getConflictingPlugins(); if (count($conflictPlugins) > 0) { $this->addData('conflicts', $conflictPlugins); return true; } else { return false; } } protected function getMessage() { $conflicts = $this->getData('conflicts'); if (! is_array($conflicts)) $conflicts = array(); $message = __("The following plugins are not compatible with ShortPixel and may cause unexpected results: ",'shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $message .= '"; return $message; } protected function getConflictingPlugins() { $settings = \wpSPIO()->settings(); $conflictPlugins = array( 'WP Smush - Image Optimization' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'wp-smushit/wp-smush.php', 'page'=>'wp-smush-bulk' ), 'Imagify Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'imagify/imagify.php', 'page'=>'imagify' ), 'Compress JPEG & PNG images (TinyPNG)' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'tiny-compress-images/tiny-compress-images.php', 'page'=>'tinify' ), ' Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'kraken-image-optimizer/kraken.php', 'page'=>'wp-krakenio' ), 'Optimus - WordPress Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'optimus/optimus.php', 'page'=>'optimus' ), 'Phoenix Media Rename' => array( 'action' => 'Deactivate', 'data' => 'phoenix-media-rename/phoenix-media-rename.php', ), 'EWWW Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'ewww-image-optimizer/ewww-image-optimizer.php', 'page'=>'ewww-image-optimizer%2F' ), 'EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'ewww-image-optimizer-cloud/ewww-image-optimizer-cloud.php', 'page'=>'ewww-image-optimizer-cloud%2F' ), 'ImageRecycle pdf & image compression' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'imagerecycle-pdf-image-compression/wp-image-recycle.php', 'page'=>'option-image-recycle' ), 'CheetahO Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'cheetaho-image-optimizer/cheetaho.php', 'page'=>'cheetaho' ), 'Zara 4 Image Compression' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'zara-4/zara-4.php', 'page'=>'zara-4' ), 'CW Image Optimizer' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'cw-image-optimizer/cw-image-optimizer.php', 'page'=>'cw-image-optimizer' ), 'Simple Image Sizes' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'simple-image-sizes/simple_image_sizes.php' ), 'Regenerate Thumbnails and Delete Unused' => array( 'action' => 'Deactivate', 'data' => 'regenerate-thumbnails-and-delete-unused/regenerate_wpregenerate.php', ), 'Swift Performance' => array( 'action' => 'Deactivate', 'data' => 'swift-performance/performance.php', ), 'Swift AI' => array( 'action' => 'Deactivate', 'data' => 'swift-ai/main.php', ), 'Swift Performance Lite' => array( 'action' => 'Deactivate', 'data' => 'swift-performance-lite/performance.php', ), //DEACTIVATED TEMPORARILY - it seems that the customers get scared. /* 'Jetpack by - The Speed up image load times Option' => array( 'action'=>'Change Setting', 'data'=>'jetpack/jetpack.php', 'href'=>'admin.php?page=jetpack#/settings' ) */ ); if($settings->processThumbnails) { $details = __('Details: recreating image files may require re-optimization of the resulting thumbnails, even if they were previously optimized. Please use reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced instead.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'); $conflictPlugins = array_merge($conflictPlugins, array( 'Regenerate Thumbnails' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'regenerate-thumbnails/regenerate-thumbnails.php', 'page'=>'regenerate-thumbnails', 'details' => $details ), 'Force Regenerate Thumbnails' => array( 'action'=>'Deactivate', 'data'=>'force-regenerate-thumbnails/force-regenerate-thumbnails.php', 'page'=>'force-regenerate-thumbnails', 'details' => $details ) )); } $found = array(); foreach($conflictPlugins as $name => $path) { $action = ( isset($path['action']) ) ? $path['action'] : null; $data = ( isset($path['data']) ) ? $path['data'] : null; $href = ( isset($path['href']) ) ? $path['href'] : null; $page = ( isset($path['page']) ) ? $path['page'] : null; $details = ( isset($path['details']) ) ? $path['details'] : null; if(is_plugin_active($data)) { // Local checks for things. If too much this needs some other impl. if( $data == 'jetpack/jetpack.php' ){ $jetPackPhoton = get_option('jetpack_active_modules') ? in_array('photon', get_option('jetpack_active_modules')) : false; if( !$jetPackPhoton ){ continue; } } if ($data == 'swift-performance/performance.php' || $data == 'swift-ai/main.php') { if (false === $this->checkSwiftActive()) { continue; } } $found[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'action'=> $action, 'path' => $data, 'href' => $href , 'page' => $page, 'details' => $details); } } return $found; } private function checkSwiftActive() { if ( function_exists('swift3_check_option') && true == swift3_check_option('optimize-images', 'on')) { return true; } return false; } }