import './style.scss'; import { Button, ToggleControl } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import ControlsRender from '../controls-render'; import StepsWizard from './steps-wizard'; const { plugin_name: pluginName } = window.VPGutenbergVariables; const NOTICE_LIMIT = parseInt( window.VPGutenbergVariables.items_count_notice_limit, 10 ); function renderControls(props, category) { return ; } function hasLayoutElement(element, attributes) { const { layout_elements: layoutElements } = attributes; const checkIn = element === 'filter' ? 'top' : 'bottom'; return ( typeof layoutElements[checkIn] !== 'undefined' && layoutElements[checkIn]?.elements.includes(element) ); } function toggleLayoutElement(element, attributes) { const { layout_elements: layoutElements } = attributes; const checkIn = element === 'filter' ? 'top' : 'bottom'; if ( typeof layoutElements[checkIn] === 'undefined' || !layoutElements[checkIn]?.elements ) { return layoutElements; } const result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(layoutElements)); if (hasLayoutElement(element, attributes)) { result[checkIn].elements = []; } else { result[checkIn].elements = [element]; } return result; } /** * Component Class * * @param props */ export default function SetupWizard(props) { const { attributes, setAttributes } = props; const { align, content_source: contentSource, items_click_action: clickAction, layout, images, } = attributes; const [step, setStep] = useState(0); const [allowNextStep, setAllowNextStep] = useState(false); const maxSteps = 2.5; // Add startup attributes. useEffect(() => { if (!align && !contentSource) { setAttributes({ align: 'wide' }); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); // Set some starter attributes for different content sources. // And hide the setup wizard. const setStarterAttributes = useCallback(() => { let newAttributes = {}; switch (contentSource) { case 'images': // Hide setup wizard once user select images. if (images && images.length) { newAttributes = { ...newAttributes, items_count: -1, items_click_action: 'popup_gallery', }; // Add infinite scroll to the gallery when user adds a lot of images. if (layout !== 'slider' && images.length > NOTICE_LIMIT) { newAttributes = { ...newAttributes, items_count: NOTICE_LIMIT, layout_elements: { top: { elements: [], align: 'center', }, items: { elements: ['items'], }, bottom: { elements: ['pagination'], align: 'center', }, }, pagination: 'infinite', pagination_hide_on_end: true, }; } } break; case 'post-based': case 'social-stream': newAttributes = { ...newAttributes, layout_elements: { top: { elements: [], align: 'center', }, items: { elements: ['items'], }, bottom: { elements: ['pagination'], align: 'center', }, }, }; break; // no default } // Prepare better default settings for Popup. // We can't change defaults of registered controls because it may break existing user galleries. // This is why we change it here, in the Setup Wizard. newAttributes = { ...newAttributes, items_click_action_popup_title_source: contentSource === 'post-based' ? 'title' : 'item_title', items_click_action_popup_description_source: contentSource === 'post-based' ? 'description' : 'item_description', items_click_action_popup_deep_link_pid: 'filename', }; setAttributes(newAttributes); setAllowNextStep(true); }, [contentSource, images, layout, setAttributes]); useEffect(() => { if (contentSource) { setStarterAttributes(); } // We have to check for contentSource change here because we don't want to run this on every render. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [contentSource]); return (
{/* Step 0: Content Source */}
more options will be available in the block settings.
Select the Content Source first:', 'visual-portfolio' ), }} /> {renderControls(props, 'content-source')} {renderControls(props, 'content-source-images')} {renderControls(props, 'content-source-social-stream')} {/* Step 1: Items Style */}
{__('Items Style', 'visual-portfolio')}
More style settings will be available in the block settings.', 'visual-portfolio' ), }} /> {renderControls(props, 'items-style')} {/* Step 2: Layout Elements */}
{__('Additional Settings', 'visual-portfolio')}
{ setAttributes({ layout_elements: toggleLayoutElement( 'filter', attributes ), }); }} />
{ setAttributes({ layout_elements: toggleLayoutElement( 'pagination', attributes ), }); }} />
{ setAttributes({ items_click_action: clickAction === 'popup_gallery' ? 'url' : 'popup_gallery', }); }} />
{/* Pagination */}
{contentSource ? ( <>
) : null}
); }