import $ from 'jquery'; import rafSchd from 'raf-schd'; import { debounce, throttle } from 'throttle-debounce'; const { getComputedStyle } = window; const $wnd = $(window); const $doc = $(document); const SUPPORTED_LAYOUTS = ['tiles', 'masonry', 'grid']; // Extend VP class. $doc.on('extendClass.vpf', (event, VP) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } /** * Init Isotope * TODO: Check one of these scripts as alternative * - * - * - * * @param {Object} options isotope options */ VP.prototype.initIsotope = function (options) { const self = this; if ( self.$items_wrap.isotope && SUPPORTED_LAYOUTS.includes(self.options.layout) ) { const isRtl = getComputedStyle(self.$items_wrap[0]).direction === 'rtl'; const initOptions = options || { itemSelector: '.vp-portfolio__item-wrap', layoutMode: 'masonry', // masonry: { // horizontalOrder: true // }, transitionDuration: '0.3s', percentPosition: true, originLeft: !isRtl, // See `initEvents.vpf` event why we need this option disabled. resize: false, }; self.emitEvent('beforeInitIsotope', [initOptions]); self.$items_wrap.isotope(initOptions); self.emitEvent('initIsotope', [initOptions]); } }; /** * Destroy Isotope */ VP.prototype.destroyIsotope = function () { const self = this; const isotope = self.$'isotope'); if (isotope) { self.$items_wrap.isotope('destroy'); self.emitEvent('destroyIsotope'); } }; }); // Add Items. $doc.on('addItems.vpf', (event, self, $items, removeExisting) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } const isotope = self.$'isotope'); if (!isotope) { return; } if (removeExisting) { const $existing = self.$items_wrap.find('.vp-portfolio__item-wrap'); self.$items_wrap.isotope('remove', $existing); // we need to prepend items when remove existing just because Tiles layout have troubles with appending and removing items self.$items_wrap.prepend($items).isotope('prepended', $items); } else { self.$items_wrap.append($items).isotope('appended', $items); } // idk why, but with timeout isotope recalculate all items fine. setTimeout(() => { self.initIsotope('layout'); }, 0); }); // Remove Items. $doc.on('removeItems.vpf', (event, self, $items) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } const isotope = self.$'isotope'); if (!isotope) { return; } self.$items_wrap.isotope('remove', $items); }); // Init. $doc.on('init.vpf', (event, self) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } self.initIsotope(); }); // Images Loaded. $doc.on('imagesLoaded.vpf', (event, self) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } // sometimes on iOs images failed to calculate positions, so we need this imagesLoaded event. // related issue: self.initIsotope('layout'); }); // Destroy. $doc.on('destroy.vpf', (event, self) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } self.destroyIsotope(); }); // Init events. $doc.on('initEvents.vpf', (event, self) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } // We need to resize isotope manually, since the native relayout // is not working properly, when container size is not changed // but items sizes are changed in CSS. For some reason Isotope don't relayout it. if ( self.$items_wrap.isotope && SUPPORTED_LAYOUTS.includes(self.options.layout) ) { const evp = `.vpf-uid-${self.uid}`; $wnd.on( `resize${evp}`, throttle( 100, rafSchd(() => { self.initIsotope('layout'); }) ) ); } }); // Destroy events. $doc.on('destroyEvents.vpf', (event, self) => { if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') { return; } if (SUPPORTED_LAYOUTS.includes(self.options.layout)) { const evp = `.vpf-uid-${self.uid}`; $`resize${evp}`); } }); // WPBakery Page Builder fullwidth row fix. $doc.on( 'vc-full-width-row', debounce( 150, rafSchd((event, el) => { $(el) .find('.vp-portfolio') .each(function () { if (!this.vpf || !this.vpf.initIsotope) { return; } const isotope = this.vpf.$'isotope'); if (isotope) { this.vpf.initIsotope('layout'); } }); }) ) );