initNotices(); } public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) self::$instance = new AdminNoticesController(); return self::$instance; } public static function resetAllNotices() { Notices::resetNotices(); } // Notices no longer in use. public static function resetOldNotices() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_FEATURE_SMARTCROP'); Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_FEATURE_HEIC'); } /** Triggered when plugin is activated */ public static function resetCompatNotice() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_COMPAT'); } public static function resetAPINotices() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_NO_APIKEY'); Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_NO_APIKEY_REPEAT'); Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_NO_APIKEY_REPEAT_LONG'); } public static function resetQuotaNotices() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_UPGRADE_MONTH'); Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_UPGRADE_BULK'); Notices::removeNoticeBYID('MSG_QUOTA_REACHED'); } public static function resetIntegrationNotices() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_INTEGRATION_NGGALLERY'); } public static function resetLegacyNotice() { Notices::removeNoticeByID('MSG_CONVERT_LEGACY'); } public function displayNotices() { if (! \wpSPIO()->env()->is_screen_to_use) { if(get_current_screen()->base !== 'dashboard') // ugly exception for dashboard. return; // suppress all when not our screen. } $access = AccessModel::getInstance(); $screen = get_current_screen(); $screen_id = \wpSPIO()->env()->screen_id; $noticeControl = Notices::getInstance(); $noticeControl->loadIcons(array( 'normal' => '', 'success' => '', 'warning' => '', 'error' => '', )); if ($noticeControl->countNotices() > 0) { $notices = $noticeControl->getNoticesForDisplay(); if (count($notices) > 0) { \wpSPIO()->load_style('shortpixel-notices'); \wpSPIO()->load_style('notices-module'); foreach($notices as $notice) { if ($notice->checkScreen($screen_id) === false) { continue; } elseif ($access->noticeIsAllowed($notice)) { echo $notice->getForDisplay(); } else { continue; } // @Todo change this to new keys if ($notice->getID() == 'MSG_QUOTA_REACHED' || $notice->getID() == 'MSG_UPGRADE_MONTH') //|| $notice->getID() == AdminNoticesController::MSG_UPGRADE_BULK { // @todo check if this is still needed. wp_enqueue_script('jquery.knob.min.js'); wp_enqueue_script('shortpixel'); } } } } $noticeControl->update(); // puts views, and updates } /* General function to check on Hook for admin notices if there is something to show globally */ public function check_admin_notices() { if (! \wpSPIO()->env()->is_screen_to_use) { if(get_current_screen()->base !== 'dashboard') // ugly exception for dashboard. return; // suppress all when not our screen. } $this->loadNotices(); } protected function initNotices() { foreach($this->definedNotices as $className) { $ns = '\ShortPixel\Model\AdminNotices\\' . $className; $class = new $ns(); $this->adminNotices[$class->getKey()] = $class; } } protected function loadNotices() { foreach($this->adminNotices as $key => $class) { $class->load(); $this->doRemoteNotices(); } } public function getNoticeByKey($key) { if (isset($this->adminNotices[$key])) { return $this->adminNotices[$key]; } else { return false; } } public function getAllNotices() { return $this->adminNotices; } // Called by MediaLibraryModel public function invokeLegacyNotice() { $noticeModel = $this->getNoticeByKey('MSG_CONVERT_LEGACY'); if (! $noticeModel->isDismissed()) { $noticeModel->addManual(); } } protected function doRemoteNotices() { $notices = $this->get_remote_notices(); if ($notices == false) return; foreach($notices as $remoteNotice) { if (! isset($remoteNotice->id) && ! isset($remoteNotice->message)) return; if (! isset($remoteNotice->type)) $remoteNotice->type = 'notice'; $message = esc_html($remoteNotice->message); $id = sanitize_text_field($remoteNotice->id); $noticeController = Notices::getInstance(); $noticeObj = $noticeController->getNoticeByID($id); // not added to system yet if ($noticeObj === false) { switch ($remoteNotice->type) { case 'warning': $new_notice = Notices::addWarning($message); break; case 'error': $new_notice = Notices::addError($message); break; case 'notice': default: $new_notice = Notices::addNormal($message); break; } Notices::makePersistent($new_notice, $id, MONTH_IN_SECONDS); } } } public function proposeUpgradePopup() { $view = new ViewController(); $view->loadView('snippets/part-upgrade-options'); } public function proposeUpgradeRemote() { //$stats = $this->countAllIfNeeded($this->_settings->currentStats, 300); $statsController = StatsController::getInstance(); $apiKeyController = ApiKeyController::getInstance(); $settings = \wpSPIO()->settings(); $webpActive = ($settings->createWebp) ? true : false; $avifActive = ($settings->createAvif) ? true : false; $args = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 10, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => array("params" => json_encode(array( 'plugin_version' => SHORTPIXEL_IMAGE_OPTIMISER_VERSION, 'key' => $apiKeyController->forceGetApiKey(), 'm1' => $statsController->find('period', 'months', '1'), 'm2' => $statsController->find('period', 'months', '2'), 'm3' => $statsController->find('period', 'months', '3'), 'm4' => $statsController->find('period', 'months', '4'), 'filesTodo' => $statsController->totalImagesToOptimize(), 'estimated' => $settings->optimizeUnlisted || $settings->optimizeRetina ? 'true' : 'false', 'webp' => $webpActive, 'avif' => $avifActive, /* */ 'iconsUrl' => base64_encode(wpSPIO()->plugin_url('res/img')) ))), 'cookies' => array() ); $proposal = wp_remote_post("", $args); if(is_wp_error( $proposal )) { $proposal = array('body' => __('Error. Could not contact ShortPixel server for proposal', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser')); } die( $proposal['body'] ); } private function get_remote_notices() { $transient_name = 'shortpixel_remote_notice'; $transient_duration = DAY_IN_SECONDS; if (\wpSPIO()->env()->is_debug) $transient_duration = 30; $keyControl = new apiKeyController(); //$keyControl->loadKey(); $notices = get_transient($transient_name); $url = $this->remote_message_endpoint; $url = add_query_arg(array( // has url 'key' => $keyControl->forceGetApiKey(), 'version' => SHORTPIXEL_IMAGE_OPTIMISER_VERSION, 'target' => 3, ), $url); if ( $notices === false ) { $notices_response = wp_safe_remote_request( $url ); $content = false; if (! is_wp_error( $notices_response ) ) { $notices = json_decode($notices_response['body']); if (! is_array($notices)) $notices = false; // Save transient anywhere to prevent over-asking when nothing good is there. set_transient( $transient_name, $notices, $transient_duration ); } else { set_transient( $transient_name, false, $transient_duration ); } } return $notices; } public function pluginUpdateMessage($data, $response) { // $message = $this->getPluginUpdateMessage($plugin['new_version']); $message = $this->get_update_notice($data, $response); if( $message !== false && strlen(trim($message)) > 0) { $wp_list_table = _get_list_table( 'WP_Plugins_List_Table' ); printf( '