/* global ajaxurl */ import Smush from '../smush/smush'; import {GlobalStats} from "../common/globalStats"; import SmushProgress from "../common/progressbar"; const remove_element = function (el, timeout) { if (typeof timeout === 'undefined') { timeout = 100; } el.fadeTo(timeout, 0, function () { el.slideUp(timeout, function () { el.remove(); }); }); }; jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; /** * Disable the action links * * * @param c_element */ const disable_links = function (c_element) { const parent = c_element.parent(); //reduce parent opacity parent.css({ opacity: '0.5' }); //Disable Links parent.find('a').prop('disabled', true); }; /** * Enable the Action Links * * * @param c_element */ const enable_links = function (c_element) { const parent = c_element.parent(); //reduce parent opacity parent.css({ opacity: '1' }); //Disable Links parent.find('a').prop('disabled', false); }; /** * Restore image request with a specified action for Media Library / NextGen Gallery * * @param {Object} e * @param {string} currentButton * @param {string} smushAction * @param {string} action */ const process_smush_action = function ( e, currentButton, smushAction, action ) { e.preventDefault(); // If disabled. if ( currentButton.attr( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } // Remove Error. $('.wp-smush-error').remove(); // Hide stats. $('.smush-stats-wrapper').hide(); let mode = 'grid'; if ('smush_restore_image' === smushAction) { if ($(document).find('div.media-modal.wp-core-ui').length > 0) { mode = 'grid'; } else { mode = window.location.search.indexOf('item') > -1 ? 'grid' : 'list'; } } // Get the image ID and nonce. const params = { action: smushAction, attachment_id: currentButton.data('id'), mode, _nonce: currentButton.data('nonce'), }; // Reduce the opacity of stats and disable the click. disable_links(currentButton); const oldLabel = currentButton.html(); currentButton.html( '' + wp_smush_msgs[action] + '' ); // Restore the image. $.post(ajaxurl, params, function (r) { // Reset all functionality. enable_links(currentButton); if (r.success && 'undefined' !== typeof r.data) { // Replace in immediate parent for NextGEN. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.data && this.data.indexOf('nextgen') > -1 ) { // Show the smush button, and remove stats and restore option. currentButton.parents().eq(1).html(r.data.stats); } else if ('restore' === action) { // Show the smush button, and remove stats and restore option. currentButton.parents().eq(1).html(r.data.stats); } else { const wrapper = currentButton.parents().eq(1); if ( wp_smush_msgs.failed_item_smushed && wrapper.hasClass('smush-failed-processing') ) { wrapper.html( '
' + wp_smush_msgs.failed_item_smushed + '
' ); setTimeout(function(){ wrapper.html( r.data ); }, 2000); } else { wrapper.html(r.data); } } if ('undefined' !== typeof r.data && 'restore' === action) { Smush.updateImageStats(r.data.new_size); } } else if (r.data && r.data.error_msg) { if ( -1 === this.data.indexOf('nextgen') ) { currentButton.closest( '.smushit' ).find('.smush-status').addClass('smush-warning').html(r.data.error_msg); } else { // Show error. currentButton.parent().append(r.data.error_msg); } // Reset label and disable button on error. currentButton.attr('disabled', true); currentButton.html( oldLabel ); } }); }; /** * Validates the Resize Width and Height against the Largest Thumbnail Width and Height * * @param wrapper_div jQuery object for the whole setting row wrapper div * @param width_only Whether to validate only width * @param height_only Validate only Height * @return {boolean} All Good or not */ const validate_resize_settings = function ( wrapper_div, width_only, height_only ) { const resize_checkbox = wrapper_div.find('#resize'); if (!height_only) { var width_input = wrapper_div.find('#wp-smush-resize_width'); var width_error_note = wrapper_div.find( '.sui-notice-info.wp-smush-update-width' ); } if (!width_only) { var height_input = wrapper_div.find('#wp-smush-resize_height'); var height_error_note = wrapper_div.find( '.sui-notice-info.wp-smush-update-height' ); } let width_error = false; let height_error = false; //If resize settings is not enabled, return true if (!resize_checkbox.is(':checked')) { return true; } //Check if we have localised width and height if ( 'undefined' === typeof wp_smushit_data.resize_sizes || 'undefined' === typeof wp_smushit_data.resize_sizes.width ) { //Rely on server validation return true; } //Check for width if ( !height_only && 'undefined' !== typeof width_input && parseInt(wp_smushit_data.resize_sizes.width) > parseInt(width_input.val()) ) { width_input.parent().addClass('sui-form-field-error'); width_error_note.show('slow'); width_error = true; } else { //Remove error class width_input.parent().removeClass('sui-form-field-error'); width_error_note.hide(); if (height_input.hasClass('error')) { height_error_note.show('slow'); } } //Check for height if ( !width_only && 'undefined' !== typeof height_input && parseInt(wp_smushit_data.resize_sizes.height) > parseInt(height_input.val()) ) { height_input.parent().addClass('sui-form-field-error'); //If we are not showing the width error already if (!width_error) { height_error_note.show('slow'); } height_error = true; } else { //Remove error class height_input.parent().removeClass('sui-form-field-error'); height_error_note.hide(); if (width_input.hasClass('error')) { width_error_note.show('slow'); } } if (width_error || height_error) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Update the progress bar width if we have images that needs to be resmushed * * @param unsmushed_count * @return {boolean} */ const update_progress_bar_resmush = function (unsmushed_count) { if ('undefined' === typeof unsmushed_count) { return false; } const smushed_count = wp_smushit_data.count_total - unsmushed_count; //Update the Progress Bar Width // get the progress bar const $progress_bar = jQuery( '.bulk-smush-wrapper .wp-smush-progress-inner' ); if ($progress_bar.length < 1) { return; } const width = (smushed_count / wp_smushit_data.count_total) * 100; // increase progress $progress_bar.css('width', width + '%'); }; const runRecheck = function (process_settings) { const button = $('.wp-smush-scan'); // Add a "loading" state to the button. button.addClass('sui-button-onload'); // Check if type is set in data attributes. let scan_type = button.data('type'); scan_type = 'undefined' === typeof scan_type ? 'media' : scan_type; // Remove the Skip resmush attribute from button. $('.wp-smush-all').removeAttr('data-smush'); // Disable Bulk smush button and itself. $('.wp-smush-all').prop('disabled', true); // Hide Settings changed Notice. $('.wp-smush-settings-changed').hide(); // Ajax params. const params = { action: 'scan_for_resmush', type: scan_type, get_ui: true, process_settings, wp_smush_options_nonce: jQuery('#wp_smush_options_nonce').val(), }; // Send ajax request and get ids if any. $.get(ajaxurl, params, function (response) { if ( ! response?.success ) { WP_Smush.helpers.showNotice( response, { showdismiss: true, autoclose: false, } ); return; } const stats = response.data; showRecheckImagesNotice( stats ); GlobalStats.updateGlobalStatsFromSmushScriptData( stats ); GlobalStats.renderStats(); updateBulkSmushContentAfterReCheck( stats ); }).always(function () { // Hide the progress bar. jQuery( '.bulk-smush-wrapper .wp-smush-bulk-progress-bar-wrapper' ).addClass('sui-hidden'); // Add check complete status to button. button .removeClass('sui-button-onload') .addClass('smush-button-check-success'); const $defaultText = button.find('.wp-smush-default-text'), $completedText = button.find('.wp-smush-completed-text'); $defaultText.addClass('sui-hidden-important'); $completedText.removeClass('sui-hidden'); // Remove success message from button. setTimeout(function () { button.removeClass('smush-button-check-success'); $defaultText.removeClass('sui-hidden-important'); $completedText.addClass('sui-hidden'); }, 2000); $('.wp-smush-all').prop('disabled', false); }); }; const showRecheckImagesNotice = ( stats ) => { if ( ! stats.notice ) { return; } let type = 'success'; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof stats.noticeType ) { type = stats.noticeType; } window.SUI.openNotice( 'wp-smush-ajax-notice', '' + stats.notice + '
', { type, icon: 'check-tick' } ); }; const updateBulkSmushContentAfterReCheck = ( stats ) => { if ( SmushProgress.isEmptyObject ) { return; } SmushProgress.update( 0, stats.remaining_count ); if ( stats.remaining_count < 1 ) { SmushProgress.hideBulkSmushDescription(); SmushProgress.showBulkSmushAllDone(); } else { SmushProgress.showBulkSmushDescription(); SmushProgress.hideBulkSmushAllDone(); } } const updateDisplayedContentAfterReCheck = function (count) { const $pendingImagesWrappers = jQuery( '.bulk-smush-wrapper .wp-smush-bulk-wrapper' ); const $allDoneWrappers = jQuery( '.bulk-smush-wrapper .wp-smush-all-done' ); if ($pendingImagesWrappers.length && $allDoneWrappers.length) { if (count === 0) { $pendingImagesWrappers.addClass('sui-hidden'); $allDoneWrappers.find('p').html( wp_smush_msgs.all_smushed ); $allDoneWrappers.find('.sui-notice-icon').removeClass('sui-icon-info').addClass('sui-icon-check-tick'); $allDoneWrappers.removeClass('sui-notice-warning').addClass('sui-notice-success'); $allDoneWrappers.removeClass('sui-hidden'); } else { $pendingImagesWrappers.removeClass('sui-hidden'); $allDoneWrappers.addClass('sui-hidden'); // Update texts mentioning the amount of unsmushed imagesin the summary icon tooltip. const $unsmushedTooltip = jQuery( '.sui-summary-smush .sui-summary-details .sui-tooltip' ); // The tooltip doesn't exist in the NextGen page. if ($unsmushedTooltip.length) { const textForm = 1 === count ? 'singular' : 'plural', tooltipText = $unsmushedTooltip .data(textForm) .replace('{count}', count); $unsmushedTooltip.attr('data-tooltip', tooltipText); } } } // Total count in the progress bar. jQuery('.wp-smush-total-count').text(count); }; // Scroll the element to top of the page. const goToByScroll = function (selector) { // Scroll if element found. if ($(selector).length > 0) { $('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: $(selector).offset().top - 100, }, 'slow' ); } }; const update_cummulative_stats = function (stats) { //Update Directory Smush Stats if ('undefined' !== typeof stats.dir_smush) { const stats_human = $( 'li.smush-dir-savings span.wp-smush-stats span.wp-smush-stats-human' ); const stats_percent = $( 'li.smush-dir-savings span.wp-smush-stats span.wp-smush-stats-percent' ); // Do not replace if 0 savings. if (stats.dir_smush.bytes > 0) { $('.wp-smush-dir-link').addClass('sui-hidden'); // Hide selector. $('li.smush-dir-savings .wp-smush-stats-label-message').hide(); //Update Savings in bytes if (stats_human.length > 0) { stats_human.html(stats.dir_smush.human); } //Percentage section if (stats.dir_smush.percent > 0) { // Show size and percentage separator. $( 'li.smush-dir-savings span.wp-smush-stats span.wp-smush-stats-sep' ).removeClass('sui-hidden'); //Update Optimisation percentage if (stats_percent.length > 0) { stats_percent.html(stats.dir_smush.percent + '%'); } } } else { $('.wp-smush-dir-link').removeClass('sui-hidden'); } } //Update Combined stats if ( 'undefined' !== typeof stats.combined_stats && stats.combined_stats.length > 0 ) { const c_stats = stats.combined_stats; let smush_percent = (c_stats.smushed / c_stats.total_count) * 100; smush_percent = WP_Smush.helpers.precise_round(smush_percent, 1); //Smushed Percent if (smush_percent) { $('div.wp-smush-count-total span.wp-smush-images-percent').html( smush_percent ); } //Update Total Attachment Count if (c_stats.total_count) { $( 'span.wp-smush-count-total span.wp-smush-total-optimised' ).html(c_stats.total_count); } //Update Savings and Percent if (c_stats.savings) { $('span.wp-smush-savings span.wp-smush-stats-human').html( c_stats.savings ); } if (c_stats.percent) { $('span.wp-smush-savings span.wp-smush-stats-percent').html( c_stats.percent ); } } }; /** * When 'All' is selected for the Image Sizes setting, select all available sizes. * * @since 3.2.1 */ $('#all-image-sizes').on('change', function () { $('input[name^="wp-smush-image_sizes"]').prop('checked', true); }); /** * Handles the tabs navigation on mobile. * * @since 3.8.4 */ $('.sui-mobile-nav').on('change', (e) => { window.location.assign($(e.currentTarget).val()); }); /** * Handle re-check api status button click (Settings) * * @since */ $('#update-api-status').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //$(this).prop('disabled', true); $(this).addClass('sui-button-onload'); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: 'recheck_api_status' }, function () { location.reload(); }); }); /** Handle smush button click **/ $('body').on( 'click', '.wp-smush-send:not(.wp-smush-resmush)', function (e) { // prevent the default action e.preventDefault(); new Smush($(this), false); } ); /** * Handle show in bulk smush button click. */ $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.wp-smush-remove-skipped', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const self = $( this ); // Send ajax request to remove the image from the skip list. $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'remove_from_skip_list', id: self.attr( 'data-id' ), _ajax_nonce: self.attr( 'data-nonce' ), } ).done( ( response ) => { if ( response.success && 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.html ) { self.parent().parent().html( response.data.html ); } } ); } ); /** Restore: Media Library **/ $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-action.wp-smush-restore', function (e) { const current_button = $(this); process_smush_action( e, current_button, 'smush_restore_image', 'restore' ); }); /** Resmush: Media Library **/ $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-action.wp-smush-resmush', function (e) { process_smush_action(e, $(this), 'smush_resmush_image', 'smushing'); }); /** Restore: NextGen Gallery **/ $('body').on( 'click', '.wp-smush-action.wp-smush-nextgen-restore', function (e) { process_smush_action( e, $(this), 'smush_restore_nextgen_image', 'restore' ); } ); /** Resmush: NextGen Gallery **/ $('body').on( 'click', '.wp-smush-action.wp-smush-nextgen-resmush', function (e) { process_smush_action( e, $(this), 'smush_resmush_nextgen_image', 'smushing' ); } ); //Scan For resmushing images $('.wp-smush-scan').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $(this).hasClass('wp-smush-background-scan') ) { return; } runRecheck(false); }); //Remove Notice $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-notice .icon-fi-close', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const $el = $(this).parent(); remove_element($el); }); // On re-Smush click. // TODO: This can be removed, but follow the logic and remove all excess code as well. $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-skip-resmush', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const self = jQuery(this), container = self.parents().eq(1), el = self.parent(); // Remove Parent div. remove_element(el); // Set button attribute to skip re-smush ids. container.find('.wp-smush-all').attr('data-smush', 'skip_resmush'); // Update Smushed count. wp_smushit_data.count_smushed = parseInt(wp_smushit_data.count_smushed) + wp_smushit_data.resmush.length; wp_smushit_data.count_supersmushed = parseInt(wp_smushit_data.count_supersmushed) + wp_smushit_data.resmush.length; // Update stats. if (wp_smushit_data.count_smushed === wp_smushit_data.count_total) { // Show all done notice. $('.wp-smush-notice.wp-smush-all-done').removeClass('sui-hidden'); // Hide Smush button. $('.wp-smush-bulk-wrapper ').addClass('sui-hidden'); } // Remove re-Smush notice. $('.wp-smush-resmush-notice').remove(); let type = $('.wp-smush-scan').data('type'); type = 'undefined' === typeof type ? 'media' : type; const smushed_count = 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.count_smushed ? wp_smushit_data.count_smushed : 0; let smush_percent = (smushed_count / wp_smushit_data.count_total) * 100; smush_percent = WP_Smush.helpers.precise_round(smush_percent, 1); $('.wp-smush-images-percent').html(smush_percent); // Update the progress bar width. Get the progress bar. const progress_bar = jQuery( '.bulk-smush-wrapper .wp-smush-progress-inner' ); if (progress_bar.length < 1) { return; } // Increase progress. progress_bar.css('width', smush_percent + '%'); // Show the default bulk smush notice. $('.wp-smush-bulk-wrapper').removeClass('sui-hidden'); $('.wp-smush-bulk-wrapper .sui-notice').removeClass('sui-hidden'); const params = { action: 'delete_resmush_list', type, }; //Delete resmush list, @todo: update stats from the ajax response $.post(ajaxurl, params, function (res) { // Remove the whole li element on success if (res.success && 'undefined' !== typeof res.data.stats) { const stats = res.data.stats; // Update wp_smushit_data ( Smushed count, Smushed Percent, Image count, Super smush count, resize savings, conversion savings ) if ('undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data) { wp_smushit_data.count_images = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.count_images ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.count_images) + stats.count_images : wp_smushit_data.count_images; wp_smushit_data.size_before = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.size_before ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.size_before) + stats.size_before : wp_smushit_data.size_before; wp_smushit_data.size_after = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.size_after ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.size_after) + stats.size_after : wp_smushit_data.size_after; wp_smushit_data.savings_resize = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.savings_resize ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.savings_resize) + stats.savings_resize : wp_smushit_data.savings_resize; wp_smushit_data.savings_conversion = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.savings_conversion ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.savings_conversion) + stats.savings_conversion : wp_smushit_data.savings_conversion; // Add directory smush stats. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush && 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush.orig_size ) { wp_smushit_data.size_before = 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.size_before) + parseInt( wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush .orig_size ) : wp_smushit_data.size_before; wp_smushit_data.size_after = 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.size_after) + parseInt( wp_smushit_data.savings_dir_smush .image_size ) : wp_smushit_data.size_after; } wp_smushit_data.count_resize = 'undefined' !== typeof stats.count_resize ? parseInt(wp_smushit_data.count_resize) + stats.count_resize : wp_smushit_data.count_resize; } // If no images left, hide the notice, show all success notice. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp_smushit_data.unsmushed || wp_smushit_data.unsmushed.length === 0 ) { $('.wp-smush-bulk-wrapper .sui-notice').removeClass( 'sui-hidden' ); $('.sui-notice-success.wp-smush-all-done').addClass( 'sui-hidden' ); } Smush.updateStats(); } }); }); // Enable super smush on clicking link from stats area. $('a.wp-smush-lossy-enable').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Scroll down to settings area. goToByScroll('#column-lossy'); }); // Enable resize on clicking link from stats area. $('.wp-smush-resize-enable').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Scroll down to settings area. goToByScroll('#column-resize'); }); // If settings string is found in url, enable and scroll. if ( window.location.hash ) { const setting_hash = window.location.hash.substring( 1 ); let scrollTo = ''; switch ( setting_hash ) { case 'enable-resize': scrollTo = '#column-resize'; break; case 'backup-label': scrollTo = '#backup'; break; case 'original-label': scrollTo = '#original'; break; case 'enable-lossy': scrollTo = '#column-lossy'; break; } if ( '' !== scrollTo ) { goToByScroll( scrollTo ); document.getElementById( scrollTo.replace( '#', '' ) ).focus(); } } //Trigger Bulk $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-trigger-bulk', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //Induce Setting button save click if ( 'undefined' !== typeof e.target.dataset.type && 'nextgen' === e.target.dataset.type ) { $('.wp-smush-nextgen-bulk').trigger('click'); } else { $('.wp-smush-all').trigger('click'); } $('span.sui-notice-dismiss').trigger('click'); }); //Trigger Bulk $('body').on('click', '#bulk-smush-top-notice-close', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().parent().slideUp('slow'); }); //Allow the checkboxes to be Keyboard Accessible $('.wp-smush-setting-row .toggle-checkbox').on('focus', function () { //If Space is pressed $(this).keypress(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 32) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).find('.toggle-checkbox').trigger('click'); } }); }); // Re-Validate Resize Width And Height. $('body').on('blur', '.wp-smush-resize-input', function () { const self = $(this); const wrapper_div = self.parents().eq(4); // Initiate the check. validate_resize_settings(wrapper_div, false, false); // run the validation. }); // Handle Resize Checkbox toggle, to show/hide width, height settings. $('body').on('click', '#resize', function () { const self = $(this); const settings_wrap = $('#smush-resize-settings-wrap'); if (self.is(':checked')) { settings_wrap.show(); } else { settings_wrap.hide(); } }); //Handle Re-check button functionality $('#wp-smush-revalidate-member').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //Ajax Params const params = { action: 'smush_show_warning', _ajax_nonce: window.wp_smush_msgs.nonce, }; const link = $(this); const parent = link.parents().eq(1); parent.addClass('loading-notice'); $.get(ajaxurl, params, function (r) { //remove the warning parent.removeClass('loading-notice').addClass('loaded-notice'); if (0 == r) { parent.attr('data-message', wp_smush_msgs.membership_valid); remove_element(parent, 1000); } else { parent.attr('data-message', wp_smush_msgs.membership_invalid); setTimeout(function remove_loader() { parent.removeClass('loaded-notice'); }, 1000); } }); }); if ($('li.smush-dir-savings').length > 0) { // Update Directory Smush, as soon as the page loads. const stats_param = { action: 'get_dir_smush_stats', _ajax_nonce: window.wp_smush_msgs.nonce, }; $.get(ajaxurl, stats_param, function (r) { //Hide the spinner $('li.smush-dir-savings .sui-icon-loader').hide(); //If there are no errors, and we have a message to display if (!r.success && 'undefined' !== typeof r.data.message) { $('div.wp-smush-scan-result div.content').prepend( r.data.message ); return; } //If there is no value in r if ( 'undefined' === typeof r.data || 'undefined' === typeof r.data.dir_smush ) { //Append the text $('li.smush-dir-savings span.wp-smush-stats').append( wp_smush_msgs.ajax_error ); $('li.smush-dir-savings span.wp-smush-stats span').hide(); } else { //Update the stats update_cummulative_stats(r.data); } }); } // Display dialogs that show up with no user action. if ($('#smush-updated-dialog').length) { // Displays the modal with the release's higlights if it exists. window.SUI.openModal( 'smush-updated-dialog', 'wpbody-content', undefined, false ); } /** * Toggle backup notice based on "Compress original images" setting. * @since 3.9.1 */ $( 'input#original' ).on( 'change', function() { $( '#backup-notice' ).toggleClass( 'sui-hidden', $( this ).is(':checked') ); } ); /** * Bulk compression level notice. */ const handleCompressionLevelNotice = () => { const compressionLevelNotice = document.querySelector( '.wp-smush-compression-type' ); if ( ! compressionLevelNotice ) { return; } const compressionNoticeContent = compressionLevelNotice.querySelector( '.wp-smush-compression-type_note p' ); if ( ! compressionNoticeContent ) { return; } compressionLevelNotice.querySelector('.wp-smush-compression-type_slider').addEventListener('change', (e) => { if ( 'INPUT' !== e?.target?.nodeName ) { return; } const note = e.target.dataset?.note; if ( ! note ) { return; } compressionNoticeContent.innerHTML = note.trim(); } ); } handleCompressionLevelNotice(); /** * Close modal and redirect to the href link. */ $('.wp-smush-modal-link-close').on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); SUI.closeModal(); const href = $(this).attr('href'); let openNewTab = '_blank' === $(this).attr('target'); if ( href ) { if ( openNewTab ) { window.open( href, '_blank' ); } else { window.location.href = href; } } }); // Update Smush mode on lossy level change. const updateLossyLevelInSummaryBox = () => { const lossyLevelSummaryBox = document.querySelector('.wp-smush-current-compression-level'); const currentLossyLevelTab = document.querySelector( '.wp-smush-lossy-level-tabs button.active' ); if ( ! lossyLevelSummaryBox || ! currentLossyLevelTab ) { return; } // Update lossy label. lossyLevelSummaryBox.innerText = currentLossyLevelTab.innerText.trim(); // Toggle Ultra notice/upsell link. const upsellLink = lossyLevelSummaryBox.nextElementSibling; if ( upsellLink ) { if ( currentLossyLevelTab.id.includes('ultra') ) { upsellLink.classList.add( 'sui-hidden' ); } else { upsellLink.classList.remove( 'sui-hidden' ); } } } document.addEventListener( 'onSavedSmushSettings', function( e ) { if ( ! e?.detail?.is_outdated_stats ) { return; } updateLossyLevelInSummaryBox(); } ); });