' .esc_html__('Available for Pro users', 'wp-asset-clean-up'). '
'.esc_html__('Click to upgrade!', 'wp-asset-clean-up') .''. ' '; // [/wpacu_lite] ?>
Select the page or post type (including custom ones) for which you want to see the unloaded scripts & styles:

This is the list of the assets that are unloaded everywhere (site-wide) on all pages (including home page).    How the list below gets filled with site-wide rules?

If you want to remove this rule and have them loading, use the "Remove site-wide rule" checkbox.

  • This list fills once you select "Unload everywhere" when you edit posts/pages for the assets that you want to prevent from loading on every page.
  • On this page you can only remove the global rules that were added while editing the pages/posts.

Handle Actions

Handle Actions

This is the list of the assets that are unloaded on all pages belonging to the post type.    How the list below gets filled with site-wide rules?

If you want to make an asset load again, use the "Remove bulk rule" checkbox.

  • This list fills once you select "Unload on All Pages of post type" when you edit posts/pages for the assets that you want to prevent from loading.
  • On this page you can only remove the global rules that were added while editing post types.

Handle Actions

There are no bulk unloaded styles for the post type.

Handle Actions

There are no bulk unloaded scripts for the post type.

disabled="disabled" class="button button-primary" value="" />  


This is an overview of all the assets that have bulk changes applied. Anything you see on this page is filled the moment you go to edit a page via the "CSS/JS Load Manager" (e.g. homepage or a post) and use options such as:

A bulk change is considered anything that is applied once, and it has effect on multiple pages of the same kind or site-wide.