registered; $storageJsonContents = array(); $skipCache = false; // default if (isset($_GET['wpacu_no_cache']) || (defined('WPACU_NO_CACHE') && WPACU_NO_CACHE === true)) { $skipCache = true; } // If cache is not skipped, read the information from the cache as it's much faster if (! $skipCache) { // Speed up processing by getting the already existing final CSS file URI // This will avoid parsing the HTML DOM and determine the combined URI paths for all the CSS files $storageJsonContents = OptimizeCommon::getAssetCachedData( self::$jsonStorageFile, OptimizeCss::getRelPathCssCacheDir(), 'css' ); } // $uriToFinalCssFile will always be relative ONLY within WP_CONTENT_DIR . self::getRelPathCssCacheDir() // which is usually "wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/css/" if ( $skipCache || empty($storageJsonContents) ) { $storageJsonContentsToSave = array(); /* * NO CACHING? Parse the DOM */ // Nothing in the database records or the retrieved cached file does not exist? OptimizeCommon::clearAssetCachedData(self::$jsonStorageFile); $storageJsonContents = array(); $domTag = OptimizeCommon::getDomLoadedTag($htmlSource, 'combineCss'); foreach (array('head', 'body') as $docLocationTag) { $combinedUriPathsGroup = $localAssetsPathsGroup = $linkHrefsGroup = array(); $localAssetsExtraGroup = array(); $docLocationElements = $domTag->getElementsByTagName($docLocationTag)->item(0); if ($docLocationElements === null) { continue; } $xpath = new \DOMXpath($domTag); $linkTags = $xpath->query('/html/'.$docLocationTag.'/link[@rel="stylesheet"] | /html/'.$docLocationTag.'/link[@rel="preload"]'); if ($linkTags === null) { continue; } foreach ($linkTags as $tagObject) { $linkAttributes = array(); foreach ($tagObject->attributes as $attrObj) { $linkAttributes[$attrObj->nodeName] = trim($attrObj->nodeValue); } // Only rel="stylesheet" (with no rel="preload" associated with it) gets prepared for combining as links with rel="preload" (if any) are never combined into a standard render-blocking CSS file // rel="preload" is there for a reason to make sure the CSS code is made available earlier prior to the one from rel="stylesheet" which is render-blocking if (isset($linkAttributes['rel'], $linkAttributes['href']) && $linkAttributes['href']) { $href = (string) $linkAttributes['href']; if (self::skipCombine($linkAttributes['href'])) { continue; } // e.g. for 'admin-bar' (keep it as standalone when critical CSS is used) if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-skip-preload']) && has_filter('wpacu_critical_css')) { continue; } // Check if the CSS file has any 'data-wpacu-skip' attribute; if it does, do not alter it if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-skip']) || isset($scriptAttributes['data-wpacu-apply-media-query'])) { continue; } // Separate each combined group by the "media" attribute; e.g. we don't want "all" and "print" mixed $mediaValue = (array_key_exists('media', $linkAttributes) && $linkAttributes['media']) ? $linkAttributes['media'] : 'all'; // Check if there is any rel="preload" (Basic) connected to the rel="stylesheet" // making sure the file is not added to the final CSS combined file if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle']) && $linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle'] && ObjectCache::wpacu_cache_get($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle'], 'wpacu_basic_preload_handles')) { $mediaValue = 'wpacu_preload_basic_' . $mediaValue; } // Make the right reference for later use if ($linkAttributes['rel'] === 'preload') { if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-preload-css-basic'])) { $mediaValue = 'wpacu_preload_basic_' . $mediaValue; } else { continue; } } // Was it optimized and has the URL updated? Check the Source URL to determine if it should be skipped from combining if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-link-rel-href-before']) && $linkAttributes['data-wpacu-link-rel-href-before'] && self::skipCombine($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-link-rel-href-before'])) { continue; } // Avoid combining own plugin's CSS (irrelevant) as it takes extra useless space in the caching directory if (isset($linkAttributes['id']) && $linkAttributes['id'] === WPACU_PLUGIN_ID.'-style-css') { continue; } $localAssetPath = OptimizeCommon::getLocalAssetPath($href, 'css'); // It will skip external stylesheets (from a different domain) if ( $localAssetPath ) { $styleExtra = array(); if (isset($linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle'], $wpacuRegisteredStyles[$linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle']]->extra) && OptimizeCommon::appendInlineCodeToCombineAssetType('css')) { $styleExtra = $wpacuRegisteredStyles[$linkAttributes['data-wpacu-style-handle']]->extra; } $sourceRelPath = OptimizeCommon::getSourceRelPath($href); $alreadyAddedSourceRelPath = isset($combinedUriPathsGroup[$mediaValue]) && in_array($sourceRelPath, $combinedUriPathsGroup[$mediaValue]); if (! $alreadyAddedSourceRelPath) { $combinedUriPathsGroup[$mediaValue][] = $sourceRelPath; } $localAssetsPathsGroup[$mediaValue][$href] = $localAssetPath; $alreadyAddedHref = isset($linkHrefsGroup[$mediaValue]) && in_array($href, $linkHrefsGroup[$mediaValue]); if (! $alreadyAddedHref) { $linkHrefsGroup[$mediaValue][] = $href; } $localAssetsExtraGroup[$mediaValue][$href] = $styleExtra; } } } // No Link Tags or only one tag in the combined group? Do not proceed with any combining if ( empty( $combinedUriPathsGroup ) ) { continue; } foreach ($combinedUriPathsGroup as $mediaValue => $combinedUriPaths) { // There have to be at least two CSS files to create a combined CSS file if (count($combinedUriPaths) < 2) { continue; } $localAssetsPaths = $localAssetsPathsGroup[$mediaValue]; $linkHrefs = $linkHrefsGroup[$mediaValue]; $localAssetsExtra = array_filter($localAssetsExtraGroup[$mediaValue]); $maybeDoCssCombine = self::maybeDoCssCombine( $localAssetsPaths, $linkHrefs, $localAssetsExtra, $docLocationTag ); // Local path to combined CSS file $localFinalCssFile = $maybeDoCssCombine['local_final_css_file']; // URI (e.g. /wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/[file-name-here.css]) to the combined CSS file $uriToFinalCssFile = $maybeDoCssCombine['uri_final_css_file']; // Any link hrefs removed perhaps if the file wasn't combined? $linkHrefs = $maybeDoCssCombine['link_hrefs']; if (is_file($localFinalCssFile)) { $storageJsonContents[$docLocationTag][$mediaValue] = array( 'uri_to_final_css_file' => $uriToFinalCssFile, 'link_hrefs' => array_map(static function($href) { return str_replace('{site_url}', '', OptimizeCommon::getSourceRelPath($href)); }, $linkHrefs) ); $storageJsonContentsToSave[$docLocationTag][$mediaValue] = array( 'uri_to_final_css_file' => $uriToFinalCssFile, 'link_hrefs' => array_map(static function($href) { return OptimizeCommon::getSourceRelPath($href); }, $linkHrefs) ); } } } libxml_clear_errors(); OptimizeCommon::setAssetCachedData( self::$jsonStorageFile, OptimizeCss::getRelPathCssCacheDir(), wp_json_encode($storageJsonContentsToSave) ); } $cdnUrls = OptimizeCommon::getAnyCdnUrls(); $cdnUrlForCss = isset($cdnUrls['css']) ? $cdnUrls['css'] : false; if ( ! empty($storageJsonContents) ) { foreach ($storageJsonContents as $docLocationTag => $mediaValues) { $groupLocation = 1; foreach ($mediaValues as $mediaValue => $storageJsonContentLocation) { if (! isset($storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs'][0])) { continue; } // Irrelevant to have only one CSS file in a combine CSS group if (count($storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs']) < 2) { continue; } $storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs'] = array_map(static function($href) { return str_replace('{site_url}', '', $href); }, $storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs']); $finalTagUrl = OptimizeCommon::filterWpContentUrl($cdnUrlForCss) . OptimizeCss::getRelPathCssCacheDir() . $storageJsonContentLocation['uri_to_final_css_file']; $finalCssTagAttrs = array(); if (strpos($mediaValue, 'wpacu_preload_basic_') === 0) { // Put the right "media" value after cleaning the reference $mediaValueClean = str_replace('wpacu_preload_basic_', '', $mediaValue); // Basic Preload $finalCssTag = << HTML; $finalCssTagRelPreload = << HTML; $finalCssTagAttrs['rel'] = 'preload'; $finalCssTagAttrs['media'] = $mediaValueClean; $htmlSource = str_replace(Preloads::DEL_STYLES_PRELOADS, $finalCssTagRelPreload."\n" . Preloads::DEL_STYLES_PRELOADS, $htmlSource); } else { // Render-blocking CSS $finalCssTag = << HTML; $finalCssTagAttrs['rel'] = 'stylesheet'; $finalCssTagAttrs['media'] = $mediaValue; } // In case one (e.g. usually a developer) needs to alter it $finalCssTag = apply_filters( 'wpacu_combined_css_tag', $finalCssTag, array( 'attrs' => $finalCssTagAttrs, 'doc_location' => $docLocationTag, 'group_no' => $groupLocation, 'href' => $finalTagUrl ) ); // Reference: $finalCssTag = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $finalCssTag); $htmlSourceBeforeAnyLinkTagReplacement = $htmlSource; // Detect first LINK tag from the <$locationTag> and replace it with the final combined LINK tag $firstLinkTag = OptimizeCss::getFirstLinkTag($storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs'][0], $htmlSource); if ($firstLinkTag) { // 1) Strip inline code before/after it (if any) // 2) Finally, strip the actual tag $htmlSource = self::stripTagAndAnyInlineAssocCode( $firstLinkTag, $wpacuRegisteredStyles, $finalCssTag, $htmlSource ); } if ($htmlSource !== $htmlSourceBeforeAnyLinkTagReplacement) { $htmlSource = self::stripJustCombinedLinkTags( $storageJsonContentLocation['link_hrefs'], $wpacuRegisteredStyles, $htmlSource ); // Strip the combined files to avoid duplicate code // There should be at least two replacements made AND all the tags should have been replaced // Leave no room for errors, otherwise the page could end up with extra files loaded, leading to a slower website if ($htmlSource === 'do_not_combine') { $htmlSource = $htmlSourceBeforeAnyLinkTagReplacement; } else { $groupLocation++; } } } } } return $htmlSource; } /** * @param $filesSources * @param $wpacuRegisteredStyles * @param $htmlSource * * @return mixed */ public static function stripJustCombinedLinkTags($filesSources, $wpacuRegisteredStyles, $htmlSource) { preg_match_all('#]*(stylesheet|preload)[^>]*(>)#Umi', $htmlSource, $matchesSourcesFromTags, PREG_SET_ORDER); $linkTagsStrippedNo = 0; foreach ($matchesSourcesFromTags as $matchSourceFromTag) { $matchedSourceFromTag = (isset($matchSourceFromTag[0]) && strip_tags($matchSourceFromTag[0]) === '') ? trim($matchSourceFromTag[0]) : ''; if (! $matchSourceFromTag) { continue; } // The DOMDocument is already checked if it's enabled in doCombine() $domTag = Misc::initDOMDocument(); $domTag->loadHTML($matchedSourceFromTag); foreach ($domTag->getElementsByTagName('link') as $tagObject) { if (empty($tagObject->attributes)) { continue; } foreach ($tagObject->attributes as $tagAttrs) { if ($tagAttrs->nodeName === 'href') { $relNodeValue = trim(OptimizeCommon::getSourceRelPath($tagAttrs->nodeValue)); if (in_array($relNodeValue, $filesSources)) { $htmlSourceBeforeLinkTagReplacement = $htmlSource; // 1) Strip inline code before/after it (if any) // 2) Finally, strip the actual tag $htmlSource = self::stripTagAndAnyInlineAssocCode( $matchedSourceFromTag, $wpacuRegisteredStyles, '', $htmlSource ); if ($htmlSource !== $htmlSourceBeforeLinkTagReplacement) { $linkTagsStrippedNo++; } } } } } libxml_clear_errors(); } // Aren't all the LINK tags stripped? They should be, otherwise, do not proceed with the HTML alteration (no combining will take place) // Minus the already combined tag if (($linkTagsStrippedNo < 2) && (count($filesSources) !== $linkTagsStrippedNo)) { return 'do_not_combine'; } return $htmlSource; } /** * @param $href * * @return bool */ public static function skipCombine($href) { $regExps = array( '#/wp-content/bs-booster-cache/#' ); if (Main::instance()->settings['combine_loaded_css_exceptions'] !== '') { $loadedCssExceptionsPatterns = trim(Main::instance()->settings['combine_loaded_css_exceptions']); if (strpos($loadedCssExceptionsPatterns, "\n")) { // Multiple values (one per line) foreach (explode("\n", $loadedCssExceptionsPatterns) as $loadedCssExceptionPattern) { $regExps[] = '#'.trim($loadedCssExceptionPattern).'#'; } } else { // Only one value? $regExps[] = '#'.trim($loadedCssExceptionsPatterns).'#'; } } // No exceptions set? Do not skip combination if (empty($regExps)) { return false; } foreach ($regExps as $regExp) { $regExp = Misc::purifyRegexValue($regExp); if ( @preg_match( $regExp, $href ) || ( strpos($href, $regExp) !== false ) ) { // Skip combination return true; } } return false; } /** * @param $localAssetsPaths * @param $linkHrefs * @param $localAssetsExtra * @param $docLocationTag * * @return array */ public static function maybeDoCssCombine($localAssetsPaths, $linkHrefs, $localAssetsExtra, $docLocationTag) { // Only combine if $shaOneCombinedUriPaths.css does not exist // If "?ver" value changes on any of the assets or the asset list changes in any way // then $shaOneCombinedUriPaths will change too and a new CSS file will be generated and loaded // Change $finalCombinedCssContent as paths to fonts and images that are relative (e.g. ../, ../../) have to be updated + other optimization changes $uriToFinalCssFile = $localFinalCssFile = $finalCombinedCssContent = ''; foreach ($localAssetsPaths as $assetHref => $localAssetsPath) { if ($cssContent = trim(FileSystem::fileGetContents($localAssetsPath, 'combine_css_imports'))) { $pathToAssetDir = OptimizeCommon::getPathToAssetDir($assetHref); // Does it have a source map? Strip it if (strpos($cssContent, '/*# sourceMappingURL=') !== false) { $cssContent = OptimizeCommon::stripSourceMap($cssContent, 'css'); } if (apply_filters('wpacu_print_info_comments_in_cached_assets', true)) { $finalCombinedCssContent .= '/*!' . str_replace( Misc::getWpRootDirPath(), '/', $localAssetsPath ) . "*/\n"; } $finalCombinedCssContent .= OptimizeCss::maybeFixCssContent($cssContent, $pathToAssetDir . '/') . "\n"; $finalCombinedCssContent = self::appendToCombineCss($localAssetsExtra, $assetHref, $pathToAssetDir, $finalCombinedCssContent); } } // Move any @imports to top; This also strips any @imports to Google Fonts if the option is chosen $finalCombinedCssContent = trim(OptimizeCss::importsUpdate($finalCombinedCssContent)); if (Main::instance()->settings['google_fonts_remove']) { $finalCombinedCssContent = FontsGoogleRemove::cleanFontFaceReferences($finalCombinedCssContent); } $finalCombinedCssContent = apply_filters('wpacu_local_fonts_display_css_output', $finalCombinedCssContent, Main::instance()->settings['local_fonts_display']); if ($finalCombinedCssContent) { $finalCombinedCssContent = trim($finalCombinedCssContent); $shaOneForCombinedCss = sha1($finalCombinedCssContent); $uriToFinalCssFile = $docLocationTag . '-' .$shaOneForCombinedCss . '.css'; $localFinalCssFile = WP_CONTENT_DIR . OptimizeCss::getRelPathCssCacheDir() . $uriToFinalCssFile; if (! is_file($localFinalCssFile)) { FileSystem::filePutContents($localFinalCssFile, $finalCombinedCssContent); } } return array( 'uri_final_css_file' => $uriToFinalCssFile, 'local_final_css_file' => $localFinalCssFile, 'link_hrefs' => $linkHrefs ); } /** * @param $localAssetsExtra * @param $assetHref * @param $pathToAssetDir * @param $finalAssetsContents * * @return string */ public static function appendToCombineCss($localAssetsExtra, $assetHref, $pathToAssetDir, $finalAssetsContents) { if (isset($localAssetsExtra[$assetHref]['after']) && ! empty($localAssetsExtra[$assetHref]['after'])) { $afterCssContent = ''; foreach ($localAssetsExtra[$assetHref]['after'] as $afterData) { if (! is_bool($afterData)) { $afterCssContent .= $afterData."\n"; } } if (trim($afterCssContent)) { if (MinifyCss::isMinifyCssEnabled() && in_array(Main::instance()->settings['minify_loaded_css_for'], array('inline', 'all'))) { $afterCssContent = MinifyCss::applyMinification( $afterCssContent ); } $afterCssContent = OptimizeCss::maybeFixCssContent( $afterCssContent, $pathToAssetDir . '/' ); $finalAssetsContents .= apply_filters('wpacu_print_info_comments_in_cached_assets', true) ? '/* [inline: after] */' : ''; $finalAssetsContents .= $afterCssContent; $finalAssetsContents .= apply_filters('wpacu_print_info_comments_in_cached_assets', true) ? '/* [/inline: after] */' : ''; $finalAssetsContents .= "\n"; } } return $finalAssetsContents; } /** * The targeted LINK tag (which was enqueued and has a handle) is replaced with $replaceWith * along with any inline content that was added after it via wp_add_inline_style() * * @param $targetedLinkTag * @param $wpacuRegisteredStyles * @param $replaceWith * @param $htmlSource * * @return mixed */ public static function stripTagAndAnyInlineAssocCode($targetedLinkTag, $wpacuRegisteredStyles, $replaceWith, $htmlSource) { if (OptimizeCommon::appendInlineCodeToCombineAssetType('css')) { $scriptExtrasHtml = OptimizeCss::getInlineAssociatedWithLinkHandle($targetedLinkTag, $wpacuRegisteredStyles, 'tag', 'html'); $scriptExtraAfterHtml = (isset($scriptExtrasHtml['after']) && $scriptExtrasHtml['after']) ? "\n".$scriptExtrasHtml['after'] : ''; $htmlSource = str_replace( array( $targetedLinkTag . $scriptExtraAfterHtml, $targetedLinkTag . trim($scriptExtraAfterHtml) ), $replaceWith, $htmlSource ); } return str_replace( array( $targetedLinkTag."\n", $targetedLinkTag ), $replaceWith."\n", $htmlSource ); } /** * @return bool */ public static function proceedWithCssCombine() { // Not on query string request (debugging purposes) if ( ! empty($_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('wpacu_no_css_combine', $_REQUEST) ) { return false; } // No CSS files are combined in the Dashboard // Always in the front-end view // Do not combine if there's a POST request as there could be assets loading conditionally // that might not be needed when the page is accessed without POST, making the final CSS file larger if (! empty($_POST) || is_admin()) { return false; // Do not combine } // Only clean request URIs allowed (with Exceptions) // Exceptions if ((strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') !== false) && ! OptimizeCommon::loadOptimizedAssetsIfQueryStrings()) { return false; } if (! OptimizeCommon::doCombineIsRegularPage()) { return false; } $pluginSettings = Main::instance()->settings; if ($pluginSettings['test_mode'] && ! Menu::userCanManageAssets()) { return false; // Do not combine anything if "Test Mode" is ON and the user is in guest mode (not logged-in) } if ($pluginSettings['combine_loaded_css'] === '') { return false; // Do not combine } if (OptimizeCss::isOptimizeCssEnabledByOtherParty('if_enabled')) { return false; // Do not combine (it's already enabled in other plugin) } // "Minify HTML" from WP Rocket is sometimes stripping combined LINK tags // Better uncombined then missing essential CSS files if (Misc::isWpRocketMinifyHtmlEnabled()) { return false; } /* // The option is no longer used since v1.1.7.3 (Pro) & v1.3.6.4 (Lite) if ( ($pluginSettings['combine_loaded_css'] === 'for_admin' || $pluginSettings['combine_loaded_css_for_admin_only'] == 1) && Menu::userCanManageAssets()) { return true; // Do combine } */ // "Apply it only for guest visitors (default)" is set; Do not combine if the user is logged in if ( $pluginSettings['combine_loaded_css_for'] === 'guests' && is_user_logged_in() ) { return false; } if (in_array($pluginSettings['combine_loaded_css'], array('for_all', 1)) ) { return true; // Do combine } // Finally, return false as none of the verification above matched return false; } }