' '.esc_html__('From Plugins', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'themes' => ' '.esc_html__('From Themes', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'uploads' => ' '.esc_html__('WordPress Uploads Directory', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'wp_core' => ' '.esc_html__('WordPress Core', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)', 'external' => ' '.esc_html__('External 3rd Party', 'wp-asset-clean-up').' (.css & .js)' ); if (! empty($data['rows_assets'])) { // Sorting: Plugins, Themes, Uploads Directory and External Assets $rowsAssets = array('plugins' => array(), 'themes' => array(), 'uploads' => array(), 'wp_core' => array(), 'external' => array()); foreach ($data['rows_assets'] as $locationMain => $values) { $rowsAssets[$locationMain] = $values; } foreach ($rowsAssets as $locationMain => $values) { ksort($values); $totalLocationAssets = count($values); $hideLocationMainArea = ($locationMain === 'uploads' && $totalLocationAssets === 0); $hideListOfAssetsOnly = ($locationMain === 'wp_core' && $data['plugin_settings']['hide_core_files']); $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml = << Contract | Expand All Assets HTML; ob_start(); ?>
class="wpacu-assets-collapsible-wrap wpacu-by-location wpacu-"> array('class' => array()))); ?> ➝ Total files: {total_files_}
Note: External .css and .js assets are considered those who are hosted on a different domain (e.g. Google Font API, assets loaded from external CDNs) and the ones outside the WordPress "plugins" (usually /wp-content/plugins/), "themes" (usually /wp-content/themes/) and "uploads" (usually /wp-content/uploads/) directories.
0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?>
Warning: Please be careful when doing any changes to the following core assets as they can break the functionality of the front-end website. If you're not sure about unloading any asset, just leave it loaded.
0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?>
Note: By default, does not show the list of CSS/JS loaded from the WordPress core. Usually, WordPress core files are loaded for a reason and this setting was applied to prevent accidental unload of files that could be needed (e.g. jQuery library, Underscore library etc.).
If you believe that you do not need some loaded core files (e.g. WordPress Gutenberg styling - Handle: 'wp-block-library') and you want to manage the files loaded from /wp-includes/, you can go to the plugin's "Settings", click on the "Plugin Usage Preferences" tab, scroll to "Hide WordPress Core Files From The Assets List?" and make sure the option is turned off.
Note: These are the CSS/JS files load from the /wp-content/uploads/ WordPress directory. They were copied there by other plugins or developers working on the website. In case the file was detected to be generated by a specific plugin through various verification patterns (e.g. for plugins such as Elementor, Oxygen Builder etc.), then it will be not listed here, but in the "From Plugins (.css & .js)" area for the detected plugin. This is to have all the files related to a plugin organised in one place.
0) { echo $contractExpandAllAssetsHtml; } ?> 0) { $locI = 1; // Going through each plugin/theme etc. foreach ( $values as $locationChild => $values2 ) { if ($locationMain === 'plugins') { $totalPluginAssets = $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin = 0; } ksort( $values2 ); $assetRowsOutput = ''; // Going through each asset from the plugin/theme foreach ( $values2 as $assetType => $assetRows ) { foreach ( $assetRows as $assetRow ) { $assetRowsOutput .= $assetRow . "\n"; if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { if (strpos( $assetRow, 'wpacu_is_bulk_unloaded' ) !== false ) { $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin ++; } $totalPluginAssets ++; } $totalFilesArray[$locationMain] ++; } } if ( $locationChild !== 'none' ) { if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { $locationChildText = \WpAssetCleanUp\Info::getPluginInfo( $locationChild, $allPlugins, $allActivePluginsIcons ); $isLastPluginAsset = ( count( $values ) - 1 ) === $locationRowCount; $pluginListContracted = ( $locationMain === 'plugins' && $pluginsAreaStatus === 'contracted' ); // Show it if there is at least one available "Unload on this page" $showUnloadOnThisPageCheckUncheckAll = $totalPluginAssets !== $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin; // Show it if all the assets from the plugin are bulk unloaded $showLoadItOnThisPageCheckUncheckAll = $totalBulkUnloadedAssetsPerPlugin === $totalPluginAssets; } elseif ( $locationMain === 'themes' ) { $locationChildThemeArray = \WpAssetCleanUp\Info::getThemeInfo( $locationChild, $allThemes ); $locationChildText = $locationChildThemeArray['output']; } else { $locationChildText = $locationChild; } $extraClassesToAppend = ''; if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' && $isLastPluginAsset ) { $extraClassesToAppend .= ' wpacu-area-last '; } if ($locI === 1) { $extraClassesToAppend .= ' wpacu-location-child-area-first '; } // PLUGIN LIST: VIEW THEIR ASSETS // EXPANDED (DEFAULT) if ( $locationMain === 'plugins' ) { if ( $pluginListContracted ) { // CONTRACTED (+ -) ?>
array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?> / files
array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?> / files
Contract | Expand All Assets
Contract | Expand All Assets
array('class' => array(), 'style' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()))); ?>
class="wpacu_list_table wpacu_list_by_location wpacu_widefat wpacu_striped">
 You're using Oxygen to design your site, which disables the WordPress theme system. Thus, no assets related to the theme are loaded.