'  '.esc_html__('All loaded (.css & .js)', 'wp-asset-clean-up'), 'unloaded' => '  '.esc_html__('All unloaded (.css & .js)', 'wp-asset-clean-up'), ); // Sorting: loaded & unloaded $rowsAssets = array('loaded' => array(), 'unloaded' => array()); foreach ($data['rows_assets'] as $handleStatus => $values) { $rowsAssets[$handleStatus] = $values; } foreach ($rowsAssets as $handleStatus => $values) { ksort($values); $assetRowsOutput = ''; $totalFiles = 0; $assetRowIndex = 1; foreach ($values as $assetType => $assetRows) { foreach ($assetRows as $assetRow) { $assetRowsOutput .= $assetRow . "\n"; $totalFiles++; } } ?>
array('class' => array()))); ?> ➝ Total files:
0) { ?>
Contract | Expand All Assets
0) { $loadedFilesNote = esc_html__('The following files were not selected for unload in any way (e.g. per page, site-wide) on this page. The list also includes any load exceptions (e.g. a file can be unloaded site-wide, but loaded on this page).', 'wp-asset-clean-up'); } else { $loadedFilesNote = esc_html__('All the CSS/JS files were chosen to be unloaded on this page', 'wp-asset-clean-up'); } ?>

0) { $unloadedFilesNote = esc_html__('The following CSS/JS files are unloaded on this page due to the rules that took effect.', 'wp-asset-clean-up'); } else { $unloadedFilesNote = esc_html__('There are no unloaded CSS/JS files on this page.', 'wp-asset-clean-up'); } ?>


0) { ?>