'  '.esc_html__('Local enqueued files ordered by their size (.css & .js)', 'wp-asset-clean-up'), 'external_na' => '  '.esc_html__('External enqueued files or non-existent (.css & .js)', 'wp-asset-clean-up') ); if (! empty($data['rows_assets'])) { // Sorting: With Size and External / No Size Detected $rowsAssets = array('with_size' => array(), 'external_na' => array()); if (isset($data['rows_assets']['with_size'], $data['handles_sizes']) && ! empty($data['handles_sizes'])) { $dataRowsAssetsWithSize = $data['rows_assets']['with_size']; unset($data['rows_assets']['with_size']); // re-built $data['rows_assets']['with_size'] = array(); arsort($data['handles_sizes']); foreach ($data['handles_sizes'] as $uniqueHandle => $sizeInBytes) { $data['rows_assets']['with_size'][$uniqueHandle] = $dataRowsAssetsWithSize[$uniqueHandle]; } } foreach ($data['rows_assets'] as $sizeStatus => $values) { $rowsAssets[$sizeStatus] = $values; } foreach ($rowsAssets as $sizeStatus => $values) { $assetRowsOutput = ''; $totalFiles = 0; $assetRowIndex = 1; foreach ($values as $assetType => $assetRows) { foreach ($assetRows as $assetRow) { $assetRowsOutput .= $assetRow . "\n"; $totalFiles++; } } ?>
array('class' => array()))); ?> ➝ Total files:
0) { ?>
Contract | Expand All Assets

This is the list of local files (if any) that had their size calculated and shown in descendent order, from the largest to the smallest.

There are no local files that could have their size calculated.

This is the list of assets that are external and you can manually check their size via "Get File Size" link. This list also includes local files (most likely that do not exist and are loaded in your page) that couldn't have their size calculated.

0) { ?>