env()->is_front) // if is front.
protected function initWebpHooks()
$webp_option = \wpSPIO()->settings()->deliverWebp;
if ( $webp_option ) { // @tood Replace this function with the one in ENV.
if(UtilHelper::shortPixelIsPluginActive('shortpixel-adaptive-images/short-pixel-ai.php')) {
Notices::addWarning(__('Please deactivate the ShortPixel Image Optimizer\'s
Deliver the next generation versions of the images in the front-end
option when the ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin is active.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'), true);
elseif( $webp_option == self::WEBP_GLOBAL ){
//add_action( 'wp_head', array($this, 'addPictureJs') ); // adds polyfill JS to the header || Removed. Browsers without picture support?
add_action( 'init', array($this, 'startOutputBuffer'), 1 ); // start output buffer to capture content
} elseif ($webp_option == self::WEBP_WP){
add_filter( 'the_content', array($this, 'convertImgToPictureAddWebp'), 10000 ); // priority big, so it will be executed last
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', array($this, 'convertImgToPictureAddWebp'), 10000 );
add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', array($this,'convertImgToPictureAddWebp') );
/* Picture generation, hooked on the_content filter
* @param $content String The content to check and convert
* @return String Converted content
public function convertImgToPictureAddWebp($content) {
if(function_exists('is_amp_endpoint') && is_amp_endpoint()) {
//for AMP pages the tag is not allowed
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- This is not a form
return $content . (isset($_GET['SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG']) ? '' : '');
$content = $this->convert($content);
return $content;
public function startOutputBuffer() {
$env = wpSPIO()->env();
if ($env->is_admin || $env->is_ajaxcall)
$call = array($this, 'convertImgToPictureAddWebp');
ob_start( $call );
protected function convert($content)
// Don't do anything with the RSS feed.
if (is_feed() || is_admin()) {
Log::addInfo('SPDBG convert is_feed or is_admin');
return $content; // . (isset($_GET['SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG']) ? '' : '');
$new_content = $this->testPictures($content);
if ($new_content !== false)
$content = $new_content;
Log::addDebug('Test Pictures returned empty.');
if (! class_exists('DOMDocument'))
Log::addWarn('Webp Active, but DomDocument class not found ( missing xmldom library )');
return false;
// preg_match_all
$content = preg_replace_callback('/
]*>/i', array($this, 'convertImage'), $content);
// [BS] No callback because we need preg_match_all
$content = $this->testInlineStyle($content);
return $content;
/** If lazy loading is happening, get source (src) from those values
* Otherwise pass back image data in a regular way.
private function lazyGet($img, $type)
$value = false;
$prefix = false;
if (isset($img['data-lazy-' . $type]) && strlen($img['data-lazy-' . $type]) > 0)
$value = $img['data-lazy-' . $type];
$prefix = 'data-lazy-';
elseif( isset($img['data-' . $type]) && strlen($img['data-' . $type]) > 0)
$value = $img['data-' . $type];
$prefix = 'data-';
elseif(isset($img[$type]) && strlen($img[$type]) > 0)
$value = $img[$type];
$prefix = '';
return array(
'value' => $value,
'prefix' => $prefix,
/* Find image tags within picture definitions and make sure they are converted only by block, */
private function testPictures($content)
// [BS] Escape when DOM Module not installed
//if (! class_exists('DOMDocument'))
// return false;
//$pattern =''
//$pattern ='/(?<=())(.*)(?=(<\/picture>))/mi';
$pattern = '/.*?().*?<\/picture>/is';
$count = preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
if ($matches === false)
return false;
if ( is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0)
foreach($matches[1] as $match)
$imgtag = $match;
if (strpos($imgtag, 'class=') !== false) // test for class, if there, insert ours in there.
$pos = strpos($imgtag, 'class=');
$pos = $pos + 7;
$newimg = substr($imgtag, 0, $pos) . 'sp-no-webp ' . substr($imgtag, $pos);
else {
$pos = 4;
$newimg = substr($imgtag, 0, $pos) . ' class="sp-no-webp" ' . substr($imgtag, $pos);
$content = str_replace($imgtag, $newimg, $content);
return $content;
/* This might be a future solution for regex callbacks.
public static function processImageNode($node, $type)
$srcsets = $node->getElementsByTagName('srcset');
$srcs = $node->getElementsByTagName('src');
$imgs = $node->getElementsByTagName('img');
} */
/** Callback function with received an
tag match
* @param $match Image declaration block
* @return String Replacement image declaration block
protected function convertImage($match)
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$raw_image = $match[0];
// Raw Image HTML
$image = new FrontImage($raw_image);
if (false === $image->isParseable())
return $raw_image;
$srcsetWebP = array();
$srcsetAvif = array();
// Count real instances of either of them, without fillers.
$webpCount = $avifCount = 0;
$imagePaths = array();
$definitions = $image->getImageData();
$imageBase = $image->getImageBase();
foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
// Split the URL from the size definition ( eg 800w )
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($definition));
$image_url = $parts[0];
// The space if not set is required, otherwise it will not work.
$image_condition = isset($parts[1]) ? ' ' . $parts[1] : ' ';
// A source that starts with data:, will not need processing.
if (strpos($image_url, 'data:') === 0)
$fsFile = $fs->getFile($image_url);
$extension = $fsFile->getExtension(); // trigger setFileinfo, which will resolve URL -> Path
$mime = $fsFile->getMime();
// Can happen when file is virtual, or other cases. Just assume this type.
if ($mime === false)
$mime = 'image/' . $extension;
$fileWebp = $fs->getFile($imageBase . $fsFile->getFileBase() . '.webp');
$fileWebpCompat = $fs->getFile($imageBase . $fsFile->getFileName() . '.webp');
// The URL of the image without the filename
$image_url_base = str_replace($fsFile->getFileName(), '', $image_url);
$files = array($fileWebp, $fileWebpCompat);
$fileAvif = $fs->getFile($imageBase . $fsFile->getFileBase() . '.avif');
$lastwebp = false;
foreach($files as $index => $thisfile)
if (! $thisfile->exists())
// FILTER: boolean, object, string, filedir
$thisfile = $fileWebp_exists = apply_filters('shortpixel/front/webp_notfound', false, $thisfile, $image_url, $imageBase);
if ($thisfile !== false)
// base url + found filename + optional condition ( in case of sourceset, as in 1400w or similar)
$lastwebp = $image_url_base . $thisfile->getFileName() . $image_condition;
$srcsetWebP[] = $lastwebp;
elseif ($index+1 !== count($files)) // Don't write the else on the first file, because then the srcset will be written twice ( if file exists on the first fails)
else {
$lastwebp = $definition;
$srcsetWebP[] = $lastwebp;
if (false === $fileAvif->exists())
$fileAvif = apply_filters('shortpixel/front/webp_notfound', false, $fileAvif, $image_url, $imageBase);
if ($fileAvif !== false)
$srcsetAvif[] = $image_url_base . $fileAvif->getFileName() . $image_condition;
else { //fallback to jpg
if (false !== $lastwebp) // fallback to webp if there is a variant in this run. or jpg if none
$srcsetAvif[] = $lastwebp;
else {
$srcsetAvif[] = $definition;
if ($webpCount == 0 && $avifCount == 0) {
return $raw_image;
$args = array();
if ($webpCount > 0)
$args['webp'] = $srcsetWebP;
if ($avifCount > 0)
$args['avif'] = $srcsetAvif;
$output = $image->parseReplacement($args);
return $output;
protected function testInlineStyle($content)
//preg_match_all('/background.*[^:](url\(.*\))[;]/isU', $content, $matches);
preg_match_all('/url\(.*\)/isU', $content, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0)
return $content;
$content = $this->convertInlineStyle($matches, $content);
return $content;
/** Function to convert inline CSS backgrounds to webp
* @param $match Regex match for inline style
* @return String Replaced (or not) content for webp.
* @author Bas Schuiling
protected function convertInlineStyle($matches, $content)
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$allowed_exts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
$converted = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
$item = $matches[0][$i];
preg_match('/url\(\'(.*)\'\)/imU', $item, $match);
if (! isset($match[1]))
$url = $match[1];
//$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
$filename = basename($url);
$fileonly = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (! in_array($ext, $allowed_exts))
$image_base_url = str_replace($filename, '', $url);
$fsFile = $fs->getFile($url);
$dir = $fsFile->getFileDir();
$imageBase = is_object($dir) ? $dir->getPath() : false;
if (false === $imageBase) // returns false if URL is external, do nothing with that.
$checkedFile = false;
$fileWebp = $fs->getFile($imageBase . $fsFile->getFileBase() . '.webp');
$fileWebpCompat = $fs->getFile($imageBase . $fsFile->getFileName() . '.webp');
if (true === $fileWebp->exists())
$checkedFile = $image_base_url . $fsFile->getFileBase() . '.webp';
elseif (true === $fileWebpCompat->exists())
$checkedFile = $image_base_url . $fsFile->getFileName() . '.webp';
$fileWebp_exists = apply_filters('shortpixel/front/webp_notfound', false, $fileWebp, $url, $imageBase);
if (false !== $fileWebp_exists)
$checkedFile = $image_base_url . $fsFile->getFileBase() . '.webp';
else {
$fileWebp_exists = apply_filters('shortpixel/front/webp_notfound', false, $fileWebpCompat, $url, $imageBase);
if (false !== $fileWebp_exists)
$checkedFile = $image_base_url . $fsFile->getFileName() . '.webp';
if ($checkedFile)
// if webp, then add another URL() def after the targeted one. (str_replace old full URL def, with new one on main match?
$target_urldef = $matches[0][$i];
if (! isset($converted[$target_urldef])) // if the same image is on multiple elements, this replace might go double. prevent.
$converted[] = $target_urldef;
$new_urldef = "url('" . $checkedFile . "'), " . $target_urldef;
$content = str_replace($target_urldef, $new_urldef, $content);
return $content;
} // class