prefix}icl_translations` AS trans1
INNER JOIN `{$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations` AS trans2 ON (trans2.trid = trans1.trid)
WHERE trans1.element_id='%d' AND trans2.source_language_code IS NULL
$sqlQueryPrepared = $wpdb->prepare($sqlQuery, array($postId));
$mainLanguagePostId = $wpdb->get_var($sqlQueryPrepared);
$type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', get_post_type( $mainLanguagePostId ) );
$trid = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_trid', false, $mainLanguagePostId, $type );
return apply_filters( 'wpml_get_element_translations', array(), $trid, $type );
* Save post metadata when a post is saved (not for the "Latest Blog Posts" home page type)
* Only for post type
* Dashboard view: triggered via hook
* Front-end view: triggered by direct call
* @param $postId
* @param mixed $post
public function savePost($postId, $post = '')
if (empty($post) || $post === '') {
global $post;
if ( ! isset( $post->ID, $post->post_type ) ) {
// Has to be a public post type
$obj = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);
if ( ! isset($obj->public) || $obj->public < 1 ) {
// only for admins
if (! Menu::userCanManageAssets()) {
// Any page options set? From the Side Meta Box "Asset CleanUp: Options"
// Could be just these fields available in the form (e.g. unavailable CSS/JS manager due to the page set to not load the plugin at all)
// This is triggered only if the "Asset CleanUp" meta box was loaded with the list of assets (either in edit post/page or in "CSS & JS Manager" -> "Manage CSS/JS")
// Otherwise, $_POST[WPACU_PLUGIN_ID] will be taken as empty which might be not if there are values in the database
if (! Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_unload_assets_area_loaded')) {
$wpacuNoLoadAssets = Misc::getVar('post', WPACU_PLUGIN_ID, array());
if (is_array($wpacuNoLoadAssets)) {
global $wpdb;
$noUpdate = false;
// Is the list empty?
if (empty($wpacuNoLoadAssets)) {
// Remove any row with no results
array('post_id' => $postId, 'meta_key' => '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_no_load')
$noUpdate = true;
if (! $noUpdate) {
$jsonNoAssetsLoadList = wp_json_encode($wpacuNoLoadAssets);
if (! add_post_meta($postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_no_load', $jsonNoAssetsLoadList, true)) {
update_post_meta($postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_no_load', $jsonNoAssetsLoadList);
// Was the Assets List Layout changed?
// If globally disabled, make an exception to load for submitted assets
$this->saveLoadExceptions('post', $postId);
// Add / Remove Site-wide Unloads
// Any bulk unloads or removed? (e.g. all pages of a certain post type)
// Any preloads
// Any handle notes
// Any always load it if user is logged in?
// Any ignore deps
add_action('wpacu_admin_notices', array($this, 'pageUpdated'));
// In case Combine CSS/JS was enabled and there are traces of JSON files in the caching directory
// Clear them if the caching timing expired as they are not relevant anymore and reduce the disk's space
OptimizeCommon::clearJsonStorageForPost($postId, true);
// Note: Cache is cleared (except the JSON files related to CSS/JS combine option) after the post/page is updated via a separate AJAX call
// To avoid the usage of too much memory (good for shared environments) and avoid any memory related errors showing up to the user which could be confusing
* This is to update the permalink for the post in "Page Options" if the following option was ever used for the post: "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)"
* This takes action when the CSS/JS manager is updated for a specific post (e.g. post, page, attachment, custom post type)
* @param $postId
public static function afterPostUpdate($postId)
global $wpdb;
// The post might have the following page option: "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)"
// If the admin changed the slug, we need to update the page URI as well that is used very early in the triggering of the plugin
// when get_permalink() is not available (e.g. outside any action hook or in the MU plugin)
$pageOptionJson = $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT meta_value FROM `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta` WHERE post_id=\''.$postId.'\' && meta_key=\'_'.WPACU_PLUGIN_ID.'_page_options\' && meta_value LIKE \'%no_wpacu_load%\'' );
$postPageOptions = @json_decode($pageOptionJson, ARRAY_A);
if ( ! isset($postPageOptions['no_wpacu_load']) ) {
$postPageOptions['_page_uri'] = Misc::getPageUri($postId);
update_post_meta($postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($postPageOptions)));
* @param $wpacuNoLoadAssets
public function updateFrontPage($wpacuNoLoadAssets)
// Any page options set? From the Side Meta Box "Asset CleanUp: Options"
// Could be just these fields available in the form (e.g. unavailable CSS/JS manager due to the page set to not load the plugin at all)
$this->updatePageOptions(0, 'front_page');
// Needed in case the user clicks "Update" on a page without assets retrieved
// Avoid resetting the existing values
if (! Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_unload_assets_area_loaded')) {
if (! is_array($wpacuNoLoadAssets)) {
return; // only arrays (empty or not) should be used
// Was the Assets List Layout changed?
$jsonNoAssetsLoadList = wp_json_encode( $wpacuNoLoadAssets );
Misc::addUpdateOption( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_front_page_no_load', $jsonNoAssetsLoadList );
// If globally disabled, make an exception to load for submitted assets
// Add / Remove Site-wide Unloads
// Any preloads
// Any handle notes
// Any always load it if user is logged in?
// Any ignore deps
add_action('wpacu_admin_notices', array($this, 'homePageUpdated'));
$this->frontEndUpdateFor['homepage'] = true;
// Clear all cache
// Note: The cache is cleared after the page is saved
public function homePageUpdated()
'style' => array(),
'class' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'a' => array(
'target' => array(),
'href' => array()
); ?>
'style' => array(),
'class' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'a' => array(
'target' => array(),
'href' => array()
); ?>
'style' => array(),
'class' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'a' => array(
'target' => array(),
'href' => array()
); ?>
array(), 'scripts' => array());
// [Start] Clear existing list first
if ($type === 'post') {
delete_post_meta($postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_load_exceptions');
} elseif ($type === 'front_page') {
delete_option( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_front_page_load_exceptions');
// [End] Clear existing list first
// Load Exception
// On this page or page type such as 404, search, etc.
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
$postKey = ($assetType === 'styles') ? 'wpacu_styles_load_it' : 'wpacu_scripts_load_it';
$optionsKey = ($assetType === 'styles') ? 'wpacu_options_styles' : 'wpacu_options_scripts';
if ( isset( $_POST[$postKey] ) && ! empty( $_POST[$postKey] ) ) {
foreach ( $_POST[$postKey] as $wpacuHandle ) {
// Do not append it if the global unload is removed
if ( isset( $_POST[$optionsKey][ $wpacuHandle ] )
&& $_POST[$optionsKey][ $wpacuHandle ] === 'remove' ) {
$loadExceptions[$assetType][] = $wpacuHandle;
if (! empty($loadExceptions['styles']) || ! empty($loadExceptions['scripts'])) {
// Default
$list = array('styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array());
// Build list
foreach ( array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType ) {
if ( ! empty( $loadExceptions[$assetType] ) ) {
foreach ( $loadExceptions[$assetType] as $postHandle ) {
$list[$assetType][] = $postHandle;
if (is_array($list[$assetType])) {
$list[$assetType] = array_unique($list[$assetType]);
$jsonLoadExceptions = wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($list));
if ( $type === 'post' && (! add_post_meta($postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_load_exceptions', $jsonLoadExceptions, true)) ) {
update_post_meta( $postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_load_exceptions', $jsonLoadExceptions );
} elseif ($type === 'front_page') {
Misc::addUpdateOption( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_front_page_load_exceptions', $jsonLoadExceptions );
public function saveLoadExceptionsPostType($wpacuPostType)
// On all pages belonging to a (custom) post type (e.g. WooCommerce product page)
$loadExceptions = array('styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array());
// From v1.2.0.5
if (isset($_POST[$referenceKey]['styles']) || isset($_POST[$referenceKey]['scripts'])) {
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] ) && ! empty( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] ) ) {
foreach ( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] as $assetHandle => $values ) {
$assetValue = isset( $values['load_it_post_type'] ) && $values['load_it_post_type'] ? $values['load_it_post_type'] : ''; // '1' or ''
$loadExceptions[$assetType][ $assetHandle ] = $assetValue;
} else {
// Prior to v1.2.0.5
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
$indexKey = 'wpacu_'.$assetType.'_load_it_post_type';
if ( isset( $_POST[$indexKey] ) && ! empty( $_POST[$indexKey] ) ) {
$wpacuPostType = key( $_POST[$indexKey] );
$loadExceptions[$assetType] = $_POST[$indexKey][ $wpacuPostType ];
if ((! empty($loadExceptions['styles']) || ! empty($loadExceptions['scripts'])) && (isset($wpacuPostType) && $wpacuPostType)) {
// Default
$listToSave = array( 'styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array() );
// Build list
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
$listToSave[$assetType] = ( ! empty( $loadExceptions[$assetType] ) ) ? $loadExceptions[$assetType] : array();
$jsonLoadExceptionsToAdd = wp_json_encode(array($wpacuPostType => $listToSave));
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_post_type_load_exceptions';
$existingListEmpty = array( $wpacuPostType => array( 'styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array() ) );
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
if ( $existingListJson && is_array($existingList) && ! empty($existingList) ) {
if (isset($existingList[$wpacuPostType])) {
foreach ($listToSave as $assetType => $assetValues) {
foreach ($assetValues as $assetHandle => $assetValue) {
$existingList[ $wpacuPostType ][ $assetType ][ $assetHandle ] = $assetValue;
} else {
$existingList[$wpacuPostType] = $listToSave;
// Clear empty (redundant) values
foreach ($existingList as $wpacuPostTypeDb => $assetTypes) {
foreach ($assetTypes as $assetType => $assetValues) {
if (empty($assetValues)) {
foreach ($assetValues as $assetHandle => $assetValue) {
if ( $assetValue === '' ) {
unset( $existingList[ $wpacuPostTypeDb ][ $assetType ][ $assetHandle ] );
if (empty($existingList[ $wpacuPostTypeDb ][ $assetType ])) {
unset( $existingList[$wpacuPostTypeDb][$assetType] );
if (empty($existingList[$wpacuPostTypeDb])) {
Misc::addUpdateOption( $optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode($existingList) );
} else {
Misc::addUpdateOption( $optionToUpdate, $jsonLoadExceptionsToAdd );
* e.g. Always load the handle (if unloaded by any rule) if the user is logged-in (applies site-wide)
public static function saveGlobalLoadExceptions()
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data';
$formTargetKey = 'wpacu_load_it_logged_in';
$targetGlobalKey = 'load_it_logged_in';
if (! Misc::isValidRequest('post', $referenceKey)) {
if (! isset($_POST[$referenceKey]['styles']) && ! isset($_POST[$referenceKey]['scripts'])) {
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array($targetGlobalKey => array()), 'scripts' => array($targetGlobalKey => array()));
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] ) && ! empty( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] ) ) {
foreach ( array_keys( $_POST[ $referenceKey ][$assetType] ) as $assetHandle ) {
// The checkbox was ticked (it's not empty)
$isSelected = isset( $_POST[$formTargetKey][$assetType][ $assetHandle ] ) && $_POST[$formTargetKey][$assetType][ $assetHandle ];
if ( $isSelected ) {
$existingList[$assetType][ $targetGlobalKey ][ $assetHandle ] = 1;
} else {
unset( $existingList[$assetType][ $targetGlobalKey ][ $assetHandle ] );
// Are there no values left? Remove the empty array (free space)
if (empty($existingList[$assetType][ $targetGlobalKey ])) {
unset($existingList[$assetType][ $targetGlobalKey ]);
Misc::addUpdateOption($optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* This method should ONLY be triggered when the "Asset CleanUp: Options" area is visible
* @param $postId
* @param string $type
public function updatePageOptions($postId, $type = 'post')
// Is the "Asset CleanUp: Page Options" meta box not loaded?
// Then do not perform any update below
if ( ! Misc::getVar( 'post', 'wpacu_page_options_area_loaded', false ) ) {
$pageOptions = Misc::getVar( 'post', WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options', array() );
if ($type === 'post' || $postId > 0) {
* For posts, pages, custom post types
// No page options? Delete any entry from the database to free up space
// instead of updating it as an empty entry
if ( empty( $pageOptions ) ) {
delete_post_meta( $postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options' );
// Save the page URI as it's needed instead of get_permalink() that can't be called too early (e.g. outside an action hook or in a MU plugin)
$pageOptions['_page_uri'] = Misc::getPageUri($postId);
$pageOptionsJson = wp_json_encode( Misc::filterList($pageOptions) );
if ( ! add_post_meta( $postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options', $pageOptionsJson, true ) ) {
update_post_meta( $postId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options', $pageOptionsJson );
} elseif ($type === 'front_page') {
* For the homepage (e.g. the latest posts), but not a page set as homepage
$existingListJson = get_option(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data');
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, array());
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
$existingList['page_options']['homepage'] = $pageOptions;
Misc::addUpdateOption(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* Triggers either "saveToEverywhereUnloads" or "removeEverywhereUnloads" methods
public function updateEverywhereUnloads()
* Any global (all pages / everywhere) UNLOADS?
* Coming from a POST request
$reqStyles = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_global_unload_styles', array());
$reqScripts = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_global_unload_scripts', array());
$this->saveToEverywhereUnloads($reqStyles, $reqScripts);
* Any global (all pages / everywhere) REMOVED?
* Coming from a POST request
$this->removeEverywhereUnloads(array(), array(), 'post');
* @param array $reqStyles
* @param array $reqScripts
public function saveToEverywhereUnloads($reqStyles = array(), $reqScripts = array())
// Is there any entry already in JSON format?
$existingListJson = get_option(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_unload');
// Default list as array
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array());
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
// Append to the list anything from the POST (if any)
if (! empty($reqStyles)) {
foreach ($reqStyles as $reqStyleHandle) {
$existingList['styles'][] = $reqStyleHandle;
if (! empty($reqScripts)) {
foreach ($reqScripts as $reqScriptHandle) {
$existingList['scripts'][] = $reqScriptHandle;
// Make sure all entries are unique (no handle duplicates)
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ( isset( $existingList[$assetType] ) && is_array( $existingList[$assetType] ) ) {
$existingList[$assetType] = array_unique( $existingList[$assetType] );
Misc::addUpdateOption(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_unload', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* @param array $stylesList
* @param array $scriptsList
* @param string $checkType
* @return bool
public function removeEverywhereUnloads($stylesList = array(), $scriptsList = array(), $checkType = '')
if ($checkType === 'post') {
$stylesList = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_options_styles', array());
$scriptsList = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_options_scripts', array());
$removeStylesList = $removeScriptsList = array();
$isUpdated = false;
if (! empty($stylesList)) {
foreach ($stylesList as $handle => $action) {
if ($action === 'remove') {
$removeStylesList[] = $handle;
if (! empty($scriptsList)) {
foreach ($scriptsList as $handle => $action) {
if ($action === 'remove') {
$removeScriptsList[] = $handle;
$existingListJson = get_option(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_unload');
if (! $existingListJson) {
return false;
$existingList = json_decode($existingListJson, true);
if (Misc::jsonLastError() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ($assetType === 'styles') {
$list = $removeStylesList;
} elseif ($assetType === 'scripts') {
$list = $removeScriptsList;
if (empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $handle) {
$handleKey = isset($existingList[$assetType]) ? array_search($handle, $existingList[$assetType]) : false;
if ($handleKey !== false) {
$isUpdated = true;
if ($isUpdated) {
Misc::addUpdateOption(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_unload', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
return $isUpdated;
* @param string $post
public function saveToBulkUnloads($post = '')
if ($post === '') {
global $post;
$postType = isset( $post->post_type ) ? $post->post_type : false;
// Free Version: It only deals with 'post_type' bulk unloads
if ( ! $postType ) {
$postStyles = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_bulk_unload_styles', array());
$postScripts = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_bulk_unload_scripts', array());
// Is there any entry already in JSON format?
$existingListJson = get_option( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_bulk_unload');
// Default list as array
$existingListEmpty = array(
'styles' => array('post_type' => array($postType => array())),
'scripts' => array('post_type' => array($postType => array()))
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
// Append to the list anything from the POST (if any)
// Make sure all entries are unique (no handle duplicates)
$list = array();
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ($assetType === 'styles') {
$list = $postStyles;
} elseif ($assetType === 'scripts') {
$list = $postScripts;
if (empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $bulkType => $values) {
if (empty($values)) {
if ($bulkType === 'post_type') {
foreach ($values as $postType => $handles) {
if (empty($handles)) {
foreach (array_unique($handles) as $handle) {
$existingList[ $assetType ]['post_type'][ $postType ][] = $handle;
$existingList[ $assetType ]['post_type'][ $postType ] = array_unique($existingList[ $assetType ]['post_type'][ $postType ]);
Misc::addUpdateOption( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_bulk_unload', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* Lite Version: For post, pages, custom post types
* @param mixed $postType
* @return bool
public function removeBulkUnloads($postType = '')
if (! $postType) {
global $post;
// In the LITE version, post type unload is the only option for bulk unloads
// $postType could be 'post', 'page' or a custom post type such as 'product' (WooCommerce), 'download' (Easy Digital Downloads), etc.
$postType = isset($post->post_type) ? $post->post_type : false;
if (! $postType) {
return false;
$bulkType = 'post_type';
$stylesList = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_options_'.$bulkType.'_styles', array());
$scriptsList = Misc::getVar('post', 'wpacu_options_'.$bulkType.'_scripts', array());
if (empty($stylesList) && empty($scriptsList)) {
return false;
$removeStylesList = $removeScriptsList = array();
$isUpdated = false;
if (! empty($stylesList)) {
foreach ($stylesList as $handle => $action) {
if ($action === 'remove') {
$removeStylesList[] = $handle;
if (! empty($scriptsList)) {
foreach ($scriptsList as $handle => $action) {
if ($action === 'remove') {
$removeScriptsList[] = $handle;
$existingListJson = get_option( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_bulk_unload');
if (! $existingListJson) {
return false;
$existingList = json_decode($existingListJson, true);
if (Misc::jsonLastError() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$list = array();
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ($assetType === 'styles') {
$list = $removeStylesList;
} elseif ($assetType === 'scripts') {
$list = $removeScriptsList;
if (empty($list)) {
foreach ( $existingList[ $assetType ][ $bulkType ][ $postType ] as $handleKey => $handle ) {
if ( in_array( $handle, $list ) ) {
unset( $existingList[ $assetType ][ $bulkType ][ $postType ][ $handleKey ] );
$isUpdated = true;
Misc::addUpdateOption(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_bulk_unload', wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
return $isUpdated;
public static function updateHandleNotes()
if (! Misc::isValidRequest('post', 'wpacu_handle_notes')) {
if (! isset($_POST['wpacu_handle_notes']['styles']) && ! isset($_POST['wpacu_handle_notes']['scripts'])) {
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data';
$globalKey = 'notes';
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array($globalKey => array()), 'scripts' => array($globalKey => array()));
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetType) {
if ( isset( $_POST['wpacu_handle_notes'][$assetType] ) && ! empty( $_POST['wpacu_handle_notes'][$assetType] ) ) {
foreach ( $_POST['wpacu_handle_notes'][$assetType] as $assetHandle => $assetNote ) {
$assetNote = stripslashes( $assetNote );
if ( $assetNote === '' && isset( $existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] ) ) {
unset( $existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] );
} elseif ( $assetNote !== '' ) {
$existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] = $assetNote;
Misc::addUpdateOption($optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* @param array $mainVarToUse
public static function updateIgnoreChild($mainVarToUse = array())
// No $mainVarToUse passed? Then it's a $_POST
// Check if $_POST is empty via Misc::isValidRequest()
$useGlobalPost = false;
if (empty($mainVarToUse)) {
if ( (isset($_POST[WPACU_FORM_ASSETS_POST_KEY]['styles']) && ! empty($_POST[WPACU_FORM_ASSETS_POST_KEY]['styles']))
|| (isset($_POST[WPACU_FORM_ASSETS_POST_KEY]['scripts']) && ! empty($_POST[WPACU_FORM_ASSETS_POST_KEY]['scripts'])) ) {
$mainVarToUse = self::updateIgnoreChildAdapt($_POST[WPACU_FORM_ASSETS_POST_KEY]); // New form fields (starting from v1.1.9.9)
} elseif (Misc::isValidRequest('post', 'wpacu_ignore_child')) {
$useGlobalPost = true;
} else {
if (! $useGlobalPost && isset($mainVarToUse['wpacu_ignore_child'])) {
$bucketToUse = $mainVarToUse['wpacu_ignore_child'];
} else if (isset($_POST['wpacu_ignore_child'])) {
$bucketToUse = $_POST['wpacu_ignore_child'];
if (! isset($bucketToUse['styles']) && ! isset($bucketToUse['scripts'])) {
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data';
$globalKey = 'ignore_child';
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array($globalKey => array()), 'scripts' => array($globalKey => array()));
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
foreach (array('styles','scripts') as $assetType) {
if ( isset( $bucketToUse[$assetType] ) && ! empty( $bucketToUse[$assetType] ) ) {
foreach ( $bucketToUse[$assetType] as $assetHandle => $assetVal ) {
$assetVal = trim( $assetVal );
if ( $assetVal === '' && isset( $existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] ) ) {
unset( $existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] );
} elseif ( $assetVal !== '' ) {
$existingList[$assetType][ $globalKey ][ $assetHandle ] = $assetVal;
Misc::addUpdateOption($optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
* @param $mainFormArray
* @return array
public static function updateIgnoreChildAdapt($mainFormArray)
$wpacuIgnoreChildList = array();
foreach (array('styles', 'scripts') as $assetKey) {
if (isset($mainFormArray[$assetKey]) && ! empty($mainFormArray[$assetKey])) {
foreach ($mainFormArray[$assetKey] as $assetHandle => $assetData) {
$wpacuIgnoreChildList['wpacu_ignore_child'][$assetKey][$assetHandle] = ''; // default
if (isset($assetData['ignore_child']) && $assetData['ignore_child']) {
$wpacuIgnoreChildList['wpacu_ignore_child'][ $assetKey ][ $assetHandle ] = 1;
return $wpacuIgnoreChildList;
* This function is called via AJAX whenever "+" or "-" is used on an asset's row
* @param $newState
* @param $handle
* @param $handleFor
* @return array|false
public static function updateHandleRowStatus($newState, $handle, $handleFor)
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data';
$globalKey = 'handle_row_contracted'; // Contracted or Expanded (default)
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array($globalKey => array()), 'scripts' => array($globalKey => array()));
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
if ($handleFor === 'style') {
$keyList = 'styles';
} elseif ($handleFor === 'script') {
$keyList = 'scripts';
} else {
return false;
// The database value should be equal with '1' suggesting it's contracted (no value means it's expanded by default)
if ( $newState === 'expanded' && isset( $existingList[$keyList][ $globalKey ][ $handle ] ) ) {
unset( $existingList[$keyList][ $globalKey ][ $handle ] ); // "expanded" (default)
} elseif ( $newState === 'contracted' ) {
$existingList[$keyList][ $globalKey ][ $handle ] = 1; // "contracted"
Misc::addUpdateOption($optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
$toReturn = array();
if (isset($existingList['styles'][$globalKey])) {
$toReturn['styles'] = $existingList['styles'][$globalKey];
if (isset($existingList['scripts'][$globalKey])) {
$toReturn['scripts'] = $existingList['scripts'][$globalKey];
return $toReturn;
* This is triggered automatically and sets a transient with the handles info
* It doesn't require any manual action from the user
* @param $assetList
public static function updateHandlesInfo($assetList)
$optionToUpdate = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data';
$globalKey = 'assets_info';
$existingListEmpty = array('styles' => array($globalKey => array()), 'scripts' => array($globalKey => array()));
$existingListJson = get_option($optionToUpdate);
$existingListData = Main::instance()->existingList($existingListJson, $existingListEmpty);
$existingList = $existingListData['list'];
// $assetKey could be 'styles' or 'scripts'
foreach ($assetList as $assetKey => $assetDataHandleList) {
if (empty($assetDataHandleList) || ! in_array($assetKey, array('styles', 'scripts'))) {
foreach ($assetDataHandleList as $assetObj) {
$assetArray = (array)$assetObj;
$assetHandle = $assetArray['handle'];
// Strip other unused information including the 'handle' (no need to have it twice as it's already in one of the array's keys)
unset( $assetArray['handle'], $assetArray['textdomain'], $assetArray['translations_path'] );
// Some handles don't have a "src" value such as "woocommerce-inline"
if (isset($assetArray['src']) && $assetArray['src']) {
$assetArray['src'] = Misc::assetFromHrefToRelativeUri( $assetArray['src'], $assetKey );
// [wpacu_pro]
if (isset($assetArray['output'])) { // hardcoded assets have an 'output' value
// Is there already an entry for the same handle with a value set for 'output' and 'output_min'
if (isset($existingList[$assetKey][$globalKey][$assetHandle]['output'], $existingList[$assetKey][$globalKey][$assetHandle]['output_min'])) {
// Save resources: do not update the same values and skip the minification (good to avoid large inline content)
if ( ! isset( $assetArray['output_min'] ) ) {
$assetArray['output_min'] = '';
// Reference: $wpacuHardcodedInfoToStoreAfterSubmit from _assets-hardcoded-list.php
if ( strpos( $assetHandle, 'wpacu_hardcoded_script_' ) === 0 ) {
$outputMin = \WpAssetCleanUp\OptimiseAssets\MinifyJs::applyMinification( $assetArray['output'] );
if ( $assetArray['output'] !== $outputMin ) {
$assetArray['output_min'] = $outputMin;
} elseif ( ( strpos( $assetHandle, 'wpacu_hardcoded_link_' ) === 0 )
|| ( strpos( $assetHandle, 'wpacu_hardcoded_style_' ) === 0 ) ) {
$outputMin = \WpAssetCleanUp\OptimiseAssets\MinifyCss::applyMinification( $assetArray['output'] );
if ( $assetArray['output'] !== $outputMin ) {
$assetArray['output_min'] = $outputMin;
// [/wpacu_pro]
$existingList[$assetKey][$globalKey][$assetHandle] = $assetArray;
update_option($optionToUpdate, wp_json_encode(Misc::filterList($existingList)));
public static function clearTransients()
delete_transient(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID. '_total_unloaded_assets_all');
delete_transient(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID. '_total_unloaded_assets_per_page');
* This is triggered when /admin/admin-ajax.php is called (default WordPress AJAX handler)
public function ajaxClearCache()
if ( ! isset($_REQUEST['wpacu_nonce']) ) {
echo 'Error: The security nonce was not sent for verification. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['wpacu_nonce'], 'wpacu_ajax_clear_cache_nonce') ) {
echo 'Error: The security check has failed. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if (! Menu::userCanManageAssets()) {
echo 'Error: Not enough privileges to clear the cache.';
* @return void
public function ajaxCacheEnablerClearCache()
if ( ! isset($_REQUEST['wpacu_nonce']) ) {
echo 'Error: The security nonce was not sent for verification. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['wpacu_nonce'], 'wpacu_ajax_clear_cache_enabler_cache_nonce') ) {
echo 'Error: The security check has failed. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if (! Menu::userCanManageAssets()) {
echo 'Error: Not enough privileges to clear the cache.';
* This is triggered when /admin/admin-ajax.php is called (default WordPress AJAX handler)
public function ajaxPreloadGuest()
// Check nonce
if ( ! isset( $_POST['wpacu_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['wpacu_nonce'], 'wpacu_ajax_preload_url_nonce' ) ) {
echo 'Error: The security nonce is not valid.';
$pageUrl = isset($_POST['page_url']) ? $_POST['page_url'] : false;
$pageUrlDomain = parse_url($pageUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
$pageUrlPreload = add_query_arg( array( 'wpacu_preload' => 1 ), $pageUrl );
// Check if the URL is valid
if (! filter_var($pageUrlPreload, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
echo 'The URL `'.$pageUrlPreload.'` is not valid.';
// Check the domain from "page_url" parameter
if (strpos(site_url(), $pageUrlDomain) === false) {
echo 'Error: Possible hacking attempt! The host name of the requested URL is not the same as the one of "Site Address (URL)" from "Settings" - "General".';
// Check privileges
if (! Menu::userCanManageAssets()) {
echo 'Error: Not enough privileges to perform this action.';
$response = wp_remote_get($pageUrlPreload);
if (is_wp_error($response)) {
// Any error generated during the fetch? Print it
echo 'Error: '.$response->get_error_code();
} else {
// No errors
echo 'Status Code: '.wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response).' / Page URL (preload): ' . $pageUrlPreload . "\n\n";
echo isset($response['body']) ? $response['body'] : 'No "body" key found from wp_remote_get(), the preload might not have triggered';
public function ajaxUpdateAssetRowState()
// Option: "On Assets List Layout Load, keep the groups:"
if (isset($_POST['wpacu_update_asset_row_state'])) {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'], $_POST['wpacu_asset_row_state'], $_POST['wpacu_handle'], $_POST['wpacu_handle_for'] )
|| ! Menu::userCanManageAssets() ) {
if ( $_POST['wpacu_update_asset_row_state'] !== 'yes' ) {
if ( ! isset($_POST['wpacu_nonce']) ) {
echo 'Error: The security nonce was not sent for verification. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpacu_nonce'], 'wpacu_update_asset_row_state_nonce') ) {
echo 'Error: The security check has failed. Location: '.__METHOD__;
$assetRowState = $_POST['wpacu_asset_row_state'];
$newContractedList = self::updateHandleRowStatus($assetRowState, $_POST['wpacu_handle'], $_POST['wpacu_handle_for']);
echo "" . print_r($newContractedList, true);
* Update state for all assets within a plugin
* @return void
public function ajaxAreaUpdateAssetsRowState()
if (isset($_POST['wpacu_area_update_assets_row_state'])) {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'], $_POST['wpacu_area_assets_row_state'], $_POST['wpacu_area_handles'], $_POST['wpacu_nonce'] )
|| ! Menu::userCanManageAssets() ) {
if ( $_POST['wpacu_area_update_assets_row_state'] !== 'yes' ) {
if ( ! isset($_POST['wpacu_nonce']) ) {
echo 'Error: The security nonce was not sent for verification. Location: '.__METHOD__;
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpacu_nonce'], 'wpacu_area_update_assets_row_state_nonce') ) {
echo 'Error: The security check has failed. Location: '.__METHOD__;
$areaAllAssetsRowState = $_POST['wpacu_area_assets_row_state'];
if ( ! empty($_POST['wpacu_area_handles']) && is_array($_POST['wpacu_area_handles']) ) {
foreach ($_POST['wpacu_area_handles'] as $areaAssetHandleFormat) {
$areaAssetHandleFor = substr(strrchr($areaAssetHandleFormat, '_'), 1);
$areaAssetHandle = substr($areaAssetHandleFormat, 0, -(strlen($areaAssetHandleFor) + 1));
echo 'New State: '.$areaAllAssetsRowState.' / Handle: '.$areaAssetHandle . ' / For: '.$areaAssetHandleFor."\n";
$newContractedList = self::updateHandleRowStatus( $areaAllAssetsRowState, $areaAssetHandle, $areaAssetHandleFor );
echo "" . print_r( $newContractedList, true );