*/ class QM_Collector_Conditionals extends QM_DataCollector { public $id = 'conditionals'; public function get_storage(): QM_Data { return new QM_Data_Conditionals(); } /** * @return void */ public function process() { /** * Allows users to filter the names of conditional functions that are exposed by QM. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param array $conditionals The list of conditional function names. */ $conds = apply_filters( 'qm/collect/conditionals', array( 'is_404', 'is_admin', 'is_archive', 'is_attachment', 'is_author', 'is_blog_admin', 'is_category', 'is_comment_feed', 'is_customize_preview', 'is_date', 'is_day', 'is_embed', 'is_favicon', 'is_feed', 'is_front_page', 'is_home', 'is_main_network', 'is_main_site', 'is_month', 'is_network_admin', 'is_page', 'is_page_template', 'is_paged', 'is_post_type_archive', 'is_preview', 'is_privacy_policy', 'is_robots', 'is_rtl', 'is_search', 'is_single', 'is_singular', 'is_ssl', 'is_sticky', 'is_tag', 'is_tax', 'is_time', 'is_trackback', 'is_user_admin', 'is_year', ) ); /** * This filter is deprecated. Please use `qm/collect/conditionals` instead. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param array $conditionals The list of conditional function names. */ $conds = apply_filters( 'query_monitor_conditionals', $conds ); $true = array(); $false = array(); $na = array(); foreach ( $conds as $cond ) { if ( function_exists( $cond ) ) { $id = null; if ( ( 'is_sticky' === $cond ) && ! get_post( $id ) ) { # Special case for is_sticky to prevent PHP notices $false[] = $cond; } elseif ( ! is_multisite() && in_array( $cond, array( 'is_main_network', 'is_main_site' ), true ) ) { # Special case for multisite conditionals to prevent them from being annoying on single site installations $na[] = $cond; } else { if ( call_user_func( $cond ) ) { $true[] = $cond; } else { $false[] = $cond; } } } else { $na[] = $cond; } } $this->data->conds = compact( 'true', 'false', 'na' ); } } /** * @param array $collectors * @param QueryMonitor $qm * @return array */ function register_qm_collector_conditionals( array $collectors, QueryMonitor $qm ) { $collectors['conditionals'] = new QM_Collector_Conditionals(); return $collectors; } add_filter( 'qm/collectors', 'register_qm_collector_conditionals', 10, 2 );