Note: This option is only needed if you already use a CDN (apart from Cloudflare) and the URL to any cached CSS/JS from Asset CleanUp Pro is the local one and not the one from CDN. Read more about it
'.str_replace(Misc::getWpRootDirPath(), '', '/' . WP_CONTENT_DIR . OptimizeCommon::getRelPathPluginCacheDir().'')); ?> |
If you're using a CDN enabled through your hosting company or by another party plugin, the external URL is not always recognisable by and it's considered an external URL unconnected to your website's CSS/JS files. To fix, this, please put the CDN's CNAME/URL in the inputs below to make sure the files are detected as local files and optimized accordingly.
Note: Most of the time the CNAME / CDN URL is the same for both CSS & JS files. You can use the same value in both fields. If you're unsure if the Content Delivery Network's CNAME/URL is the right one, please enable "Test Mode" to test it out, thus making sure the layout won't be broken for your website visitors. |