get( 'keep_data' ); // Check if someone want to keep the stats and settings. if ( ( defined( 'WP_SMUSH_PRESERVE_STATS' ) && WP_SMUSH_PRESERVE_STATS ) || true === $keep_data ) { return; } global $wpdb; $smushit_keys = array( 'wp-smush-resmush-list', 'wp-smush-nextgen-resmush-list', 'wp-smush-resize_sizes', 'wp-smush-transparent_png', 'wp-smush-image_sizes', 'wp-smush-super_smushed', 'wp-smush-super_smushed_nextgen', 'wp-smush-settings_updated', 'wp-smush-hide_update_info', 'wp-smush-install-type', 'wp-smush-version', 'wp-smush-scan', 'wp-smush-settings', 'wp-smush-cdn_status', 'wp-smush-lazy_load', 'wp-smush-last_run_sync', 'wp-smush-networkwide', 'wp-smush-cron_update_running', 'wp-smush-dismissed-notices', 'wp-smush-show_upgrade_modal', 'wp-smush-preset_configs', 'wp-smush-webp_hide_wizard', 'wp-smush-hide-tutorials', 'wp-smush-hide_tutorials_from_bulk_smush', // Possible leftover from 3.8.4. 'wp-smush-png2jpg-rewrite-rules-flushed', 'wp-smush-optimization-global-stats', 'wp-smush-resize-global-stats', 'wp-smush-png2jpg-global-stats', 'wp_smush_skip_image_sizes_recheck', 'wp_smush_image_sizes_state', 'wp_smush_global_stats', 'wp-smush-optimize-list', 'wp-smush-reoptimize-list', 'wp-smush-error-items-list', 'wp-smush-plugin-activated', 'wp_smush_run_optimize_on_scan_completed', 'wp-smush-nextgen-reoptimize-list', 'wp-smush-nextgen-super-smushed-list', 'wp_smush_scan_slice_size', ); $db_keys = array( 'skip-smush-setup', 'smush_global_stats', 'wp_smush_stats_nextgen', ); // Cache Keys. $cache_smush_group = array( 'exceeding_items', 'wp-smush-resize_count', 'wp-smush-resize_savings', 'wp-smush-pngjpg_savings', 'wp-smush-smushed_ids', 'media_attachments', 'skipped_images', 'images_with_backups', 'wp-smush-dir_total_stats', ); $cache_nextgen_group = array( 'wp_smush_images', 'wp_smush_images_smushed', 'wp_smush_images_unsmushed', 'wp_smush_stats_nextgen', ); if ( ! is_multisite() ) { // Delete Options. foreach ( $smushit_keys as $key ) { delete_option( $key ); delete_site_option( $key ); } foreach ( $db_keys as $key ) { delete_option( $key ); delete_site_option( $key ); } // Delete Cache data. foreach ( $cache_smush_group as $s_key ) { wp_cache_delete( $s_key, 'wp-smush' ); } foreach ( $cache_nextgen_group as $n_key ) { wp_cache_delete( $n_key, 'nextgen' ); } wp_cache_delete( 'get_image_sizes', 'smush_image_sizes' ); delete_transient( 'wp-smush-conflict_check' ); } // Delete Directory Smush stats. delete_option( 'dir_smush_stats' ); delete_option( 'wp_smush_scan' ); delete_option( 'wp_smush_api_auth' ); delete_site_option( 'wp_smush_api_auth' ); // Delete Post meta. $meta_type = 'post'; $meta_key = 'wp-smpro-smush-data'; $meta_value = ''; $delete_all = true; if ( is_multisite() ) { $offset = 0; $limit = 100; while ( $blogs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs} LIMIT $offset, $limit", ARRAY_A ) ) { if ( $blogs ) { foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) { switch_to_blog( $blog['blog_id'] ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, $meta_key, $meta_value, $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-lossy', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-resize_savings', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-original_file', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-pngjpg_savings', '', $delete_all ); foreach ( $smushit_keys as $key ) { delete_option( $key ); delete_site_option( $key ); } foreach ( $db_keys as $key ) { delete_option( $key ); delete_site_option( $key ); } // Delete Cache data. foreach ( $cache_smush_group as $s_key ) { wp_cache_delete( $s_key, 'wp-smush' ); } foreach ( $cache_nextgen_group as $n_key ) { wp_cache_delete( $n_key, 'nextgen' ); } wp_cache_delete( 'get_image_sizes', 'smush_image_sizes' ); } restore_current_blog(); } $offset += $limit; } } else { delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, $meta_key, $meta_value, $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-lossy', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-resize_savings', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-original_file', '', $delete_all ); delete_metadata( $meta_type, null, 'wp-smush-pngjpg_savings', '', $delete_all ); } // Delete Directory smush table. $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$wpdb->base_prefix}smush_dir_images" ); // Delete directory scan data. delete_option( 'wp-smush-scan-step' ); // Delete all WebP images. global $wp_filesystem; if ( is_null( $wp_filesystem ) ) { WP_Filesystem(); } $upload_dir = wp_get_upload_dir(); $webp_dir = dirname( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) . '/smush-webp'; $wp_filesystem->delete( $webp_dir, true ); // Delete WebP test image. $webp_img = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/smush-webp-test.png'; $wp_filesystem->delete( $webp_img ); // TODO: Add procedure to delete backup files // TODO: Update NextGen Metadata to remove Smush stats on plugin deletion.