namespace ShortPixel\Model\Image;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
 exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
use ShortPixel\Controller\OptimizeController as OptimizeController;
use ShortPixel\Helper\UtilHelper as UtilHelper;

use ShortPixel\Controller\ApiController as API;

// @todo Custom Model for adding files, instead of meta DAO.
class CustomImageModel extends \ShortPixel\Model\Image\ImageModel

    protected $folder_id;
    protected $path_md5;

    protected $type = 'custom';

    protected $thumbnails = array(); // placeholder, should return empty.
    protected $retinas = array(); // placeholder, should return empty.

    protected $in_db = false;
    protected $is_stub = false;

    protected $is_main_file = true;

		/** @var array */
		protected $forceSettings = array();  // option derives from setting or otherwise, request to be forced upon via UI to use specific value.

		// @param int $id
    public function __construct($id)
        $this->id = $id;

        if ($id > 0)
          $bool = $this->loadMeta();
					/*if ($bool)
					} */
          $this->fullpath = ''; // stub
          $this->image_meta = new ImageMeta();
          $this->is_stub = true;

		* @param int $folder_id;
    public function setFolderId($folder_id)
        $this->folder_id = $folder_id;

    public function getOptimizeUrls()

			$data = $this->getOptimizeData();
			return array_values($data['urls']);


    protected function getExcludePatterns()
        $args = array(
          'filter' => true,
          'is_custom' => true,

        $patterns = UtilHelper::getExclusions($args);
        return $patterns;

		public function getOptimizeData()
				$parameters = array(
						'urls' => array(),
						'params' => array(),
						'returnParams' => array(),

				$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
        if ($this->is_virtual())
          $url = $this->getFullPath();
          $url = $this->getURL();

				 $settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
				 $isSmartCrop = ($settings->useSmartcrop == true && $this->getExtension() !== 'pdf') ? true : false;
		 		 $paramListArgs = array(); // args for the params, yes.

		 		 if (isset($this->forceSettings['smartcrop']) && $this->getExtension() !== 'pdf')
		 			  $isSmartCrop = ($this->forceSettings['smartcrop'] == ImageModel::ACTION_SMARTCROP) ? true : false;
				 $paramListArgs['smartcrop'] = $isSmartCrop;
         $paramListArgs['main_url'] = $url;
         $paramListArgs['url'] = $url;

        if ($this->isProcessable(true) || $this->isProcessableAnyFileType())
          $parameters['urls'][0] =  $url;
					$parameters['paths'][0] = $this->getFullPath();
					$parameters['params'][0] = $this->createParamList($paramListArgs);
					$parameters['returnParams']['sizes'][0] =  $this->getFileName();

					if ($isSmartCrop )
						 $parameters['returnParams']['fileSizes'][0] = $this->getFileSize();

				return $parameters;

		public function doSetting($setting, $value)
			  $this->forceSettings[$setting] = $value;

		public function getURL()
			  return \wpSPIO()->filesystem()->pathToUrl($this);

    public function count($type)
      // everything is 1 on 1 in the customModel
         case 'thumbnails':
            return 0;
         case 'webps':
            $count = count($this->getWebps());
         case 'avifs':
            $count = count($this->getAvifs());
         case 'retinas':
           $count = count($this->getRetinas());

      return $count; // 0 or 1

    /* Check if an image in theory could be processed. Check only exclusions, don't check status etc */
    public function isProcessable($strict = false)
        $bool = parent::isProcessable();

					return $bool;

				// The exclude size on the  image - via regex - if fails, prevents the whole thing from optimization.
				if ($this->processable_status == ImageModel::P_EXCLUDE_SIZE || $this->processable_status == ImageModel::P_EXCLUDE_PATH)
					 return $bool;

      /*  if ($bool === false && $strict === false)
          // Todo check if Webp / Acif is active, check for unoptimized items
          if ($this->isProcessableFileType('webp'))
            $bool = true;
          if ($this->isProcessableFileType('avif'))
             $bool = true;

        } */

				// From above to below was implemented because it could not detect file not writable / directory not writable issues if there was any option to generate webp in the settings. Should check for all those file issues first.

				// First test if this file isn't unprocessable for any other reason, then check.
				if (($this->isProcessable(true) || $this->isOptimized() ) && $this->isProcessableAnyFileType() === true)
					if (false === $this->is_directory_writable())
					 	$bool = false;
					else {
						$bool = true;

        return $bool;

		public function isRestorable()

			 $bool = parent::isRestorable();

			 	// If fine, all fine.
			 	if ($bool == true)
			 		return $bool;

				// If not, check this..
				if ($this->hasBackup() && $this->getMeta('status') == self::FILE_STATUS_PREVENT)
					 	return true;
					  return $bool;

    protected function getWebps()
         $webp = array($this->getWebp());
         return array_filter($webp);

    protected function getAvifs()
         $avif = array($this->getAvif());
         return array_filter($avif);

    /** Get FileTypes that might be optimized. Checking for setting should go via isProcessableFileType! */
    public function getOptimizeFileType($type = 'webp')
        // Pdf files can't have special images.
        if ($this->getExtension() == 'pdf')
          return array();

        if ($type == 'webp')
          $types = $this->getWebps();
        elseif ($type == 'avif')
            $types = $this->getAvifs();

        $toOptimize = array();
        $fs = \WPSPIO()->filesystem();

				// The file must not exist yet.
        if (count($types) == 0 && ($this->isProcessable(true) || $this->isOptimized()) )
          return array($fs->pathToUrl($this));
          return array();


    public function restore($args = array())
       do_action('shortpixel_before_restore_image', $this->get('id'));
       do_action('shortpixel/image/before_restore', $this);

			 $defaults = array(
	 			'keep_in_queue' => false, // used for bulk restore.

	 		$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);

       $bool = parent::restore();

			 $return = true;
       if ($bool)
				 $this->setMeta('status', ImageModel::FILE_STATUS_UNPROCESSED);
				 $this->setMeta('compressedSize', 0);
				 $this->setMeta('compressionType', null);


        $webps = $this->getWebps();
        foreach($webps as $webpFile)

        $avifs = $this->getAvifs();
        foreach($avifs as $avifFile)
				  $return = false;

			 if ($args['keep_in_queue'] === false)
			 do_action('shortpixel/image/after_restore', $this, $this->id, $bool);

       return $return;

    public function handleOptimized($optimizeData, $args = array())
			 $bool = true;

			 if (isset($optimizeData['files']) && isset($optimizeData['data']))
 				 $files = $optimizeData['files'];
 				 $data = $optimizeData['data'];
 			else {
 				Log::addError('Something went wrong with handleOptimized', $optimizeData);

			 if (! $this->isOptimized() ) // main file might not be contained in results
       		$bool = parent::handleOptimized($files[0]);


       if ($bool)
         $this->setMeta('customImprovement', parent::getImprovement());

	//		 $this->deleteTempFiles($files);

       return $bool;

    public function loadMeta()

      global $wpdb;

      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '  . $wpdb->prefix . 'shortpixel_meta where id = %d';
      $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id);

      $imagerow = $wpdb->get_row($sql);

			$metaObj = new ImageMeta();
			$this->image_meta = $metaObj; // even if not found, load an empty imageMeta.

      if (! is_object($imagerow))
        return false;

      $this->in_db = true; // record found.

      $this->fullpath = $imagerow->path;
      $this->folder_id = $imagerow->folder_id;
      $this->path_md5 = $imagerow->path_md5;

      $status = intval($imagerow->status);
      $metaObj->status = $status;

      if ($status == ImageModel::FILE_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        $metaObj->customImprovement = $imagerow->message;

      $metaObj->compressedSize = intval($imagerow->compressed_size);
			// The null check is important, otherwise it will always optimize wrongly.
      $metaObj->compressionType = (is_null($imagerow->compression_type)) ? null : intval($imagerow->compression_type);

      if (! is_numeric($imagerow->message) && ! is_null($imagerow->message))
        $metaObj->errorMessage = $imagerow->message;

      $metaObj->did_keepExif = (intval($imagerow->keep_exif) == 1)  ? true : false;

      $metaObj->did_cmyk2rgb = (intval($imagerow->cmyk2rgb) == 1) ? true : false;

      $metaObj->resize = (intval($imagerow->resize) > 1) ? true : false;

      if (intval($imagerow->resize_width) > 0)
        $metaObj->resizeWidth = intval($imagerow->resize_width);

      if (intval($imagerow->resize_height) > 0)
        $metaObj->resizeHeight = intval($imagerow->resize_height);

        //$metaObj->has_backup = (intval($imagerow->backup) == 1) ? true : false;

        $addedDate = UtilHelper::DBtoTimestamp($imagerow->ts_added);
        $metaObj->tsAdded = $addedDate;

        $optimizedDate = UtilHelper::DBtoTimestamp($imagerow->ts_optimized);
        $metaObj->tsOptimized = $optimizedDate;

				$extraInfo = property_exists($imagerow, 'extra_info') ? $imagerow->extra_info : null;

				if (! is_null($extraInfo))
					$data = json_decode($extraInfo, true);

					if (isset($data['webpStatus']))
						 $this->setMeta('webp', $data['webpStatus']);
					if (isset($data['avifStatus']))
						 $this->setMeta('avif', $data['avifStatus']);


        $this->image_meta = $metaObj;

		public function getParent()
			 return false; // no parents here

    /** Load a CustomImageModel as Stub ( to be added ) . Checks if the image is already added as well
		 * @param String $path
		 * @param Boolean $load
    public function setStub($path, $load = true)
       $this->fullpath = $path;
       $this->path_md5 = md5($this->fullpath);

       global $wpdb;

       $sql = 'SELECT id from '  . $wpdb->prefix . 'shortpixel_meta where path =  %s';
       $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $path);

       $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
       if ( ! is_null($result)  )
          $this->in_db = true;
          $this->id = $result;
          if ($load)
          $this->image_meta = new ImageMeta();
          $this->image_meta->compressedSize = 0;
          $this->image_meta->tsOptimized = 0;
          $this->image_meta->tsAdded = time();



    protected function preventNextTry($reason = '', $status = self::FILE_STATUS_PREVENT)
        $this->setMeta('errorMessage', $reason);
        $this->setMeta('status', $status);

    public function markCompleted($reason, $status)
       return $this->preventNextTry($reason, $status);

    public function isOptimizePrevented()
         $status = $this->getMeta('status');

         if ($status == self::FILE_STATUS_PREVENT || $status == self::FILE_STATUS_MARKED_DONE )
					  $this->processable_status = self::P_OPTIMIZE_PREVENTED;
            $this->optimizePreventedReason  = $this->getMeta('errorMessage');

            return $this->getMeta('errorMessage');

         return false;

    // Only one item for now, so it's equal
    public function isSomethingOptimized()
       return $this->isOptimized();

    public function resetPrevent()

				if ($this->hasBackup())
					$this->setMeta('status', self::FILE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
        	$this->setMeta('status', self::FILE_STATUS_UNPROCESSED);

        $this->setMeta('errorMessage', '');

    public function saveMeta()
        global $wpdb;

       $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'shortpixel_meta';
       $where = array('id' => $this->id);

       $metaObj = $this->image_meta;

       if (! is_null($metaObj->customImprovement) && is_numeric($metaObj->customImprovement))
        $message = $metaObj->customImprovement;
       elseif (! is_null($metaObj->errorMessage))
        $message = $metaObj->errorMessage;
        $message = null;

      $optimized = new \DateTime();

      $added = new \DateTime();

			$extra_info = array();
			if ($this->getMeta('webp') === self::FILETYPE_BIGGER)
				 $extra_info['webpStatus']  = self::FILETYPE_BIGGER;
			if ($this->getMeta('avif') === self::FILETYPE_BIGGER)
				 $extra_info['avifStatus']  = self::FILETYPE_BIGGER;

			if (count($extra_info) > 0)
				 $extra_info = json_encode($extra_info);
			else {
				 $extra_info = null;

       $data = array(
            'folder_id' => $this->folder_id,
            'compressed_size' => $metaObj->compressedSize,
            'compression_type' => $metaObj->compressionType,
            'keep_exif' =>  ($metaObj->did_keepExif) ? 1 : 0,
            'cmyk2rgb' =>  ($metaObj->did_cmyk2rgb) ? 1 : 0,
            'resize' =>  ($metaObj->resize) ? 1 : 0,
            'resize_width' => $metaObj->resizeWidth,
            'resize_height' => $metaObj->resizeHeight,
            'backup' => ($this->hasBackup()) ? 1 : 0,
            'status' => $metaObj->status,
            'retries' => 0, // this is unused / legacy
            'message' => $message, // this is used for improvement line.
            'ts_added' => UtilHelper::timestampToDB($metaObj->tsAdded),
            'ts_optimized' => UtilHelper::timestampToDB($metaObj->tsOptimized),
            'path' => $this->getFullPath(),
						'name' => $this->getFileName(),
            'path_md5' => md5($this->getFullPath()), // this is legacy
						'extra_info' => $extra_info,
       // The keys are just for readability.
       $format = array(
            'folder_id' => '%d',
            'compressed_size' => '%d',
            'compression_type' => '%d' ,
            'keep_exif' => '%d' ,
            'cmyk2rgb' => '%d' ,
            'resize' => '%d' ,
            'resize_width' => '%d',
            'resize_height' => '%d',
            'backup' => '%d',
            'status' => '%d',
            'retries' => '%d', // this is unused / legacy
            'message' => '%s', // this is used for improvement line.
            'ts_added' => '%s',
            'ts_optimized' => '%s' ,
            'path' => '%s',
						'name' => '%s',
            'path_md5' => '%s' , // this is legacy
						'extra_info' => '%s',

      $is_new = false;

       if ($this->in_db)
        $res = $wpdb->update($table, $data, $where, $format); // result is amount rows updated.
        $is_new = true;
        $res = $wpdb->insert($table, $data, $format); // result is new inserted id

      if ($is_new)
         $this->id = $wpdb->insert_id;

      if ($res !== false)
        return true;
        return false;

    public function deleteMeta()
      global $wpdb;
      $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'shortpixel_meta';
      $where = array('id' => $this->id);

      $result = $wpdb->delete($table, $where, array('%d'));

      return $result;

    public function onDelete()

			public function dropFromQueue()
				 $optimizeController = new OptimizeController();

				 $q = $optimizeController->getQueue($this->type);

				 // Drop also from bulk if there.


				 $q = $optimizeController->getQueue($this->type);

    public function getImprovement($int = false)
       return $this->getMeta('customImprovement');

    public function getImprovements()
      $improvements = array();
      /*$totalsize = $totalperc = $count = 0;
      if ($this->isOptimized())
         $perc = $this->getImprovement();
         $size = $this->getImprovement(true);
         $totalsize += $size;
         $totalperc += $perc;
         $improvements['main'] = array($perc, $size);
      } */
			$improvement = $this->getImprovement();
			if (is_null($improvement)) // getImprovement can return null.
				$improvement = 0;
      $improvements['main'] = array($improvement, 0);
			$improvements['totalpercentage'] = round($improvement); // the same.

      return $improvements;

    //  return $improvements; // we have no thumbnails.
