<?php namespace Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\Component; use Nextend\Framework\Data\Data; use Nextend\Framework\Parser\Color; use Nextend\Framework\ResourceTranslator\ResourceTranslator; use Nextend\Framework\View\Html; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\BackupSlider\ExportSlider; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\BackupSlider\ImportSlider; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\AbstractRenderableOwner; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\ComponentContainer; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\Placement\AbstractPlacement; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\Placement\PlacementAbsolute; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\Placement\PlacementDefault; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Renderable\Placement\PlacementNormal; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Slider\Slide; abstract class AbstractComponent { public static $isAdmin = false; /** * @var Slide */ protected $owner; /** * @var Style */ public $style; protected $type = ''; protected $name = ''; /** * @var AbstractComponent|bool */ protected $group; /** * @var AbstractPlacement */ protected $placement; /** * @var ComponentContainer */ protected $container = false; protected $fontSizeModifier = 100; protected $attributes = array( 'class' => 'n2-ss-layer n2-ow', 'style' => '' ); public $data; protected $localStyle = array(); protected $localRawStyles = array(); protected $hasBackground = false; /** * AbstractBuilderComponent constructor. * * @param int $index * @param AbstractRenderableOwner $owner * @param AbstractComponent|bool $group * @param $data */ public function __construct($index, $owner, $group, $data) { $this->owner = $owner; $this->group = $group; $this->style = new Style($this); $this->data = new Data($data); $this->fontSizeModifier = $this->data->get('desktopportraitfontsize', 100); if (!is_numeric($this->fontSizeModifier)) { $this->fontSizeModifier = 100; } switch ($this->getPlacement()) { case 'normal': $this->placement = new PlacementNormal($this, $index); break; case 'default': $this->placement = new PlacementDefault($this, $index); break; case 'absolute': default: $this->placement = new PlacementAbsolute($this, $index); break; } } public function getPlacement() { if ($this->data->has('pm')) { return $this->data->get('pm'); } if ($this->group->getType() == 'slide') { return 'absolute'; } return 'normal'; } /** * @return Slide */ public function getOwner() { return $this->owner; } public function isRenderAllowed() { $generatorVisible = $this->data->get('generatorvisible', ''); if ($this->owner->isComponentVisible($generatorVisible) && !self::$isAdmin) { $filled = $this->owner->fill($generatorVisible); if (empty($filled)) { return false; } } return true; } public abstract function render($isAdmin); protected function renderContainer($isAdmin) { if ($this->container) { return $this->container->render($isAdmin); } return ''; } protected function admin() { $this->createProperty('id', ''); $this->createProperty('uniqueclass', ''); $this->createProperty('zindex', 2); $this->createProperty('class', ''); $this->createProperty('name', $this->name); $this->createProperty('namesynced', 1); $this->createProperty('status'); $this->createProperty('generatorvisible', ''); $this->placement->adminAttributes($this->attributes); } public function spacingToPxValue($value) { $values = explode('|*|', $value); unset($values[4]); return array_map('intval', $values) + array( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } protected function prepareHTML() { $this->attributes['data-sstype'] = $this->type; $id = $this->data->get('id', ''); if (!empty($id)) { $this->attributes['id'] = $id; } $class = $this->data->get('class', ''); if (!empty($class)) { $this->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $this->getOwner() ->fill($class); } $uniqueClass = $this->data->get('uniqueclass', ''); if (!empty($uniqueClass)) { $this->addUniqueClass($uniqueClass . $this->owner->unique); } $zIndex = intval($this->data->get('zindex', 2)); if ($zIndex != 2) { $this->attributes['style'] .= 'z-index:' . $zIndex . ';'; } } protected function addUniqueClass($class) { $this->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class; } protected function runPlugins() { $this->pluginRotation(); $this->pluginShowOn(); $this->pluginFontSize(); $this->pluginParallax(); } protected function renderPlugins($html) { return $this->pluginCrop($html); } private function pluginRotation() { $rotation = $this->data->get('rotation', 0); if ($rotation) { $this->createProperty('rotation', 0); $this->attributes['style'] .= 'transform:rotate(' . $rotation . 'deg);'; } } private function pluginCrop($html) { $cropStyle = $this->data->get('crop', 'visible'); if (self::$isAdmin) { if ($cropStyle == 'auto') { $cropStyle = 'hidden'; } } else { if ($cropStyle == 'auto') { $this->attributes['class'] .= ' n2_container_scrollable'; } } if ($cropStyle == 'mask') { $cropStyle = 'hidden'; $html = Html::tag('div', array('class' => 'n2-ss-layer-mask n2-ss-layer-wrapper'), $html); $this->attributes['data-animatableselector'] = '.n2-ss-layer-mask'; } if (!empty($cropStyle) && $cropStyle != 'visible') { $this->attributes['style'] .= 'overflow:' . $cropStyle . ';'; } if (self::$isAdmin) { $crop = $this->data->get('crop', 'visible'); if (empty($crop)) { $crop = 'visible'; } $this->attributes['data-crop'] = $crop; } return $html; } /** * Transform V1 animations to V2 * * @param $data * * @return array */ private function pluginAnimationsConvertV1ToV2($data) { if (empty($data)) { return array(); } if (isset($data['in'])) { if (!isset($data['basic'])) { $data['basic'] = array( 'in' => array() ); } else if (!isset($data['basic']['in'])) { $data['basic']['in'] = array(); } $this->pluginAnimationsConvertV1ToV2RemoveName($data['in']); if (isset($data['in'][0]['delay']) && isset($data['repeatable']) && $data['repeatable'] == 1) { if ($data['in'][0]['delay'] > 0) { $data['startDelay'] = $data['in'][0]['delay']; } unset($data['in'][0]['delay']); } $data['basic']['in']['keyFrames'] = $data['in']; unset($data['in']); } if (isset($data['specialZeroIn'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['in'])) { $data['basic']['in']['specialZero'] = $data['specialZeroIn']; } unset($data['specialZeroIn']); } if (isset($data['transformOriginIn'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['in'])) { $data['basic']['in']['transformOrigin'] = $data['transformOriginIn']; } unset($data['transformOriginIn']); } if (isset($data['loop'])) { if (!isset($data['basic'])) { $data['basic'] = array( 'loop' => array() ); } else if (!isset($data['basic']['loop'])) { $data['basic']['loop'] = array(); } $this->pluginAnimationsConvertV1ToV2RemoveName($data['loop']); $data['basic']['loop']['keyFrames'] = $data['loop']; unset($data['loop']); } if (isset($data['repeatCount'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['loop'])) { $data['basic']['loop']['repeatCount'] = $data['repeatCount']; } unset($data['repeatCount']); } if (isset($data['repeatStartDelay'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['loop'])) { $data['basic']['loop']['repeatStartDelay'] = $data['repeatStartDelay']; } unset($data['repeatStartDelay']); } if (isset($data['transformOriginLoop'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['loop'])) { $data['basic']['loop']['transformOrigin'] = $data['transformOriginLoop']; } unset($data['transformOriginLoop']); } if (isset($data['out'])) { if (!isset($data['basic'])) { $data['basic'] = array( 'out' => array() ); } else if (!isset($data['basic']['out'])) { $data['basic']['out'] = array(); } $this->pluginAnimationsConvertV1ToV2RemoveName($data['out']); $data['basic']['out']['keyFrames'] = $data['out']; unset($data['out']); } if (isset($data['transformOriginOut'])) { if (isset($data['basic']['out'])) { $data['basic']['out']['transformOrigin'] = $data['transformOriginOut']; } unset($data['transformOriginOut']); } if (!isset($data['instantOut']) || $data['instantOut'] == '1') { if (empty($data['outPlayEvent']) && $this->owner->getSlider()->params->get('layer-animation-play-mode') === 'forced') { $data['outPlayEvent'] = 'InstantOut'; } } if (isset($data['instantOut'])) { unset($data['instantOut']); } return $data; } private function pluginAnimationsConvertV1ToV2RemoveName(&$keyFrames) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($keyFrames); $i++) { if (isset($keyFrames[$i]['name'])) { unset($keyFrames[$i]['name']); } } } private function pluginAnimations() { } private static function fixAnimationArray(&$array, $key) { if (isset($array[$key]) && is_array($array[$key])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($array[$key]); $i++) { $array[$key][$i] = (object)$array[$key][$i]; } } } private function pluginAnimationGetEventAttributes() { if (!self::$isAdmin) { $elementID = $this->owner->getElementID(); $click = $this->data->get('click'); if (!empty($click)) { $this->attributes['data-click'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($click, $elementID); } $mouseenter = $this->data->get('mouseenter'); if (!empty($mouseenter)) { $this->attributes['data-mouseenter'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($mouseenter, $elementID); } $mouseleave = $this->data->get('mouseleave'); if (!empty($mouseleave)) { $this->attributes['data-mouseleave'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($mouseleave, $elementID); } $play = $this->data->get('play'); if (!empty($play)) { $this->attributes['data-play'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($play, $elementID); } $pause = $this->data->get('pause'); if (!empty($pause)) { $this->attributes['data-pause'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($pause, $elementID); } $stop = $this->data->get('stop'); if (!empty($stop)) { $this->attributes['data-stop'] = $this->pluginAnimationParseEventCode($stop, $elementID); } } else { $click = $this->data->get('click'); if (!empty($click)) { $this->attributes['data-click'] = $click; } $mouseenter = $this->data->get('mouseenter'); if (!empty($mouseenter)) { $this->attributes['data-mouseenter'] = $mouseenter; } $mouseleave = $this->data->get('mouseleave'); if (!empty($mouseleave)) { $this->attributes['data-mouseleave'] = $mouseleave; } $play = $this->data->get('play'); if (!empty($play)) { $this->attributes['data-play'] = $play; } $pause = $this->data->get('pause'); if (!empty($pause)) { $this->attributes['data-pause'] = $pause; } $stop = $this->data->get('stop'); if (!empty($stop)) { $this->attributes['data-stop'] = $stop; } } } private function pluginAnimationParseEventCode($code, $elementId) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]+$/', $code)) { if (is_numeric($code)) { $code = "window['" . $elementId . "'].changeTo(" . ($code - 1) . ");"; } else if ($code == 'next') { $code = "window['" . $elementId . "'].next();"; } else if ($code == 'previous') { $code = "window['" . $elementId . "'].previous();"; } else { $code = "n2ss.trigger(e.currentTarget, '" . $code . "');"; } } return $code; } private function pluginShowOn() { if (self::$isAdmin) { $this->createDeviceProperty('', 1); } $devices = $this->owner->getAvailableDevices(); foreach ($devices as $device) { if (!$this->isShown($device)) { $this->attributes['data-hide' . $device] = 1; $this->style->addOnly($device, '', 'display:none'); } } } public function isShown($device) { return intval($this->data->get($device, 1)) === 1; } protected function pluginFontSize() { if (self::$isAdmin) { $this->createDeviceProperty('fontsize', 100); } $devices = $this->owner->getAvailableDevices(); $desktopFontSize = $this->data->get('desktopportraitfontsize'); foreach ($devices as $device) { $fontSize = $this->data->get($device . 'fontsize'); if ($fontSize !== '') { if ($device === 'desktopportrait') { if ($fontSize != 100) { $this->style->add($device, '', '--ssfont-scale:' . $fontSize / 100 . ''); } } else if ($fontSize != $desktopFontSize) { $this->style->add($device, '', '--ssfont-scale:' . $fontSize / 100 . ''); } } } } public function pluginParallax() { $parallax = intval($this->data->get('parallax', 0)); if (self::$isAdmin) { $this->attributes['data-parallax'] = $parallax; } else if ($parallax >= 1) { /** * FlatSome theme use data-parallax and we are conflicting with it. * * @see SSDEV-2769 */ $this->attributes['data-ssparallax'] = $parallax; } } public function createProperty($name, $default = null) { $this->attributes['data-' . $name] = $this->data->get($name, $default); } public function createColorProperty($name, $allowVariable, $default = null) { $value = $this->data->get($name, $default); if (!$allowVariable || ($value !== NULL && substr($value, 0, 1) != '{')) { $l = strlen($value); if (($l != 6 && $l != 8) || !preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/', $value)) { $value = $default; } } $this->attributes['data-' . $name] = $value; } public function createDeviceProperty($name, $default = null) { $device = 'desktopportrait'; $this->attributes['data-' . $device . $name] = $this->data->get($device . $name, $default); $devices = array( 'desktoplandscape', 'tabletportrait', 'tabletlandscape', 'mobileportrait', 'mobilelandscape' ); foreach ($devices as $device) { $this->attributes['data-' . $device . $name] = $this->data->get($device . $name, null); } } protected function renderBackground() { $backgroundStyle = ''; $image = $this->owner->fill($this->data->get('bgimage', '')); if ($image != '') { $x = intval($this->data->get('bgimagex', 50)); $y = intval($this->data->get('bgimagey', 50)); $backgroundStyle .= '--n2bgimage:URL("' . esc_url(ResourceTranslator::toUrl($image)) . '");'; $backgroundStyle .= 'background-position:50% 50%,' . $x . '% ' . $y . '%;'; $this->hasBackground = true; $optimizedData = $this->owner->optimizeImageWebP($image); if (isset($optimizedData['normal'])) { $this->owner->addImage($optimizedData['normal']['src']); $this->localRawStyles[] = '.n2webp @rule-inner{--n2bgimage: URL(' . $optimizedData['normal']['src'] . ')}'; } if (isset($optimizedData['medium'])) { $this->owner->addImage($optimizedData['medium']['src']); $this->localRawStyles[] = '@media (max-width: ' . $optimizedData['medium']['width'] . 'px) {.n2webp @rule-inner{--n2bgimage: URL(' . $optimizedData['medium']['src'] . ')}}'; } if (isset($optimizedData['small'])) { $this->owner->addImage($optimizedData['small']['src']); $this->localRawStyles[] = '@media (max-width: ' . $optimizedData['small']['width'] . 'px) {.n2webp @rule-inner{--n2bgimage: URL(' . $optimizedData['small']['src'] . ')}}'; } } $color = $this->owner->fill($this->data->get('bgcolor', '00000000')); if (empty($color)) { $color = '00000000'; } $gradient = $this->data->get('bgcolorgradient', 'off'); $colorEnd = $this->owner->fill($this->data->get('bgcolorgradientend', '00000000')); if (empty($colorEnd)) { $colorEnd = '00000000'; } $this->addLocalStyle('normal', 'background', $this->getBackgroundCSS($color, $gradient, $colorEnd, $backgroundStyle) . $backgroundStyle); $colorHover = $this->owner->fill($this->data->get('bgcolor-hover')); $gradientHover = $this->data->get('bgcolorgradient-hover'); $colorEndHover = $this->owner->fill($this->data->get('bgcolorgradientend-hover')); $isHoverDifferent = false; if (!empty($colorHover) && $colorHover != $color) { $isHoverDifferent = true; } if (!empty($gradientHover) && $gradientHover != $gradient) { $isHoverDifferent = true; } if (!empty($colorEndHover) && $colorEndHover != $colorEnd) { $isHoverDifferent = true; } if ($isHoverDifferent) { if (empty($colorHover)) $colorHover = $color; if (empty($gradientHover)) $gradientHover = $gradient; if (empty($colorEndHover)) $colorEndHover = $colorEnd; $this->addLocalStyle('hover', 'background', $this->getBackgroundCSS($colorHover, $gradientHover, $colorEndHover, $backgroundStyle, true)); } } protected function getBackgroundCSS($color, $gradient, $colorend, $backgroundStyle, $isHover = false) { if (Color::hex2alpha($color) != 0 || ($gradient != 'off' && Color::hex2alpha($colorend) != 0) || $isHover) { $this->hasBackground = true; switch ($gradient) { case 'horizontal': return '--n2bggradient:linear-gradient(to right, ' . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ' 0%,' . Color::colorToRGBA($colorend) . ' 100%);'; case 'vertical': return '--n2bggradient:linear-gradient(to bottom, ' . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ' 0%,' . Color::colorToRGBA($colorend) . ' 100%);'; case 'diagonal1': return '--n2bggradient:linear-gradient(45deg, ' . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ' 0%,' . Color::colorToRGBA($colorend) . ' 100%);'; case 'diagonal2': return '--n2bggradient:linear-gradient(135deg, ' . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ' 0%,' . Color::colorToRGBA($colorend) . ' 100%);'; case 'off': default: if (!empty($backgroundStyle)) { return "--n2bggradient:linear-gradient(" . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ", " . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ");"; } else { return "background-color:" . Color::colorToRGBA($color) . ';'; } break; } } return ''; } /** * @param AbstractRenderableOwner $slide * @param array $layer */ public static function getFilled($slide, &$layer) { if (!empty($layer['uniqueclass'])) { $layer['uniqueclass'] .= $slide->unique; } if (!empty($layer['class'])) { $layer['class'] = $slide->fill($layer['class']); } } /** * @param ExportSlider $export * @param array $layer */ public static function prepareExport($export, $layer) { } /** * @param ImportSlider $import * @param array $layer */ public static function prepareImport($import, &$layer) { } /** * @param array $layer */ public static function prepareSample(&$layer) { } public function getAttribute($key) { if (isset($this->attributes[$key])) { return $this->attributes[$key]; } return null; } public function setAttribute($key, $value) { $this->attributes[$key] = $value; } protected function addLocalStyle($group, $name, $style) { if (!empty($style)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->localStyle); $i++) { if ($this->localStyle[$i]['group'] == $group) { $this->localStyle[$i]['css'][$name] = $style; break; } } } } protected function serveLocalStyle() { $uniqueClassSelector = $this->getUniqueClassSelector(); $css = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->localStyle); $i++) { $style = ''; foreach ($this->localStyle[$i]['css'] as $_css) { $style .= $_css; } if (!empty($style)) { $css .= '@rule' . $this->localStyle[$i]['selector'] . '{' . $style . '}'; } } if (!empty($css)) { $this->getOwner() ->addCSS(str_replace('@rule', $uniqueClassSelector, $css)); } if (!empty($this->localRawStyles)) { foreach ($this->localRawStyles as $localRawStyle) { $this->getOwner() ->addCSS(str_replace('@rule', $uniqueClassSelector, $localRawStyle)); } } foreach ($this->style->styles as $device => $styles) { foreach ($styles as $selector => $stylesData) { $this->getOwner() ->addDeviceCSS($device, $uniqueClassSelector . $selector . '{' . implode(';', $stylesData) . '}'); } } } public function getUniqueClassSelector() { $uniqueClass = $this->data->get('uniqueclass', ''); if (empty($uniqueClass)) { $uniqueClass = self::generateUniqueIdentifier('n-uc-'); $this->data->set('uniqueclass', $uniqueClass); } $uniqueClass .= $this->owner->unique; return 'div#' . $this->owner->getElementID() . ' .' . $uniqueClass; } protected static function generateUniqueIdentifier($prefix = 'n', $length = 12) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[mt_rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $prefix . $randomString; } public static function translateUniqueIdentifier($layers, $isAction = true) { $idTranslation = array(); self::translateUniqueIdentifierID($idTranslation, $layers); self::translateUniqueIdentifierParentID($idTranslation, $layers); if ($isAction) { self::translateUniqueIdentifierClass($layers); } return $layers; } private static function translateUniqueIdentifierID(&$idTranslation, &$layers) { if (is_array($layers)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($layers); $i++) { if (!empty($layers[$i]['id'])) { $newId = self::generateUniqueIdentifier(); $idTranslation[$layers[$i]['id']] = $newId; $layers[$i]['id'] = $newId; } if (isset($layers[$i]['type'])) { switch ($layers[$i]['type']) { case 'row': self::translateUniqueIdentifierID($idTranslation, $layers[$i]['cols']); break; case 'col': case 'content': self::translateUniqueIdentifierID($idTranslation, $layers[$i]['layers']); break; } } } } } private static function translateUniqueIdentifierParentID(&$idTranslation, &$layers) { if (is_array($layers)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($layers); $i++) { if (!empty($layers[$i]['parentid'])) { if (isset($idTranslation[$layers[$i]['parentid']])) { $layers[$i]['parentid'] = $idTranslation[$layers[$i]['parentid']]; } else { $layers[$i]['parentid'] = ''; } } if (isset($layers[$i]['type'])) { switch ($layers[$i]['type']) { case 'row': self::translateUniqueIdentifierParentID($idTranslation, $layers[$i]['cols']); break; case 'col': case 'content': self::translateUniqueIdentifierParentID($idTranslation, $layers[$i]['layers']); break; } } } } } private static function translateUniqueIdentifierClass(&$layers) { if (is_array($layers)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($layers); $i++) { if (!empty($layers[$i]['uniqueclass'])) { $layers[$i]['uniqueclass'] = self::generateUniqueIdentifier('n-uc-'); } if (isset($layers[$i]['type'])) { switch ($layers[$i]['type']) { case 'row': self::translateUniqueIdentifierClass($layers[$i]['cols']); break; case 'col': case 'content': self::translateUniqueIdentifierClass($layers[$i]['layers']); break; } } } } } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } public static function innerAlignToStyle($innerAlign) { if ($innerAlign == 'left') { return 'text-align:left;--ssselfalign:var(--ss-fs);'; } else if ($innerAlign == 'center') { return 'text-align:center;--ssselfalign:center;'; } else if ($innerAlign == 'right') { return 'text-align:right;--ssselfalign:var(--ss-fe);'; } else if ($innerAlign == '') { return ''; } return 'text-align:inherit;--ssselfalign:inherit;'; } public static function selfAlignToStyle($innerAlign) { if ($innerAlign == 'left') { return 'align-self:var(--ss-fs);'; } else if ($innerAlign == 'center') { return 'align-self:center;'; } else if ($innerAlign == 'right') { return 'align-self:var(--ss-fe);'; } else if ($innerAlign == '') { return ''; } return 'align-self:var(--ssselfalign);'; } }