItem; // set the standard. if ($imageItem->getExtension() == 'pdf') // try not to select non-showable extensions. $bestdiff = 0; else $bestdiff = abs($imageItem->get('width') - $size); $thumbnails = $imageItem->get('thumbnails'); if (! is_array($thumbnails)) { return $closestObj; // nothing more to do. } foreach($thumbnails as $thumbnail) { if (! $preload && (! $thumbnail->isOptimized() || ! $thumbnail->hasBackup())) continue; $diff = abs($thumbnail->get('width') - $size); if ($diff < $bestdiff) { $closestObj = $thumbnail; $bestdiff = $diff; } } return $closestObj; } public static function formatTS($ts) { //$format = get_option('date_format') .' @ ' . date_i18n(get_option('time_format'); if (function_exists('wp_date')) { $date = wp_date(get_option('date_format'), $ts); $date .= ' @ ' . wp_date(get_option('time_format'), $ts); } else { $date = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $ts); $date .= ' @ ' . date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $ts); } return $date; } public static function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); return number_format_i18n(round($bytes, $precision), $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } public static function formatNumber($number, $precision = 2) { global $wp_locale; $decimalpoint = isset($wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point']) ? $wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point'] : false; $number = number_format_i18n( (float) $number, $precision); $hasDecimal = (strpos($number, $decimalpoint) === false) ? false : true; // Don't show trailing zeroes if number is a whole unbroken number. -> string comparison because number_format_i18n returns string. if ($decimalpoint !== false && $hasDecimal && substr($number, strpos($number, $decimalpoint) + 1) === '00') { $number = substr($number, 0, strpos($number, $decimalpoint)); } // Some locale's have no-breaking-space as thousands separator. This doesn't work well in JS / Cron Shell so replace with space. $number = str_replace(' ', ' ', $number); return $number; } public static function formatDate( $date ) { if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $date->format('Y-m-d ') ) { $h_time = ''; } else { $time = $date->format('U'); //get_post_time( 'G', true, $post, false ); if ( ( abs( $t_diff = time() - $time ) ) < DAY_IN_SECONDS ) { if ( $t_diff < 0 ) { $h_time = sprintf( __( '%s from now' ), human_time_diff( $time ) ); } else { $h_time = sprintf( __( '%s ago' ), human_time_diff( $time ) ); } } else { $h_time = $date->format( 'Y/m/d' ); } } return $h_time; } protected static function convertImageTypeName($name, $type) { if ($type == 'webp') { $is_double = \wpSPIO()->env()->useDoubleWebpExtension(); } if ($type == 'avif') { $is_double = \wpSPIO()->env()->useDoubleAvifExtension(); } if ($is_double) { return $name . '.' . $type; } else { return substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.')) . '.' . $type; } } /* Strings on settings page that need to be available for both JS and PHP */ public static function getSettingsStrings($name = false) { $strings = array( ); $exclusion_types = array( 'name' => __('Name', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), 'path' => __('Path', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), 'size' => __('Size', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), ); $exclusion_apply = array( 'all' => __('All', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), 'only-thumbs' => __('Only Thumbnails', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), 'only-custom' => __('Only Custom Media Images', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), 'selected-thumbs' => __('Selected Images', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), ); $strings['exclusion_types'] = $exclusion_types; $strings['exclusion_apply'] = $exclusion_apply; if ($name !== false && isset($strings[$name])) { return $strings[$name]; } return $strings; } } // class