<?php namespace ShortPixel; use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } abstract class Model { protected $model = array(); public function getData() { $data = array(); foreach($this->model as $item => $options) { $data[$item] = $this->{$item}; } return $data; } public function getModel() { return array_keys($this->model); // only the variable names are public. } protected function sanitize($name, $value) { if (! isset($this->model[$name])) return null; // if no sanitize method is set, default to strictest string. $sanitize = isset($this->model[$name]['s']) ? $this->model[$name]['s'] : 'string'; switch($sanitize) { case "string": $value = $this->sanitizeString($value); break; case "int": $value = $this->sanitizeInteger($value); break; case "boolean": $value = $this->sanitizeBoolean($value); break; case 'array': case 'Array': $value = $this->sanitizeArray($value); break; case 'exception': // for exceptional situations. The data will not be sanitized! Need to do this elsewhere. return $value; break; case 'skip': // skips should not be in any save candidate and not be sanitized. return null; break; } return $value; } /** Sanitize the passed post data against the model attribute formats. * * @param Array $post The Post data * @param boolean $missing If fields are missing, include them empty in the output * @return Array Sanitized Post Data */ public function getSanitizedData($post, $missing = true) { $postData = array(); foreach($post as $name => $value) { $name = sanitize_text_field($name); $value = $this->sanitize($name, $value); if ($value !== null) $postData[$name] = $value; else { Log::addWarn("Provided field $name not part of model " . get_class() ); } } if ($missing) { $model_fields = $this->getModel(); $post_fields = array_keys($postData); $missing_fields = array_diff($model_fields, $post_fields); foreach($missing_fields as $index => $field_name) { $field_name = sanitize_text_field($field_name); $type = $this->getType($field_name); if ($type === 'boolean') { $postData[$field_name] = 0; } elseif ($type !== false && $type !== 'skip') { $postData[$field_name] = ''; } } } return $postData; } public function getType($name) { if (! isset($this->model[$name])) { return null; Log::addWarn("Provided field $name not part of model " . get_class() ); } $type = isset($this->model[$name]['s']) ? $this->model[$name]['s'] : false; return $type; } public function sanitizeString($string) { return (string) sanitize_text_field($string); } public function sanitizeInteger($int) { return intval($int); } public function sanitizeBoolean($bool) { return ($bool) ? true : false; } public function sanitizeArray($array) { if (! is_array($array)) { Log::addWarn('Field is of type Array, but Array not provided'); return null; } $new_array = array(); foreach($array as $key => $value) { $newkey = $this->sanitizeString($key); $newval = $this->sanitizeString($value); $new_array[$newkey] = $newval ; } return $new_array; } }