Settings > ShortPixel page on how to start optimizing your image library and make your website load faster. * Version: 5.5.2 * Author: ShortPixel - Convert WebP/AVIF & Optimize Images * Author URI: * GitHub Plugin URI: * Text Domain: shortpixel-image-optimiser * Domain Path: /lang */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit('No Direct Access'); // Exit if accessed directly. } // Preventing double load crash. if (function_exists('wpSPIO')) { add_action('admin_notices', function () { echo '

'; printf(esc_html__('ShortPixel plugin already loaded. You might have two versions active. Not loaded: %s', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), __FILE__); echo '

'; }); return; } if (! defined('SHORTPIXEL_RESET_ON_ACTIVATE')) define('SHORTPIXEL_RESET_ON_ACTIVATE', false); //define('SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG', true); //define('SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG_TARGET', true); define('SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_FILE', __FILE__); define('SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_DIR', __DIR__); define('SHORTPIXEL_IMAGE_OPTIMISER_VERSION', "5.5.2"); define('SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP', 'ShortpixelBackups'); define('SHORTPIXEL_MAX_FAIL_RETRIES', 3); if(!defined('SHORTPIXEL_USE_DOUBLE_WEBP_EXTENSION')) { //can be defined in wp-config.php define('SHORTPIXEL_USE_DOUBLE_WEBP_EXTENSION', false); } if(!defined('SHORTPIXEL_USE_DOUBLE_AVIF_EXTENSION')) { //can be defined in wp-config.php define('SHORTPIXEL_USE_DOUBLE_AVIF_EXTENSION', false); } define('SHORTPIXEL_API', ''); $max_exec = intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')); if ($max_exec === 0) // max execution time of zero means infinite. Quantify. $max_exec = 60; elseif($max_exec < 0) // some hosts like to set negative figures on this. Ignore that. $max_exec = 30; define('SHORTPIXEL_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', $max_exec); // ** Load the modules */ require_once(SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/build/shortpixel/autoload.php'); $sp__uploads = wp_upload_dir(); define('SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_BASE', (file_exists($sp__uploads['basedir']) ? '' : ABSPATH) . $sp__uploads['basedir'] ); //define('SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_URL', is_main_site() ? $sp__uploads['baseurl'] : dirname(dirname($sp__uploads['baseurl']))); define('SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_NAME', basename(is_main_site() ? SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_BASE : dirname(dirname(SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_BASE)))); $sp__backupBase = is_main_site() ? SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_BASE : dirname(dirname(SHORTPIXEL_UPLOADS_BASE)); define('SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP_FOLDER', $sp__backupBase . '/' . SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP); // @todo Backup URL not in use. Candidate for removal. define('SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP_URL', ((is_main_site() || (defined( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL' ) && SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL)) ? $sp__uploads['baseurl'] : dirname(dirname($sp__uploads['baseurl']))) . '/' . SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP); //define('SHORTPIXEL_SILENT_MODE', true); // no global notifications. Can lead to data damage. After setting, reactivate plugin. //define('SHORTPIXEL_TRUSTED_MODE', false); // doesn't do any file checks on the view-side of things. // define('SHORTPIXEL_SKIP_FEEDBACK', true); // Starting logging services, early as possible. if (! defined('SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG')) { define('SHORTPIXEL_DEBUG', false); } if (false === defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || false === WP_CLI) { $log = \ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger::getInstance(); if (\ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger::debugIsActive() ) { $log->setLogPath(SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP_FOLDER . "/shortpixel_log"); } } /* Function to reach core function of ShortPixel * Use to get plugin url, plugin path, or certain core controllers */ if (! function_exists("wpSPIO")) { function wpSPIO() { return \ShortPixel\ShortPixelPlugin::getInstance(); } } // Start runtime here require_once(SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/shortpixel-plugin.php'); // loads runtime and needed classes. // PSR-4 package loader. $loader = new ShortPixel\Build\PackageLoader(); $loader->setComposerFile(SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/class/plugin.json'); $loader->load(SHORTPIXEL_PLUGIN_DIR); wpSPIO(); // let's go! // Activation / Deactivation services register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array('\ShortPixel\Helper\InstallHelper','activatePlugin') ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array('\ShortPixel\Helper\InstallHelper','deactivatePlugin') ); register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array('\ShortPixel\Helper\InstallHelper','uninstallPlugin') );