if ($settings->quotaExceeded)
return false;
return true;
* Retrieves QuotaData object from cache or from remote source
* @return array The quotadata array (remote format)
protected function getQuotaData()
if (! is_null($this->quotaData))
return $this->quotaData;
$cache = new CacheController();
$cacheData = $cache->getItem(self::CACHE_NAME);
if (! $cacheData->exists() )
$quotaData = $this->getRemoteQuota();
if (! $this->hasQuota())
else {
$timeout = HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
$cache->storeItem(self::CACHE_NAME, $quotaData, $timeout);
$quotaData = $cacheData->getValue();
return $quotaData;
* Retrieve quota information for this account
* @return object quotadata SPIO format
public function getQuota()
$quotaData = $this->getQuotaData();
$DateNow = time();
$DateSubscription = strtotime($quotaData['APILastRenewalDate']);
$DaysToReset = 30 - ( (int) ( ( $DateNow - $DateSubscription) / 84600) % 30);
$quota = (object) [
'unlimited' => isset($quotaData['Unlimited']) ? $quotaData['Unlimited'] : false,
'monthly' => (object) [
'text' => sprintf(__('%s/month', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $quotaData['APICallsQuota']),
'total' => $quotaData['APICallsQuotaNumeric'],
'consumed' => $quotaData['APICallsMadeNumeric'],
'remaining' => max($quotaData['APICallsQuotaNumeric'] - $quotaData['APICallsMadeNumeric'], 0),
'renew' => $DaysToReset,
'onetime' => (object) [
'text' => $quotaData['APICallsQuotaOneTime'],
'total' => $quotaData['APICallsQuotaOneTimeNumeric'],
'consumed' => $quotaData['APICallsMadeOneTimeNumeric'],
'remaining' => $quotaData['APICallsQuotaOneTimeNumeric'] - $quotaData['APICallsMadeOneTimeNumeric'],
$quota->total = (object) [
'total' => $quota->monthly->total + $quota->onetime->total,
'consumed' => $quota->monthly->consumed + $quota->onetime->consumed,
'remaining' =>$quota->monthly->remaining + $quota->onetime->remaining,
return $quota;
* Get available remaining - total - credits
* @return int Total remaining credits
public function getAvailableQuota()
$quota = $this->getQuota();
return $quota->total->remaining;
* Force to get quotadata from API, even if cache is still active ( use very sparingly )
* Does not actively fetches it, but invalidates cache, so next call will trigger a remote call
* @return void
public function forceCheckRemoteQuota()
$cache = new CacheController();
$cacheData = $cache->getItem(self::CACHE_NAME);
$this->quotaData = null;
* Validate account key in the API via quota check
* @param string $key User account key
* @return array Quotadata array (remote format) with validated key
public function remoteValidateKey($key)
// Remove the cache before checking.
return $this->getRemoteQuota($key, true);
* Called when plugin detects the remote quota has been exceeded.
* Triggers various call to actions to customer
public function setQuotaExceeded()
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$settings->quotaExceeded = 1;
$this->forceCheckRemoteQuota(); // remove the previous cache.
* When quota is detected again via remote check, reset all call to actions
private function resetQuotaExceeded()
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
// Only reset after a quotaExceeded situation, otherwise it keeps popping.
if ($settings->quotaExceeded == 1)
// Log::addDebug('Reset Quota Exceeded and reset Notices');
$settings->quotaExceeded = 0;
* [getRemoteQuota description]
* @param string $apiKey User account key
* @param boolean $validate Api should also validate key or not
* @return array Quotadata array (remote format) [with validated key]
private function getRemoteQuota($apiKey = false, $validate = false)
if (! $apiKey && ! $validate) // validation is done by apikeymodel, might result in a loop.
$keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance();
$apiKey = $keyControl->forceGetApiKey();
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
if($settings->httpProto != 'https' && $settings->httpProto != 'http') {
$settings->httpProto = 'https';
$requestURL = $settings->httpProto . '://' . SHORTPIXEL_API . '/v2/api-status.php';
$args = array(
'timeout'=> 15, // wait for 15 secs.
'body' => array('key' => $apiKey)
$argsStr = "?key=".$apiKey;
$serverAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? urlencode(sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) : '';
$args['body']['useragent'] = "Agent" . $serverAgent;
$argsStr .= "&useragent=Agent".$args['body']['useragent'];
// Only used for keyValidation
if($validate) {
$statsController = StatsController::getInstance();
$imageCount = $statsController->find('media', 'itemsTotal');
$thumbsCount = $statsController->find('media', 'thumbsTotal');
$args['body']['DomainCheck'] = get_site_url();
$args['body']['Info'] = get_bloginfo('version') . '|' . phpversion();
$args['body']['ImagesCount'] = $imageCount; //$imageCount['mainFiles'];
$args['body']['ThumbsCount'] = $thumbsCount; // $imageCount['totalFiles'] - $imageCount['mainFiles'];
$argsStr .= "&DomainCheck={$args['body']['DomainCheck']}&Info={$args['body']['Info']}&ImagesCount=$imageCount&ThumbsCount=$thumbsCount";
$args['body']['host'] = parse_url(get_site_url(),PHP_URL_HOST);
$argsStr .= "&host={$args['body']['host']}";
$args['body']['user'] = stripslashes(SHORTPIXEL_HTTP_AUTH_USER);
$args['body']['pass'] = stripslashes(SHORTPIXEL_HTTP_AUTH_PASSWORD);
$argsStr .= '&user=' . urlencode($args['body']['user']) . '&pass=' . urlencode($args['body']['pass']);
elseif(! is_null($settings->siteAuthUser) && strlen($settings->siteAuthUser)) {
$args['body']['user'] = stripslashes($settings->siteAuthUser);
$args['body']['pass'] = stripslashes($settings->siteAuthPass);
$argsStr .= '&user=' . urlencode($args['body']['user']) . '&pass=' . urlencode($args['body']['pass']);
if($settings !== false) {
$args['body']['Settings'] = $settings;
$time = microtime(true);
$comm = array();
//Try first HTTPS post. add the sslverify = false if https
if($settings->httpProto === 'https') {
$args['sslverify'] = apply_filters('shortpixel/system/sslverify', true);
$response = wp_remote_post($requestURL, $args);
$comm['A: ' . (number_format(microtime(true) - $time, 2))] = array("sent" => "POST: " . $requestURL, "args" => $args, "received" => $response);
//some hosting providers won't allow https:// POST connections so we try http:// as well
if(is_wp_error( $response )) {
$requestURL = $settings->httpProto == 'https' ?
str_replace('https://', 'http://', $requestURL) :
str_replace('http://', 'https://', $requestURL);
// add or remove the sslverify
if($settings->httpProto === 'https') {
$args['sslverify'] = apply_filters('shortpixel/system/sslverify', true);
} else {
$response = wp_remote_post($requestURL, $args);
$comm['B: ' . (number_format(microtime(true) - $time, 2))] = array("sent" => "POST: " . $requestURL, "args" => $args, "received" => $response);
if(!is_wp_error( $response )){
$settings->httpProto = ($settings->httpProto == 'https' ? 'http' : 'https');
} else {
//Second fallback to HTTP get
if(is_wp_error( $response )){
$args['body'] = null;
$requestURL .= $argsStr;
$response = wp_remote_get($requestURL, $args);
$comm['C: ' . (number_format(microtime(true) - $time, 2))] = array("sent" => "POST: " . $requestURL, "args" => $args, "received" => $response);
Log::addInfo("API STATUS COMM: " . json_encode($comm));
$defaultData = array(
"APIKeyValid" => false,
"Message" => __('API Key could not be validated due to a connectivity error.
Your firewall may be blocking us. Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to allow connections from your site to (IP
If you still cannot validate your API Key after this, please contact us and we will try to help. ','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsMade" => __('Information unavailable. Please check your API key.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsQuota" => __('Information unavailable. Please check your API key.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsMadeOneTime" => 0,
"APICallsQuotaOneTime" => 0,
"APICallsMadeNumeric" => 0,
"APICallsQuotaNumeric" => 0,
"APICallsMadeOneTimeNumeric" => 0,
"APICallsQuotaOneTimeNumeric" => 0,
"APICallsRemaining" => 0,
"APILastRenewalDate" => 0,
"DomainCheck" => 'NOT Accessible');
$defaultData = is_array($settings->currentStats) ? array_merge( $settings->currentStats, $defaultData) : $defaultData;
if(is_object($response) && get_class($response) == 'WP_Error') {
$urlElements = parse_url($requestURL);
$portConnect = @fsockopen($urlElements['host'],8,$errno,$errstr,15);
if(!$portConnect) {
$defaultData['Message'] .= "
Debug info: $errstr";
return $defaultData;
if($response['response']['code'] != 200) {
return $defaultData;
$data = $response['body'];
$data = json_decode($data);
if(empty($data)) { return $defaultData; }
if($data->Status->Code != 2) {
$defaultData['Message'] = $data->Status->Message;
return $defaultData;
$dataArray = array(
"APIKeyValid" => true,
"APICallsMade" => number_format($data->APICallsMade) . __(' credits','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsQuota" => number_format($data->APICallsQuota) . __(' credits','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsMadeOneTime" => number_format($data->APICallsMadeOneTime) . __(' credits','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsQuotaOneTime" => number_format($data->APICallsQuotaOneTime) . __(' credits','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"APICallsMadeNumeric" => (int) max($data->APICallsMade, 0),
"APICallsQuotaNumeric" => (int) max($data->APICallsQuota, 0),
"APICallsMadeOneTimeNumeric" => (int) max($data->APICallsMadeOneTime, 0),
"APICallsQuotaOneTimeNumeric" => (int) max($data->APICallsQuotaOneTime, 0),
"Unlimited" => (property_exists($data, 'Unlimited') && $data->Unlimited == 'true') ? true : false,
"APILastRenewalDate" => $data->DateSubscription,
"DomainCheck" => (isset($data->DomainCheck) ? $data->DomainCheck : null)
// My Eyes! Basically : ApiCalls - ApiCalls used, both for monthly and onetime. Max of each is 0. Negative quota seems possible, but should not be substracted from one or the other.
$dataArray["APICallsRemaining"] = max($dataArray['APICallsQuotaNumeric'] - $dataArray['APICallsMadeNumeric'], 0) + max($dataArray['APICallsQuotaOneTimeNumeric'] - $dataArray['APICallsMadeOneTimeNumeric'],0);
//reset quota exceeded flag -> user is allowed to process more images.
if ( $dataArray['APICallsRemaining'] > 0 || $dataArray['Unlimited'])
//activate quota limiting
// Log::addDebug('GetQuotaInformation Result ', $dataArray);
return $dataArray;