collector->get_data(); if ( ! empty( $data->http ) ) { $statuses = array_keys( $data->types ); $components = array_column( $data->component_times, 'component' ); usort( $statuses, 'strcasecmp' ); usort( $components, 'strcasecmp' ); $status_output = array(); $hosts = array_unique( array_column( $data->http, 'host' ) ); sort( $hosts ); foreach ( $statuses as $status ) { if ( 'error' === $status ) { $status_output['error'] = __( 'Error', 'query-monitor' ); } elseif ( 'non-blocking' === $status ) { /* translators: A non-blocking HTTP API request */ $status_output['non-blocking'] = __( 'Non-blocking', 'query-monitor' ); } else { $status_output[] = $status; } } $this->before_tabular_output(); echo ''; echo ''; echo '' . esc_html__( 'Method', 'query-monitor' ) . ''; echo ''; echo $this->build_filter( 'host', $hosts, __( 'URL', 'query-monitor' ) ); // WPCS: XSS ok. echo ''; echo ''; echo $this->build_filter( 'type', $status_output, __( 'Status', 'query-monitor' ) ); // WPCS: XSS ok. echo ''; echo '' . esc_html__( 'Caller', 'query-monitor' ) . ''; echo ''; echo $this->build_filter( 'component', $components, __( 'Component', 'query-monitor' ) ); // WPCS: XSS ok. echo ''; echo '' . esc_html__( 'Size', 'query-monitor' ) . ''; echo '' . esc_html__( 'Timeout', 'query-monitor' ) . ''; echo '' . esc_html__( 'Time', 'query-monitor' ) . ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $i = 0; foreach ( $data->http as $row ) { $ltime = $row['ltime']; $i++; $is_error = false; $row_attr = array(); $css = ''; if ( $row['response'] instanceof WP_Error ) { $response = $row['response']->get_error_message(); $is_error = true; } elseif ( ! $row['args']['blocking'] ) { /* translators: A non-blocking HTTP API request */ $response = __( 'Non-blocking', 'query-monitor' ); } else { $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $row['response'] ); $msg = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $row['response'] ); if ( intval( $code ) >= 400 ) { $is_error = true; } $response = $code . ' ' . $msg; } if ( $is_error ) { $css = 'qm-warn'; } $url = self::format_url( $row['url'] ); $info = ''; $url = preg_replace( '|^http:|', 'http:', $url ); if ( 'https' === parse_url( $row['url'], PHP_URL_SCHEME ) ) { if ( empty( $row['args']['sslverify'] ) && ! $row['local'] ) { $info .= '' . QueryMonitor::icon( 'warning' ) . esc_html( sprintf( /* translators: An HTTP API request has disabled certificate verification. 1: Relevant argument name */ __( 'Certificate verification disabled (%s)', 'query-monitor' ), 'sslverify=false' ) ) . '
'; $url = preg_replace( '|^https:|', 'https:', $url ); } elseif ( ! $is_error && $row['args']['blocking'] ) { $url = preg_replace( '|^https:|', 'https:', $url ); } } $component = $row['component']; $stack = array(); $filtered_trace = $row['filtered_trace']; foreach ( $filtered_trace as $frame ) { $stack[] = self::output_filename( $frame['display'], $frame['calling_file'], $frame['calling_line'] ); } $row_attr['data-qm-component'] = $component->name; $row_attr['data-qm-type'] = $row['type']; $row_attr['data-qm-time'] = $row['ltime']; $row_attr['data-qm-host'] = $row['host']; if ( 'core' !== $component->context ) { $row_attr['data-qm-component'] .= ' non-core'; } $attr = ''; foreach ( $row_attr as $a => $v ) { $attr .= ' ' . $a . '="' . esc_attr( (string) $v ) . '"'; } printf( // WPCS: XSS ok. '', $attr, esc_attr( $css ) ); printf( '%s', esc_html( $row['args']['method'] ) ); if ( ! empty( $row['redirected_to'] ) ) { $url .= sprintf( '
%3$s', QueryMonitor::icon( 'warning' ), /* translators: An HTTP API request redirected to another URL */ __( 'Redirected to:', 'query-monitor' ), self::format_url( $row['redirected_to'] ) ); } printf( // WPCS: XSS ok. '%s%s', $info, $url ); $show_toggle = ! empty( $row['info'] ); echo ''; if ( $is_error ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped echo QueryMonitor::icon( 'warning' ); } echo esc_html( $response ); if ( $show_toggle ) { echo self::build_toggler(); // WPCS: XSS ok; echo ''; } echo ''; $caller = array_shift( $stack ); echo ''; if ( ! empty( $stack ) ) { echo self::build_toggler(); // WPCS: XSS ok; } echo '
    '; echo "
  1. {$caller}
  2. "; // WPCS: XSS ok. if ( ! empty( $stack ) ) { echo '
  3. ' . implode( '
  4. ', $stack ) . '
  5. '; // WPCS: XSS ok. } echo '
'; printf( '%s', esc_html( $component->name ) ); $size = ''; if ( isset( $row['info']['size_download'] ) ) { $size = sprintf( /* translators: %s: Memory used in kilobytes */ __( '%s kB', 'query-monitor' ), number_format_i18n( $row['info']['size_download'] / 1024, 1 ) ); } printf( '%s', esc_html( $size ) ); printf( '%s', esc_html( $row['args']['timeout'] ) ); if ( empty( $ltime ) ) { $stime = ''; } else { $stime = number_format_i18n( $ltime, 4 ); } printf( '%s', esc_html( $stime ) ); echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; $total_stime = number_format_i18n( $data->ltime, 4 ); $count = count( $data->http ); echo ''; printf( '%s', sprintf( /* translators: %s: Number of HTTP API requests */ esc_html( _nx( 'Total: %s', 'Total: %s', $count, 'HTTP API calls', 'query-monitor' ) ), '' . esc_html( number_format_i18n( $count ) ) . '' ) ); echo '' . esc_html( $total_stime ) . ''; echo ''; echo ''; $this->after_tabular_output(); } else { $this->before_non_tabular_output(); $notice = __( 'No HTTP API calls.', 'query-monitor' ); echo $this->build_notice( $notice ); // WPCS: XSS ok. $this->after_non_tabular_output(); } } /** * @param array $class * @return array */ public function admin_class( array $class ) { /** @var QM_Data_HTTP $data */ $data = $this->collector->get_data(); if ( isset( $data->errors['alert'] ) ) { $class[] = 'qm-alert'; } if ( isset( $data->errors['warning'] ) ) { $class[] = 'qm-warning'; } return $class; } /** * @param array $menu * @return array */ public function admin_menu( array $menu ) { /** @var QM_Data_HTTP $data */ $data = $this->collector->get_data(); $count = ! empty( $data->http ) ? count( $data->http ) : 0; $title = ( empty( $count ) ) ? __( 'HTTP API Calls', 'query-monitor' ) /* translators: %s: Number of calls to the HTTP API */ : __( 'HTTP API Calls (%s)', 'query-monitor' ); $args = array( 'title' => esc_html( sprintf( $title, number_format_i18n( $count ) ) ), ); if ( isset( $data->errors['alert'] ) ) { $args['meta']['classname'] = 'qm-alert'; } if ( isset( $data->errors['warning'] ) ) { $args['meta']['classname'] = 'qm-warning'; } $menu[ $this->collector->id() ] = $this->menu( $args ); return $menu; } } /** * @param array $output * @param QM_Collectors $collectors * @return array */ function register_qm_output_html_http( array $output, QM_Collectors $collectors ) { $collector = QM_Collectors::get( 'http' ); if ( $collector ) { $output['http'] = new QM_Output_Html_HTTP( $collector ); } return $output; } add_filter( 'qm/outputter/html', 'register_qm_output_html_http', 90, 2 );