<?php namespace ShortPixel\Model\Converter; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log; use ShortPixel\Helper\UtilHelper as UtilHelper; class ApiConverter extends MediaLibraryConverter { const CONVERTABLE_EXTENSIONS = array( 'heic'); protected $requestAPIthumbnails = true; public function isConvertable() { $fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem(); $extension = $this->imageModel->getExtension(); // If extension is in list of allowed Api Converts. if (in_array($extension, static::CONVERTABLE_EXTENSIONS) && $extension !== 'png') { return true; } // If file has not been converted in terms of file, but has a placeholder - process ongoing, so continue; if (false === $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted() && true === $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->hasPlaceHolder()) { return true; } // File has been converted, not converting again. if (true === $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted()) { return false; } } // Create placeholder here. public function convert($args = array()) { $defaults = array( 'runReplacer' => true, // The replacer doesn't need running when the file is just uploaded and doing in handle upload hook. ); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $this->setupReplacer(); $fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem(); $placeholderFile = $fs->getFile(\wpSPIO()->plugin_path('res/img/fileformat-heic-placeholder.jpg')); // Convert runs when putting imageModel to queue format in the Queue classs. This could run without optimization (before) taking place and when accidentally running it more than once results in duplicate files / backups (img-1, img-2 etc). Check placeholder and baseName to prevent this. Assume already done when it has it . if ($this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->hasPlaceHolder() && $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getReplacementImageBase() !== false) { return true; } // @todo Check replacementpath here. Rename main file - and backup - if numeration is needed. // @todo Also placeholder probably needs to be done each time to block current job in progress. $replacementPath = $this->getReplacementPath(); if (false === $replacementPath) { Log::addWarn('ApiConverter replacement path failed'); $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setError(self::ERROR_PATHFAIL); return false; // @todo Add ResponseController something here. } $replaceFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath); // If filebase (filename without extension) is not the same, this indicates that a double is there and it's enumerated. Move backup accordingly. $destinationFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath); $copyok = $placeholderFile->copy($destinationFile); if ($copyok) { $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setFileFormat('heic'); $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setPlaceHolder(true); $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setReplacementImageBase($destinationFile->getFileBase()); $this->imageModel->saveMeta(); // @todo Wip . Moved from handleConverted. // Backup basically. Do this first. $conversion_args = array('replacementPath' => $replacementPath); $prepared = $this->imageModel->conversionPrepare($conversion_args); if (false === $prepared) { return false; } $this->setTarget($destinationFile); // $params = array('success' => true, 'generate_metadata' => false); // $this->updateMetaData($params); $fs->flushImage($this->imageModel); if (true === $args['runReplacer']) { $result = $this->replacer->replace(); } } else { Log::addError('Failed to copy placeholder'); return false; } return true; } // Restore from original file. Search and replace everything else to death. public function restore() { /*$params = array('restore' => true); $fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem(); $this->setupReplacer(); $newExtension = $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getFileFormat(); $oldFileName = $this->imageModel->getFileName(); // Old File Name, Still .jpg $newFileName = $this->imageModel->getFileBase() . '.' . $newExtension; if ($this->imageModel->isScaled()) { $oldFileName = $this->imageModel->getOriginalFile()->getFileName(); $newFileName = $this->imageModel->getOriginalFile()->getFileBase() . '.' . $newExtension; } $fsNewFile = $fs->getFile($this->imageModel->getFileDir() . $newFileName); $this->newFile = $fsNewFile; $this->setTarget($fsNewFile); $this->updateMetaData($params); // $result = $this->replacer->replace(); $fs->flushImageCache(); */ } public function getCheckSum() { return 1; // done or not. } public function handleConverted($optimizeData) { $this->setupReplacer(); $fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem(); /* $replacementPath = $this->getReplacementPath(); if (false === $replacementPath) { Log::addWarn('ApiConverter replacement path failed'); $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setError(self::ERROR_PATHFAIL); return false; // @todo Add ResponseController something here. } $replacementFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath); */ $replacementBase = $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->getReplacementImageBase(); if (false === $replacementBase) { $replacementPath = $this->getReplacementPath(); $replacementFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath); } else { $replacementPath = $replacementBase . '.jpg'; $replacementFile = $fs->getFile($this->imageModel->getFileDir() . $replacementPath); } // If -sigh- file has a placeholder, then do something with that. if (true === $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->hasPlaceHolder()) { $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setPlaceHolder(false); // $this->imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->setReplacementImageBase(false); // $attach_id = $this->imageModel->get('id'); // ReplacementFile as source should not point to the placeholder file $this->source_url = $fs->pathToUrl($replacementFile); $this->replacer->setSource($this->source_url); $replacementFile->delete(); } if (isset($optimizeData['files']) && isset($optimizeData['data'])) { $files = $optimizeData['files']; $data = $optimizeData['data']; } else { Log::addError('Something went wrong with handleOptimized', $optimizeData); return false; } $mainImageKey = $this->imageModel->get('mainImageKey'); $mainFile = (isset($files) && isset($files[$mainImageKey])) ? $files[$mainImageKey] : false; if (false === $mainFile) { Log::addError('MainFile not set during success Api Conversion'); return false; } if (! isset($mainFile['image']) || ! isset($mainFile['image']['file'])) { Log::addError('Optimizer didn\'t return file', $mainFile); return false; } $tempFile = $fs->getFile($mainFile['image']['file']); $res = $tempFile->copy($replacementFile); if (true === $res) { $this->newFile = $replacementFile; $tempFile->delete(); $params = array('success' => true); $this->updateMetaData($params); $result = true; // if (true === $args['runReplacer']) // { $result = $this->replacer->replace(); // } // Conversion done, but backup results. $this->imageModel->conversionSuccess(array('omit_backup' => false)); return true; } else { return false; } } } // class