settings = Settings::get_instance(); } /** * Gets the local list of configs via Smush endpoint. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @return bool */ public function get_callback() { $stored_configs = get_site_option( 'wp-smush-preset_configs', false ); if ( false === $stored_configs ) { $stored_configs = array( $this->get_basic_config() ); update_site_option( 'wp-smush-preset_configs', $stored_configs ); } return $stored_configs; } /** * Updates the local list of configs via Smush endpoint. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Class containing the request data. * * @return array|WP_Error */ public function post_callback( $request ) { $data = json_decode( $request->get_body(), true ); if ( ! is_array( $data ) ) { return new WP_Error( '400', esc_html__( 'Missing configs data', 'wp-smushit' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $sanitized_data = $this->sanitize_configs_list( $data ); update_site_option( 'wp-smush-preset_configs', $sanitized_data ); return $sanitized_data; } /** * Checks whether the current user can perform requests to Smush's endpoint. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @return bool */ public function permission_callback() { $capability = is_multisite() ? 'manage_network' : 'manage_options'; return current_user_can( $capability ); } /** * Adds the default configuration to the local configs. * * @since 3.8.6 */ private function get_basic_config() { $basic_config = array( 'id' => 1, 'name' => __( 'Default config', 'wp-smushit' ), 'description' => __( 'Recommended performance config for every site.', 'wp-smushit' ), 'default' => true, 'config' => array( 'configs' => array( 'settings' => array( 'auto' => true, 'lossy' => Settings::LEVEL_SUPER_LOSSY, 'strip_exif' => true, 'resize' => false, 'detection' => false, 'original' => true, 'backup' => true, 'png_to_jpg' => true, 'nextgen' => false, 's3' => false, 'gutenberg' => false, 'js_builder' => false, 'cdn' => false, 'auto_resize' => false, 'webp' => true, 'usage' => false, 'accessible_colors' => false, 'keep_data' => true, 'lazy_load' => false, 'background_images' => true, 'rest_api_support' => false, 'webp_mod' => false, ), ), ), ); $basic_config['config']['strings'] = $this->format_config_to_display( $basic_config['config']['configs'] ); return $basic_config; } /** * Sanitizes the full list of configs. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @param array $configs_list Configs list to sanitize. * @return array */ private function sanitize_configs_list( $configs_list ) { $sanitized_list = array(); foreach ( $configs_list as $config_data ) { if ( isset( $config_data['name'] ) ) { $name = sanitize_text_field( $config_data['name'] ); } if ( isset( $config_data['description'] ) ) { $description = sanitize_text_field( $config_data['description'] ); } $configs = isset( $config_data['config']['configs'] ) ? $config_data['config']['configs'] : array(); $sanitized_data = array( 'id' => filter_var( $config_data['id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ), 'name' => empty( $name ) ? __( 'Undefined', 'wp-smushit' ) : $name, 'description' => empty( $description ) ? '' : $description, 'config' => $this->sanitize_and_format_configs( $configs ), ); if ( ! empty( $config_data['hub_id'] ) ) { $sanitized_data['hub_id'] = filter_var( $config_data['hub_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); } if ( isset( $config_data['default'] ) ) { $sanitized_data['default'] = filter_var( $config_data['default'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ); } $sanitized_list[] = $sanitized_data; } return $sanitized_list; } /** * Tries to save the uploaded config. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $file The uploaded file. * * @return array|WP_Error */ public function save_uploaded_config( $file ) { try { return $this->decode_and_validate_config_file( $file ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'error_saving', $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Tries to decode and validate the uploaded config file. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $file The uploaded file. * * @return array * * @throws Exception When there's an error with the uploaded file. */ private function decode_and_validate_config_file( $file ) { if ( ! $file ) { throw new Exception( __( 'The configs file is required', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } elseif ( ! empty( $file['error'] ) ) { /* translators: error message */ throw new Exception( sprintf( __( 'Error: %s.', 'wp-smushit' ), $file['error'] ) ); } elseif ( 'application/json' !== $file['type'] ) { throw new Exception( __( 'The file must be a JSON.', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } $json_file = file_get_contents( $file['tmp_name'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents if ( ! $json_file ) { throw new Exception( __( 'There was an error getting the contents of the file.', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } $configs = json_decode( $json_file, true ); if ( empty( $configs ) || ! is_array( $configs ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'There was an error decoding the file.', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } // Make sure the config has a name and configs. if ( empty( $configs['name'] ) || empty( $configs['config'] ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'The uploaded config must have a name and a set of settings. Please make sure the uploaded file is the correct one.', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } // Sanitize. $plugin = isset( $configs['plugin'] ) ? $configs['plugin'] : 0; $configs = $this->sanitize_configs_list( array( $configs ) ); $configs = $configs[0]; // Restore back plugin ID. $configs['plugin'] = $plugin; // Let's re-create this to avoid differences between imported settings coming from other versions. $configs['config']['strings'] = $this->format_config_to_display( $configs['config']['configs'] ); if ( empty( $configs['config']['configs'] ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'The provided configs list isn’t correct. Please make sure the uploaded file is the correct one.', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } // Don't keep these if they exist. if ( isset( $configs['hub_id'] ) ) { unset( $configs['hub_id'] ); } if ( isset( $configs['default'] ) ) { unset( $configs['default'] ); } return $configs; } /** * Applies a config given its ID. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @param string $id The ID of the config to apply. * * @return void|WP_Error */ public function apply_config_by_id( $id ) { $stored_configs = get_site_option( 'wp-smush-preset_configs' ); $config = false; foreach ( $stored_configs as $config_data ) { if ( (int) $config_data['id'] === (int) $id ) { $config = $config_data; break; } } // The config with the given ID doesn't exist. if ( ! $config ) { return new WP_Error( '404', __( 'The given config ID does not exist', 'wp-smushit' ) ); } $this->apply_config( $config['config']['configs'], $config['name'] ); } /** * Applies the given config. * * @since 3.8.6 * * @param array $config The config to apply. */ public function apply_config( $config, $config_name = '' ) { $sanitized_config = $this->sanitize_config( $config ); // Update 'networkwide' options in multisites. if ( is_multisite() && isset( $sanitized_config['networkwide'] ) ) { update_site_option( 'wp-smush-networkwide', $sanitized_config['networkwide'] ); } $settings_handler = Settings::get_instance(); // Update image sizes. if ( isset( $sanitized_config['resize_sizes'] ) ) { $settings_handler->set_setting( 'wp-smush-resize_sizes', $sanitized_config['resize_sizes'] ); } // Update settings. We could reuse the `save` method from settings to handle this instead. if ( ! empty( $sanitized_config['settings'] ) ) { $stored_settings = $settings_handler->get_setting( 'wp-smush-settings' ); // Keep the keys that are in use in this version. $new_settings = array_intersect_key( $sanitized_config['settings'], $stored_settings ); if ( $new_settings ) { if ( ! WP_Smush::is_pro() ) { // Disable the pro features before applying them. foreach ( $this->pro_features as $name ) { $new_settings[ $name ] = false; } } // Update the flag file when local webp changes. if ( isset( $new_settings['webp_mod'] ) && $new_settings['webp_mod'] !== $stored_settings['webp_mod'] ) { WP_Smush::get_instance()->core()->mod->webp->toggle_webp( $new_settings['webp_mod'] ); // Hide the wizard form if Local Webp is configured. if ( WP_Smush::get_instance()->core()->mod->webp->is_configured() ) { update_site_option( 'wp-smush-webp_hide_wizard', 1 ); } } // Update the CDN status for CDN changes. if ( isset( $new_settings['cdn'] ) && $new_settings['cdn'] !== $stored_settings['cdn'] ) { WP_Smush::get_instance()->core()->mod->cdn->toggle_cdn( $new_settings['cdn'] ); } // Keep the stored settings that aren't present in the incoming one. $new_settings = array_merge( $stored_settings, $new_settings ); $settings_handler->set_setting( 'wp-smush-settings', $new_settings ); } } // Update lazy load. if ( ! empty( $sanitized_config['lazy_load'] ) ) { $stored_lazy_load = $settings_handler->get_setting( 'wp-smush-lazy_load' ); // Save the defaults before applying the config if the current settings aren't set. if ( empty( $stored_lazy_load ) ) { $settings_handler->init_lazy_load_defaults(); $stored_lazy_load = $settings_handler->get_setting( 'wp-smush-lazy_load' ); } // Keep the settings that are in use in this version. foreach ( $sanitized_config['lazy_load'] as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) && is_array( $stored_lazy_load[ $key ] ) ) { $sanitized_config['lazy_load'][ $key ] = array_intersect_key( $value, $stored_lazy_load[ $key ] ); } } // Keep the stored settings that aren't present in the incoming one. $new_lazy_load = array_replace_recursive( $stored_lazy_load, $sanitized_config['lazy_load'] ); $settings_handler->set_setting( 'wp-smush-lazy_load', $new_lazy_load ); } do_action( 'wp_smush_config_applied', $config_name ); // Skip onboarding if applying a config. update_option( 'skip-smush-setup', true ); } /** * Gets a new config array based on the current settings. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @return array */ public function get_config_from_current() { $settings = Settings::get_instance(); $stored_settings = $settings->get_setting( 'wp-smush-settings' ); $configs = array( 'settings' => $stored_settings ); if ( $stored_settings['resize'] ) { $configs['resize_sizes'] = $settings->get_setting( 'wp-smush-resize_sizes' ); } // Let's store this only for multisites. if ( is_multisite() ) { $configs['networkwide'] = get_site_option( 'wp-smush-networkwide' ); } // There's a site_option that handles this. unset( $configs['settings']['networkwide'] ); // Looks like unused. unset( $configs['settings']['api_auth'] ); // These are unique per site. They shouldn't be used. unset( $configs['settings']['bulk'] ); // Include the lazy load settings only when lazy load is enabled. if ( ! empty( $configs['settings']['lazy_load'] ) ) { $lazy_load_settings = $settings->get_setting( 'wp-smush-lazy_load' ); if ( ! empty( $lazy_load_settings ) ) { // Exclude unique settings. unset( $lazy_load_settings['animation']['placeholder'] ); unset( $lazy_load_settings['animation']['spinner'] ); unset( $lazy_load_settings['exclude-pages'] ); unset( $lazy_load_settings['exclude-classes'] ); if ( 'fadein' !== $lazy_load_settings['animation']['selected'] ) { unset( $lazy_load_settings['animation']['fadein'] ); } $configs['lazy_load'] = $lazy_load_settings; } } // Exclude CDN fields if CDN is disabled. if ( empty( $configs['settings']['cdn'] ) ) { foreach ( $settings->get_cdn_fields() as $field ) { if ( 'cdn' !== $field ) { unset( $configs['settings'][ $field ] ); } } } return array( 'config' => array( 'configs' => $configs, 'strings' => $this->format_config_to_display( $configs ), ), ); } /** * Sanitizes the given config. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $config Config array to sanitize. * * @return array */ private function sanitize_config( $config ) { $sanitized = array(); if ( isset( $config['networkwide'] ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $config['networkwide'] ) ) { $sanitized['networkwide'] = sanitize_text_field( $config['networkwide'] ); } else { $sanitized['networkwide'] = filter_var( $config['networkwide'], FILTER_CALLBACK, array( 'options' => 'sanitize_text_field', ) ); } } if ( ! empty( $config['settings'] ) ) { $sanitized['settings'] = filter_var( $config['settings'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY ); if ( isset( $config['settings']['lossy'] ) ) { $sanitized['settings']['lossy'] = $this->settings->sanitize_lossy_level( $config['settings']['lossy'] ); } } if ( isset( $config['resize_sizes'] ) ) { if ( is_bool( $config['resize_sizes'] ) ) { $sanitized['resize_sizes'] = $config['resize_sizes']; } else { $sanitized['resize_sizes'] = array( 'width' => (int) $config['resize_sizes']['width'], 'height' => (int) $config['resize_sizes']['height'], ); } } if ( ! empty( $config['lazy_load'] ) ) { $args = array( 'format' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY + FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE, ), 'output' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, ), 'animation' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'options' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, ), 'include' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, ), 'exclude-pages' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_URL, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, ), 'exclude-classes' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'options' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, ), 'footer' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, 'native' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, 'noscript' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, ); $sanitized['lazy_load'] = filter_var_array( $config['lazy_load'], $args, false ); } return $sanitized; } /** * Formatting methods. */ /** * Formats the given config to be displayed. * Used when displaying the list of configs and when sending a config to the Hub. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $config The config to format. * * @return array Contains an array for each setting. Each with a 'label' and 'value' keys. */ private function format_config_to_display( $config ) { $settings_data = array( 'bulk_smush' => Settings::get_instance()->get_bulk_fields(), 'lazy_load' => Settings::get_instance()->get_lazy_load_fields(), 'cdn' => Settings::get_instance()->get_cdn_fields(), 'webp_mod' => array(), 'integrations' => Settings::get_instance()->get_integrations_fields(), 'settings' => Settings::get_instance()->get_settings_fields(), ); $display_array = array(); if ( ! empty( $config['settings'] ) ) { foreach ( $settings_data as $name => $fields ) { // Display the setting inactive when the module is off. if ( 'webp_mod' === $name || ( in_array( $name, array( 'cdn', 'lazy_load' ), true ) && empty( $config['settings'][ $name ] ) ) ) { $display_array[ $name ] = $this->format_boolean_setting_value( $name, $config['settings'][ $name ] ); continue; } $display_array[ $name ] = $this->get_settings_display_value( $config, $fields ); } // Append the resize_sizes to the Bulk Smush display settings. if ( ! empty( $config['settings']['resize'] ) && ! empty( $config['resize_sizes'] ) ) { $display_array['bulk_smush'][] = sprintf( /* translators: 1. Resize-size max width, 2. Resize-size max height */ __( 'Full images max-sizes to resize - Max-width: %1$s. Max height: %2$s', 'wp-smushit' ), $config['resize_sizes']['width'], $config['resize_sizes']['height'] ); } // Append the lazy laod details to the the Lazy Load display settings. if ( ! empty( $config['settings']['lazy_load'] ) && ! empty( $config['lazy_load'] ) ) { $display_array['lazy_load'] = array_merge( $display_array['lazy_load'], $this->get_lazy_load_settings_to_display( $config ) ); } } // Display only for multisites, if the setting exists. if ( is_multisite() && isset( $config['networkwide'] ) ) { $display_array['networkwide'] = $this->get_networkwide_settings_to_display( $config ); } // Format the values to what's expected in front. A string within an array. array_walk( $display_array, function( &$value ) { if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) { $value = implode( PHP_EOL, $value ); } $value = array( $value ); } ); return $display_array; } /** * Formats the given fields that belong to the "settings" option. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $config The config to format. * @param array $fields The fields to look for. * * @return array */ private function get_settings_display_value( $config, $fields ) { $formatted_rows = array(); $extra_labels = array( 's3' => __( 'Amazon S3', 'wp-smushit' ), 'nextgen' => __( 'NextGen Gallery', 'wp-smushit' ), 'lazy_load' => __( 'Lazy Load', 'wp-smushit' ), 'cdn' => __( 'CDN', 'wp-smushit' ), 'keep_data' => __( 'Keep Data On Uninstall', 'wp-smushit' ), ); foreach ( $fields as $name ) { if ( isset( $config['settings'][ $name ] ) ) { $label = Settings::get_instance()->get_setting_data( $name, 'short-label' ); if ( empty( $label ) ) { $label = ! empty( $extra_labels[ $name ] ) ? $extra_labels[ $name ] : $name; } if ( 'lossy' === $name ) { $formatted_rows[] = $label . ' - ' . $this->settings->get_lossy_level_label( $config['settings'][ $name ] ); continue; } $formatted_rows[] = $label . ' - ' . $this->format_boolean_setting_value( $name, $config['settings'][ $name ] ); } } return $formatted_rows; } /** * Formats the boolean settings that are either 'active' or 'inactive'. * If the setting belongs to a pro feature and * this isn't a pro install, we display it as 'inactive'. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param string $name The setting's name. * @param boolean $value The setting's value. * @return string */ private function format_boolean_setting_value( $name, $value ) { // Display the pro features as 'inactive' for free installs. if ( ! WP_Smush::is_pro() && in_array( $name, $this->pro_features, true ) ) { $value = false; } return $value ? __( 'Active', 'wp-smushit' ) : __( 'Inactive', 'wp-smushit' ); } /** * Formats the given lazy_load settings to be displayed. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $config The config to format. * * @return array */ private function get_lazy_load_settings_to_display( $config ) { $formatted_rows = array(); // List of the available lazy load settings for this version and their labels. $settings_labels = array( 'format' => __( 'Media Types', 'wp-smushit' ), 'output' => __( 'Output Locations', 'wp-smushit' ), 'include' => __( 'Included Post Types', 'wp-smushit' ), 'animation' => __( 'Display And Animation', 'wp-smushit' ), 'footer' => __( 'Load Scripts In Footer', 'wp-smushit' ), 'native' => __( 'Native Lazy Load Enabled', 'wp-smushit' ), 'noscript' => __( 'Disable Noscript', 'wp-smushit' ), ); foreach ( $config['lazy_load'] as $key => $value ) { // Skip if the setting doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $settings_labels[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } $formatted_value = $settings_labels[ $key ] . ' - '; if ( 'animation' === $key ) { // The special kid. $formatted_value .= __( 'Selected: ', 'wp-smushit' ) . $value['selected']; if ( ! empty( $value['fadein'] ) ) { $formatted_value .= __( '. Fade in duration: ', 'wp-smushit' ) . $value['fadein']['duration']; $formatted_value .= __( '. Fade in delay: ', 'wp-smushit' ) . $value['fadein']['delay']; } } elseif ( in_array( $key, array( 'footer', 'native', 'noscript' ), true ) ) { // Enabled/disabled settings. $formatted_value .= ! empty( $value ) ? __( 'Yes', 'wp-smushit' ) : __( 'No', 'wp-smushit' ); } else { // Arrays. if ( in_array( $key, array( 'format', 'output', 'include' ), true ) ) { $value = array_keys( array_filter( $value ) ); } if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $formatted_value .= implode( ', ', $value ); } else { $formatted_value .= __( 'none', 'wp-smushit' ); } } $formatted_rows[] = $formatted_value; } return $formatted_rows; } /** * Formats the 'networkwide' setting to display. * * @since 3.8.5 * * @param array $config The config to format. * * @return string */ private function get_networkwide_settings_to_display( $config ) { if ( is_array( $config['networkwide'] ) ) { return implode( ', ', $config['networkwide'] ); } return '1' === (string) $config['networkwide'] ? __( 'All', 'wp-smushit' ) : __( 'None', 'wp-smushit' ); } public function sanitize_and_format_configs( $configs ) { return array( 'configs' => $this->sanitize_config( $configs ), 'strings' => $this->format_config_to_display( $configs ), ); } }