<?php // no direct access if (! isset($data)) { exit; } // Show areas by: // "Plugins", "Themes" (parent theme and child theme), "WordPress Core" // External locations (outside plugins and themes) // 3rd party external locations (e.g. Google API Fonts, CND urls such as the ones for Bootstrap etc.) $listAreaStatus = $data['plugin_settings']['assets_list_layout_areas_status']; $pluginsAreaStatus = $data['plugin_settings']['assets_list_layout_plugin_area_status'] ?: 'expanded'; /* * ------------------------- * [START] BY EACH LOCATION * ------------------------- */ if (! empty($data['all']['styles']) || ! empty($data['all']['scripts'])) { require_once __DIR__.'/_assets-top-area.php'; if (! function_exists('get_plugins') && ! is_admin()) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } $allPlugins = get_plugins(); $allThemes = wp_get_themes(); $allActivePluginsIcons = \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::getAllActivePluginsIcons(); $data['view_by_location'] = $data['rows_build_array'] = $data['rows_by_location'] = true; $data['rows_assets'] = array(); require_once __DIR__.'/_asset-style-rows.php'; require_once __DIR__.'/_asset-script-rows.php'; $locationsText = array( 'plugins' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-plugins"></span> '.esc_html__('From Plugins', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'themes' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-appearance"></span> '.esc_html__('From Themes', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'uploads' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-wordpress"></span> '.esc_html__('WordPress Uploads Directory', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'wp_core' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-wordpress"></span> '.esc_html__('WordPress Core', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'external' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-cloud"></span> '.esc_html__('External 3rd Party', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)' ); if (! empty($data['rows_assets'])) { // Sorting: Plugins, Themes, Uploads Directory and External Assets $rowsAssets = array('plugins' => array(), 'themes' => array(), 'uploads' => array(), 'wp_core' => array(), 'external' => array()); foreach ($data['rows_assets'] as $locationMain => $values) { $rowsAssets[$locationMain] = $values; } foreach ($rowsAssets as $locationMain => $values) { ksort($values); $totalLocationAssets = count($values); $hideLocationMainArea = ($locationMain === 'uploads' && $totalLocationAssets === 0); $hideListOfAssetsOnly = ($locationMain === 'wp_core' && $data['plugin_settings']['hide_core_files']); $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml = <<<HTML <div class="wpacu-area-toggle-all-assets wpacu-right"> <a class="wpacu-area-contract-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="{$locationMain}" href="#">Contract</a> | <a class="wpacu-area-expand-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="{$locationMain}" href="#">Expand</a> All Assets </div> HTML; ob_start(); ?> <div <?php if ($hideLocationMainArea) { echo 'style="display: none;"'; } ?> class="wpacu-assets-collapsible-wrap wpacu-by-location wpacu-<?php echo esc_attr($locationMain); ?>"> <a class="wpacu-assets-collapsible <?php if ($listAreaStatus !== 'contracted') { ?>wpacu-assets-collapsible-active<?php } ?>" href="#wpacu-assets-collapsible-content-<?php echo esc_attr($locationMain); ?>"> <?php echo wp_kses($locationsText[$locationMain], array('span' => array('class' => array()))); ?> ➝ Total files: {total_files_<?php echo esc_html($locationMain); ?>} </a> <div class="wpacu-assets-collapsible-content <?php if ($listAreaStatus !== 'contracted') { ?>wpacu-open<?php } ?>"> <?php if ($locationMain === 'external') { ?> <div class="wpacu-assets-note wpacu-with-toggle-all-assets"><strong>Note:</strong> External .css and .js assets are considered those who are hosted on a different domain (e.g. Google Font API, assets loaded from external CDNs) and the ones outside the WordPress "plugins" (usually /wp-content/plugins/), "themes" (usually /wp-content/themes/) and "uploads" (usually /wp-content/uploads/) directories.</div> <?php if (count($values) > 0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?> <?php // WP Core CSS/JS list is visible } elseif ($locationMain === 'wp_core' && ! $data['plugin_settings']['hide_core_files']) { ?> <div class="wpacu-assets-note wpacu-with-toggle-all-assets"><span style="color: red;" class="dashicons dashicons-warning"></span> <strong>Warning:</strong> Please be careful when doing any changes to the following core assets as they can break the functionality of the front-end website. If you're not sure about unloading any asset, just leave it loaded.</div> <?php if (count($values) > 0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?> <?php // WP Core CSS/JS list is hidden } elseif ($locationMain === 'wp_core' && $data['plugin_settings']['hide_core_files']) { ?> <div class="wpacu-assets-note"><strong>Note:</strong> By default, <?php echo WPACU_PLUGIN_TITLE; ?> does not show the list of CSS/JS loaded from the WordPress core. Usually, WordPress core files are loaded for a reason and this setting was applied to prevent accidental unload of files that could be needed (e.g. jQuery library, Underscore library etc.).</div> <div class="wpacu-assets-note"><span class="dashicons dashicons-info"></span> If you believe that you do not need some loaded core files (e.g. WordPress Gutenberg styling - Handle: 'wp-block-library') and you want to manage the files loaded from <em>/wp-includes/</em>, you can go to the plugin's <strong>"Settings"</strong>, click on the <strong>"Plugin Usage Preferences"</strong> tab, scroll to <strong>"Hide WordPress Core Files From The Assets List?"</strong> and make sure the option <strong>is turned off</strong>.</div> <?php } elseif ($locationMain === 'uploads') { ?> <div class="wpacu-assets-note" style="padding: 15px 15px 0 0;"><strong>Note:</strong> These are the CSS/JS files load from the /wp-content/uploads/ WordPress directory. They were copied there by other plugins or developers working on the website. In case the file was detected to be generated by a specific plugin through various verification patterns (e.g. for plugins such as Elementor, Oxygen Builder etc.), then it will be not listed here, but in the "From Plugins (.css & .js)" area for the detected plugin. This is to have all the files related to a plugin organised in one place.</div> <?php if (count($values) > 0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?> <?php } ?> <?php $locationRowCount = 0; $totalLocationAssets = count($values); // Total files from all the plugins $totalFilesArray[$locationMain] = 0; // Default value (not contracted) $pluginListContracted = false; if ($totalLocationAssets > 0) { $locI = 1; // Going through each plugin/theme etc. foreach ( $values as $locationChild => $values2 ) { if ($locationMain === 'plugins') { $totalPluginAssets = $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin = 0; } ksort( $values2 ); $assetRowsOutput = ''; // Going through each asset from the plugin/theme foreach ( $values2 as $assetType => $assetRows ) { foreach ( $assetRows as $assetRow ) { $assetRowsOutput .= $assetRow . "\n"; if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { if (strpos( $assetRow, 'wpacu_is_bulk_unloaded' ) !== false ) { $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin ++; } $totalPluginAssets ++; } $totalFilesArray[$locationMain] ++; } } if ( $locationChild !== 'none' ) { if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { $locationChildText = \WpAssetCleanUp\Info::getPluginInfo( $locationChild, $allPlugins, $allActivePluginsIcons ); $isLastPluginAsset = ( count( $values ) - 1 ) === $locationRowCount; $pluginListContracted = ( $locationMain === 'plugins' && $pluginsAreaStatus === 'contracted' ); // Show it if there is at least one available "Unload on this page" $showUnloadOnThisPageCheckUncheckAll = $totalPluginAssets !== $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin; // Show it if all the assets from the plugin are bulk unloaded $showLoadItOnThisPageCheckUncheckAll = $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin === $totalPluginAssets; } elseif ( $locationMain === 'themes' ) { $locationChildThemeArray = \WpAssetCleanUp\Info::getThemeInfo( $locationChild, $allThemes ); $locationChildText = $locationChildThemeArray['output']; } else { $locationChildText = $locationChild; } $extraClassesToAppend = ''; if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' && $isLastPluginAsset ) { $extraClassesToAppend .= ' wpacu-area-last '; } if ($locI === 1) { $extraClassesToAppend .= ' wpacu-location-child-area-first '; } // PLUGIN LIST: VIEW THEIR ASSETS // EXPANDED (DEFAULT) if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { if ( $pluginListContracted ) { // CONTRACTED (+ -) ?> <a href="#" class="wpacu-plugin-contracted-wrap-link wpacu-pro wpacu-link-closed <?php if ( ( count( $values ) - 1 ) === $locationRowCount ) { echo 'wpacu-last-wrap-link'; } ?>"> <div class="wpacu-plugin-title-contracted wpacu-area-contracted"> <?php echo wp_kses($locationChildText, array('div' => array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?> <span style="font-weight: 200;">/</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;"><?php echo (int)$totalPluginAssets; ?></span> files </div> </a> <?php } else { ?> <div data-wpacu-plugin="<?php echo esc_attr($locationChild); ?>" data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_attr($locationChild); ?>_plugin" class="wpacu-location-child-area wpacu-area-expanded <?php echo esc_attr($extraClassesToAppend); ?>"> <div class="wpacu-area-title"> <?php echo wp_kses($locationChildText, array('div' => array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?> <span style="font-weight: 200;">/</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;"><?php echo (int)$totalPluginAssets; ?></span> files <?php include '_view-by-location/_plugin-list-expanded-actions.php'; ?> </div> <div class="wpacu-area-toggle-all-assets"> <a class="wpacu-area-contract-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_html($locationChild); ?>_plugin" href="#">Contract</a> | <a class="wpacu-area-expand-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_html($locationChild); ?>_plugin" href="#">Expand</a> All Assets </div> </div> <?php } } elseif ( $locationMain === 'themes' ) { ?> <div data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_attr($locationChild); ?>_theme" class="wpacu-location-child-area wpacu-area-expanded <?php echo esc_attr($extraClassesToAppend); ?>"> <div class="wpacu-area-title <?php if ($locationChildThemeArray['has_icon'] === true) { echo 'wpacu-theme-has-icon'; } ?>"><?php echo \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::stripIrrelevantHtmlTags($locationChildText); ?></div> <div class="wpacu-area-toggle-all-assets"> <a class="wpacu-area-contract-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_html($locationChild); ?>_theme" href="#">Contract</a> | <a class="wpacu-area-expand-all-assets wpacu_area_handles_row_expand_contract" data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_html($locationChild); ?>_theme" href="#">Expand</a> All Assets </div> </div> <?php } else { // WordPress Core, Uploads, 3rd Party etc. ?> <div data-wpacu-area="<?php echo esc_attr($locationChild); ?>" class="wpacu-location-child-area wpacu-area-expanded <?php echo esc_attr($extraClassesToAppend); ?>"> <div class="wpacu-area-title"><?php echo wp_kses($locationChildText, array('div' => array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?></div> </div> <?php } } ?> <div class="wpacu-assets-table-list-wrap <?php if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { echo ' wpacu-area-assets-wrap '; } if ( $pluginListContracted ) { echo ' wpacu-area-closed '; if (isset($isLastPluginAsset) && $isLastPluginAsset) { echo ' wpacu-area-assets-last '; } } ?>"> <?php // CONTRACTED (+ -) if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' && $pluginListContracted ) { include '_view-by-location/_plugin-list-contracted-actions.php'; } ?> <table <?php if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { echo ' data-wpacu-plugin="' . esc_attr($locationChild) . '" data-wpacu-area="' . esc_attr($locationChild) . '_plugin" '; } if ( $locationMain === 'themes' ) { echo ' data-wpacu-area="' . esc_attr($locationChild) . '_theme" '; } if ( in_array($locationMain, array('uploads', 'wp_core', 'external') ) ) { echo ' data-wpacu-area="' . esc_attr($locationMain) . '" '; } ?> class="wpacu_list_table wpacu_list_by_location wpacu_widefat wpacu_striped"> <tbody> <?php if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { do_action('wpacu_assets_plugin_notice_table_row', $locationChild); } echo \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::stripIrrelevantHtmlTags($assetRowsOutput); ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php $locationRowCount ++; } } else { // There are no loaded CSS/JS $showOxygenMsg = $locationMain === 'themes' && in_array('oxygen/functions.php', \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::getActivePlugins()); if ($showOxygenMsg) { ?> <div style="padding: 12px 0;"> <img style="height: 30px; vertical-align: bottom;" src="" alt="" /> You're using <a href="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url('admin.php?page=ct_dashboard_page')); ?>" target="_blank"><span style="font-weight: 600; color: #6036ca;">Oxygen</span></a> to design your site, which disables the WordPress theme system. Thus, no assets related to the theme are loaded. </div> <?php } else { ?> <div style="padding: 0 0 16px 16px;"><?php _e('There are no CSS/JS loaded from this location.', 'wp-asset-clean-up'); ?></div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php $locationMainOutput = ob_get_clean(); $locationMainOutput = str_replace( '{total_files_'.$locationMain.'}', $totalFilesArray[$locationMain], $locationMainOutput ); echo \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::stripIrrelevantHtmlTags($locationMainOutput); } } if ( isset( $data['all']['hardcoded'] ) && ! empty( $data['all']['hardcoded'] ) ) { $data['print_outer_html'] = true; // AJAX call from the Dashboard include_once __DIR__ . '/_assets-hardcoded-list.php'; } elseif (isset($data['is_frontend_view']) && $data['is_frontend_view']) { echo \WpAssetCleanUp\HardcodedAssets::getHardCodedManageAreaForFrontEndView($data); // AJAX call from the front-end view } } /* * ----------------------- * [END] BY EACH LOCATION * ----------------------- */ include_once __DIR__ . '/_page-options.php'; include '_inline_js.php';