/* global ajaxurl */ /* global wp_smush_msgs */ ( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; const s3alert = $( '#wp-smush-s3support-alert' ); /** * S3 support alert. * * @since 3.6.2 Moved from class-s3.php */ if ( s3alert.length ) { const noticeOptions = { type: 'warning', icon: 'info', dismiss: { show: true, label: wp_smush_msgs.noticeDismiss, tooltip: wp_smush_msgs.noticeDismissTooltip, }, }; window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-s3support-alert', s3alert.data( 'message' ), noticeOptions ); } // Dismiss S3 support alert. s3alert.on( 'click', 'button', () => { $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'dismiss_s3support_alert', _ajax_nonce: window.wp_smush_msgs.nonce, } ); } ); // Remove API message. $( '#wp-smush-api-message button.sui-button-icon' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const notice = $( '#wp-smush-api-message' ); notice.slideUp( 'slow', function() { notice.remove(); } ); $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'hide_api_message', _ajax_nonce: window.wp_smush_msgs.nonce, } ); } ); // Hide the notice after a CTA button was clicked function removeNotice( e ) { const $notice = $( e.currentTarget ).closest( '.smush-notice' ); $notice.fadeTo( 100, 0, () => $notice.slideUp( 100, () => $notice.remove() ) ); } // Only used for the Dashboard notification for now. $( '.smush-notice .smush-notice-act' ).on( 'click', ( e ) => { removeNotice( e ); } ); // Dismiss the update notice. $( '.wp-smush-update-info' ).on( 'click', '.notice-dismiss', ( e ) => { e.preventDefault(); removeNotice( e ); $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'dismiss_update_info', _ajax_nonce: window.wp_smush_msgs.nonce, } ); } ); }( jQuery ) );