/* global ajaxurl */ /* global wp_smush_msgs */ /* global WP_Smush */ /* global SUI */ ( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; /** * Bulk compress page. */ $( 'form#smush-bulk-form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload' ); saveSettings( $( this ).serialize(), 'bulk' ); // runReCheck(); } ); /** * Lazy load page. */ $( 'form#smush-lazy-load-form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload-text' ); saveSettings( $( this ).serialize(), 'lazy-load' ); } ); /** * CDN page. */ $( 'form#smush-cdn-form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload-text' ); saveSettings( $( this ).serialize(), 'cdn' ); } ); /** * Integrations page. */ $( 'form#smush-integrations-form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload-text' ); saveSettings( $( this ).serialize(), 'integrations' ); } ); /** * Settings page. */ $( 'form#smush-settings-form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload-text' ); saveSettings( $( this ).serialize(), 'settings' ); } ); /** * Save settings. * * @param {string} settings JSON string of settings. * @param {string} page Settings page. */ function saveSettings( settings, page ) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open( 'POST', ajaxurl + '?action=smush_save_settings', true ); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.onload = () => { $( '#save-settings-button' ).removeClass( 'sui-button-onload-text sui-button-onload' ); if ( 200 === xhr.status ) { const res = JSON.parse( xhr.response ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof res.success && res.success ) { showSuccessNotice( wp_smush_msgs.settingsUpdated ); triggerSavedSmushSettingsEvent( res.data ); } else if ( res.data && res.data.message ) { WP_Smush.helpers.showErrorNotice( res.data.message ); } else { WP_Smush.helpers.showErrorNotice( 'Request failed.' ); } } else { WP_Smush.helpers.showErrorNotice( 'Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status ); } }; xhr.send( 'page=' + page + '&' + settings + '&_ajax_nonce=' + wp_smush_msgs.nonce ); } function triggerSavedSmushSettingsEvent( status ) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'onSavedSmushSettings', { detail: status } ) ); } /** * Show successful update notice. * * @param {string} msg Notice message. */ function showSuccessNotice( msg ) { const noticeMessage = `

${ msg }

`, noticeOptions = { type: 'success', icon: 'check', }; SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-ajax-notice', noticeMessage, noticeOptions ); const loadingButton = document.querySelector( '.sui-button-onload' ); if ( loadingButton ) { loadingButton.classList.remove( 'sui-button-onload' ); } } /** * Re-check images from bulk smush and integrations pages. */ function runReCheck() { $( '#save-settings-button' ).addClass( 'sui-button-onload' ); const param = { action: 'scan_for_resmush', wp_smush_options_nonce: $( '#wp_smush_options_nonce' ).val(), type: 'media', }; // Send ajax, Update Settings, And Check For resmush. $.post( ajaxurl, $.param( param ) ).done( function() { $( '#save-settings-button' ).removeClass( 'sui-button-onload' ); } ); } /** * Parse remove data change. */ $( 'input[name=keep_data]' ).on( 'change', function( e ) { const otherClass = 'keep_data-true' === e.target.id ? 'keep_data-false' : 'keep_data-true'; e.target.parentNode.classList.add( 'active' ); document .getElementById( otherClass ) .parentNode.classList.remove( 'active' ); } ); /** * Handle auto-detect checkbox toggle, to show/hide highlighting notice. */ $( 'input#detection' ).on( 'click', function() { const noticeDiv = $( '.smush-highlighting-notice' ); const warningDiv = $( '.smush-highlighting-warning' ); // Setting enabled. if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { // Highlighting is already active and setting not saved. if ( noticeDiv.length > 0 ) { noticeDiv.show(); } else { warningDiv.show(); } } else { noticeDiv.hide(); warningDiv.hide(); } } ); }( jQuery ) );