"Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "Do not load the plugin on certain pages"?
* @param string $targetUri
* @param bool $forceCheck
* @return bool
function assetCleanUpHasNoLoadMatches($targetUri = '', $forceCheck = false)
if ( ! $forceCheck && isset( $_REQUEST['wpacu_ignore_no_load_option'] ) ) {
return false;
if ($targetUri === '') {
// When called from the Dashboard, it should never be empty
if (is_admin()) {
return false;
$targetUri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? rawurldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : ''; // Invalid request
} else {
// Passed from the Dashboard as a URL; Strip the prefix and hostname to keep only the URI
$parseUrl = parse_url(rawurldecode($targetUri));
$targetUri = isset($parseUrl['path']) ? $parseUrl['path'] : '';
if ($targetUri === '') {
return false; // Invalid request
// Already detected? Avoid duplicate queries
if (isset($GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri])) {
return $GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri];
$doNotLoadRegExps = array();
$wpacuPluginSettingsJson = get_option( WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_settings' );
$wpacuPluginSettings = @json_decode( $wpacuPluginSettingsJson, ARRAY_A );
$doNotLoadPatterns = isset( $wpacuPluginSettings['do_not_load_plugin_patterns'] ) ? $wpacuPluginSettings['do_not_load_plugin_patterns'] : '';
if ( $doNotLoadPatterns !== '' ) {
$doNotLoadPatterns = trim( $doNotLoadPatterns );
if ( strpos( $doNotLoadPatterns, "\n" ) ) {
// Multiple values (one per line)
foreach ( explode( "\n", $doNotLoadPatterns ) as $doNotLoadPattern ) {
$doNotLoadPattern = trim( $doNotLoadPattern );
if ( $doNotLoadPattern ) {
$doNotLoadRegExps[] = '#' . $doNotLoadPattern . '#';
} elseif ( $doNotLoadPatterns ) {
// Only one value?
$doNotLoadRegExps[] = '#' . $doNotLoadPatterns . '#';
if ( ! empty( $doNotLoadRegExps ) ) {
foreach ( $doNotLoadRegExps as $doNotLoadRegExp ) {
if ( @preg_match( $doNotLoadRegExp, $targetUri ) || (strpos($targetUri, $doNotLoadRegExp) !== false) ) {
// There's a match
$GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri] = 'is_set_in_settings';
return $GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri];
* Page Options -> The following option might be checked "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)"
* For homepage (e.g. the latest posts) or a page, post or custom post type
$parseUrl = parse_url(get_site_url());
$rootUrl = $parseUrl['scheme'].'://'.$parseUrl['host'];
$homepageUri = isset($parseUrl['path']) ? $parseUrl['path'] : '/';
$cleanTargetUri = $targetUri;
if (strpos($targetUri, '?') !== false) {
list($cleanTargetUri) = explode('?', $cleanTargetUri);
* First verification: If it's a homepage, but not a "page" homepage but a different one such as latest posts
$isHomePageUri = trim($homepageUri, '/') === trim($cleanTargetUri, '/') && ! assetCleanUpRequestUriHasAnyPublicVar($targetUri);
$isSinglePageSetAsHomePage = ( get_option('show_on_front') === 'page' && get_option('page_on_front') > 0 );
if ( $isHomePageUri && ! $isSinglePageSetAsHomePage ) {
// Anything different from a page set as the homepage
$globalPageOptions = get_option(WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_global_data');
if ($globalPageOptions) {
$globalPageOptionsList = @json_decode($globalPageOptions, true);
if (isset($globalPageOptionsList['page_options']['homepage']['no_wpacu_load'])
&& $globalPageOptionsList['page_options']['homepage']['no_wpacu_load'] == 1) {
$GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri] = 'is_set_in_page';
return $GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri];
* Second verification: For any post, page, custom post type including any page set as the homepage in "Reading" -> "Your homepage displays" -> "A static page (select below)"
if ($isHomePageUri && $isSinglePageSetAsHomePage) {
$pageId = get_option('page_on_front');
$pageOptionsJson = get_post_meta($pageId, '_' . WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_page_options', true);
$pageOptions = @json_decode( $pageOptionsJson, ARRAY_A );
if (isset($pageOptions['no_wpacu_load']) && $pageOptions['no_wpacu_load'] == 1) {
$GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri] = 'is_set_in_page';
return $GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri];
} else {
$excludePostIds = array();
if ($isSinglePageSetAsHomePage) {
$excludePostIds[] = get_option('page_on_front');
// Visiting a post, page or custom post type but not the homepage
global $wpdb;
$anyPagesWithSpecialOptionsQuery = 'SELECT meta_value FROM `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta` WHERE ';
if (! empty($excludePostIds)) {
$anyPagesWithSpecialOptionsQuery .= ' post_id NOT IN ('.implode(',', $excludePostIds).') && ';
$anyPagesWithSpecialOptionsQuery .= ' meta_key=\'_wpassetcleanup_page_options\' && meta_value LIKE \'%no_wpacu_load%\'';
$anyPagesWithSpecialOptions = $wpdb->get_col( $anyPagesWithSpecialOptionsQuery );
if ( ! empty( $anyPagesWithSpecialOptions ) ) {
foreach ( $anyPagesWithSpecialOptions as $metaValue ) {
$postPageOptions = @json_decode($metaValue, ARRAY_A);
if ( ! isset($postPageOptions['no_wpacu_load'], $postPageOptions['_page_uri']) ) {
$dbPageUrl = $postPageOptions['_page_uri'];
$dbPageUri = str_replace( $rootUrl, '', $dbPageUrl );
// This is a post/page/custom post type check
// If the homepage page root URL is detected, then it's a former static page set as homepage and its URI is outdated
if (trim($dbPageUri, '/') === trim($homepageUri, '/')) {
if ( ( $dbPageUri === $targetUri ) || ( strpos( $targetUri, $dbPageUri ) === 0 ) ) {
$GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri] = 'is_set_in_page';
return $GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri];
$GLOBALS['wpacu_no_load_matches'][$targetUri] = false;
return false;
if (! function_exists('assetCleanUpNoLoad')) {
* There are special cases when triggering "Asset CleanUp" is not relevant
* Thus, for maximum compatibility and backend processing speed, it's better to avoid running any of its code
* @return bool
function assetCleanUpNoLoad()
if ( defined( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET' ) ) {
return true; // save resources in case the function is called several times
// Hide top WordPress admin bar on request for debugging purposes and a cleared view of the tested page
if ( isset($_REQUEST['wpacu_no_admin_bar']) ) {
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false', PHP_INT_MAX );
// On request: for debugging purposes - e.g. https://yourwebsite.com/?wpacu_no_load
// Also make sure it's in the REQUEST URI and $_GET wasn't altered incorrectly before it's checked
// Technically, it will be like the plugin is not activated: no global settings and unload rules will be applied
if ( isset($_GET['wpacu_no_load'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wpacu_no_load' ) !== false ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Case 1: Needs to be called ideally from a MU plugin which always loads before Asset CleanUp
// or from a different plugin that triggers before Asset CleanUp which is less reliable
// Case 2: It could be called from /pro/early-triggers-pro.php (for Pro users)
if ( apply_filters( 'wpacu_plugin_no_load', false ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Elementor" plugin Admin Area: Edit Mode
if ( isset( $_GET['post'], $_GET['action'] ) && $_GET['post'] && $_GET['action'] === 'elementor' && is_admin() ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Elementor" plugin (Preview Mode within Page Builder)
if ( isset( $_GET['elementor-preview'], $_GET['ver'] ) && (int) $_GET['elementor-preview'] > 0 && $_GET['ver'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// WPML Multilingual CMS plugin loading its JavaScript content (no need to trigger Asset CleanUp in this case)
if ( isset($_GET['wpml-app']) && $_GET['wpml-app'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
$wpacuIsAjaxRequest = ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) === 'xmlhttprequest' );
// If an AJAX call is made to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and the action doesn't start with WPACU_PLUGIN_ID.'_
// then do not trigger Asset CleanUp Pro as it's irrelevant
$wpacuActionStartsWith = WPACU_PLUGIN_ID . '_';
if ( $wpacuIsAjaxRequest && // Is AJAX request
isset( $_POST['action'] ) && // Has 'action' set as a POST parameter
strpos( $_POST['action'], $wpacuActionStartsWith ) !== 0 && // Doesn't start with $wpacuActionStartsWith
( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'admin-ajax.php' ) !== false ) && // The request URI contains 'admin-ajax.php'
is_admin() ) { // If /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php is called, then it will return true
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// On some hosts .css and .js files are loaded dynamically (e.g. through the WordPress environment)
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && preg_match('#.(css|js)\?ver=#', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Image Edit via Media Library
if ( $wpacuIsAjaxRequest && isset( $_POST['action'], $_POST['postid'] ) && $_POST['action'] === 'image-editor' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Elementor" plugin: Do not trigger the plugin on AJAX calls
if ( $wpacuIsAjaxRequest && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && ( strpos( $_POST['action'], 'elementor_' ) === 0 ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// If some users want to have Asset CleanUp loaded on Oxygen Builder's page builder to avoid loading certain plugins (for a faster page editor)
// they can do that by adding the following constant in wp-config.php
if ( ! $loadPluginOnOxygenEdit ) {
// "Oxygen" plugin: Edit Mode
$oxygenBuilderPluginDir = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/oxygen';
if ( isset( $_GET['ct_builder'] ) && $_GET['ct_builder'] === 'true' && is_dir( $oxygenBuilderPluginDir ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Oxygen" plugin: Block Edit Mode
if ( isset( $_GET['oxy_user_library'], $_GET['ct_builder'] ) && $_GET['oxy_user_library'] && $_GET['ct_builder'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Oxygen" plugin (v2.4.1+): Edit Mode (Reusable Template)
if ( isset( $_GET['ct_builder'], $_GET['ct_template'] ) && $_GET['ct_builder'] && $_GET['ct_template'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
} else {
// Since the user added the constant WPACU_LOAD_ON_OXYGEN_BUILDER_EDIT, we'll check if the Oxygen Editor is ON
// And if it is set the constant WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES to true which will allow only unload rules, but do not trigger any other ones such as preload/defer, etc.
$isOxygenBuilderLoaded = false;
// "Oxygen" plugin: Edit Mode
$oxygenBuilderPluginDir = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/oxygen';
if ( isset( $_GET['ct_builder'] ) && $_GET['ct_builder'] === 'true' && is_dir( $oxygenBuilderPluginDir ) ) {
$isOxygenBuilderLoaded = true;
// "Oxygen" plugin: Block Edit Mode
if ( isset( $_GET['oxy_user_library'], $_GET['ct_builder'] ) && $_GET['oxy_user_library'] && $_GET['ct_builder'] ) {
$isOxygenBuilderLoaded = true;
// "Oxygen" plugin (v2.4.1+): Edit Mode (Reusable Template)
if ( isset( $_GET['ct_builder'], $_GET['ct_template'] ) && $_GET['ct_builder'] && $_GET['ct_template'] ) {
$isOxygenBuilderLoaded = true;
if ( $isOxygenBuilderLoaded && ! defined('WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES') ) {
// If some users want to have Asset CleanUp loaded on Divi Builder to avoid loading certain plugins (for a faster page editor)
// they can do that by adding the following constant in wp-config.php
$isDiviBuilderLoaded = ( isset( $_GET['et_fb'] ) && $_GET['et_fb'] ) // e.g. /?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off&et_tb=1
|| ( is_admin() && isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === 'et_theme_builder' ) // e.g. /wp-admin/admin.php?page=et_theme_builder
|| ( isset($_GET['et_pb_preview'], $_GET['et_pb_preview_nonce']) && $_GET['et_pb_preview'] === 'true' && $_GET['et_pb_preview_nonce'] ) // /?et_pb_preview=true&et_pb_preview_nonce=[...]
|| ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'et_fb=1' ) !== false );
if ( ! $loadPluginOnDiviBuilderEdit ) {
// "Divi" theme builder: Front-end View Edit Mode
if ( $isDiviBuilderLoaded ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
} else {
// Since the user added the constant WPACU_LOAD_ON_DIVI_BUILDER_EDIT, we'll check if the Divi Builder is ON
// And if it is set the constant WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES to true which will allow only unload rules, but do not trigger any other ones such as preload/defer, etc.
if ( $isDiviBuilderLoaded && ! defined('WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES') ) {
// "Divi" theme builder: Do not trigger the plugin on AJAX calls
if ( $wpacuIsAjaxRequest && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && ( strpos( $_POST['action'], 'et_fb_' ) === 0 ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// KALLYAS theme: Zion Page Builder
// Dashboard/front-end edit
if ( (isset($_GET['zn_pb_edit']) && in_array($_GET['zn_pb_edit'], array(1, 'true'))) ||
(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === 'zion_builder_active') ||
(isset($_GET['zion_template']) && $_GET['zion_template']) ||
(isset($_GET['zionbuilder-preview'], $_GET['zionbuilder_nonce']) && $_GET['zionbuilder-preview'] && $_GET['zionbuilder_nonce'])
) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Beaver Builder
if ( isset( $_GET['fl_builder'] ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Thrive Architect (Dashboard)
if ( isset( $_GET['action'], $_GET['tve'] ) && $_GET['action'] === 'architect' && $_GET['tve'] === 'true' && is_admin() ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Thrive Architect (iFrame)
$tveFrameFlag = defined( 'TVE_FRAME_FLAG' ) ? TVE_FRAME_FLAG : 'tcbf';
if ( isset( $_GET['tve'], $_GET[ $tveFrameFlag ] ) && $_GET['tve'] === 'true' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Page Builder by SiteOrigin
if ( isset( $_GET['action'], $_GET['so_live_editor'] ) && $_GET['action'] === 'edit' && $_GET['so_live_editor'] && is_admin() ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Brizy - Page Builder
if ( (isset($_GET['brizy-edit']) || isset($_GET['brizy-edit-iframe']) || isset($_GET['is-editor-iframe']))
|| (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'in-front-editor') ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Fusion Builder Live: Avada
if ( ( isset( $_GET['fb-edit'] ) && $_GET['fb-edit'] ) || isset( $_GET['builder'], $_GET['builder_id'] ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// WPBakery Page Builder
if ( isset( $_GET['vc_editable'], $_GET['_vcnonce'] ) || ( is_admin() && isset( $_GET['vc_action'] ) ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Themify Builder (iFrame)
if ( isset( $_GET['tb-preview'] ) && $_GET['tb-preview'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Pro" (theme.co) (iFrame)
if ( isset( $_POST['_cs_nonce'], $_POST['cs_preview_state'] ) && $_POST['_cs_nonce'] && $_POST['cs_preview_state'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Page Builder: Live Composer" plugin
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "WP Page Builder" plugin (By Themeum.com)
if ( isset( $_GET['load_for'] ) && $_GET['load_for'] === 'wppb_editor_iframe' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// "Product Designer for WooCommerce WordPress | Lumise" plugin
if ( isset( $_GET['product_base'], $_GET['product_cms'] )
&& in_array( 'lumise/lumise.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ) ) ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Perfmatters: Script Manager
if ( isset( $_GET['perfmatters'] ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Gravity Forms (called for uploading files)
if ( ( ( isset($_GET['gf_page']) && $_GET['gf_page']) || isset($_GET['gf-download'], $_GET['form-id'] ) ) && is_file( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/gravityforms/gravityforms.php' ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Custom CSS Pro: Editor
if ( ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === 'ccp-editor' )
|| ( isset( $_GET['ccp-iframe'] ) && $_GET['ccp-iframe'] === 'true' ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Bricks – Visual Site Builder for WordPress
$isBricksBuilderLoaded = ( isset( $_GET['bricks'] ) && $_GET['bricks'] === 'run' );
if ($loadPluginOnBricksBuilder) {
// Since the user added the constant WPACU_LOAD_ON_BRICKS_BUILDER, we'll check if the Bricks Visual Site Builder is ON
// And if it is set the constant WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES to true which will allow only unload rules, but do not trigger any other ones such as preload/defer, etc.
if ( $isBricksBuilderLoaded && ! defined('WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES') ) {
} elseif ($isBricksBuilderLoaded) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// TranslatePress Multilingual: Edit translation mode
if ( isset( $_GET['trp-edit-translation'] ) && $_GET['trp-edit-translation'] === 'preview' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// WordPress Customise Mode
if ( ( isset( $_GET['customize_changeset_uuid'], $_GET['customize_theme'] ) && $_GET['customize_changeset_uuid'] && $_GET['customize_theme'] )
|| ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-admin/customize.php' ) !== false && isset( $_GET['url'] ) && $_GET['url'] ) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// [wpacu_lite]
// There's no point in loading the plugin on a REST API call
// This is valid for the Lite version as the Pro version could work differently / read more: https://www.assetcleanup.com/docs/?p=1469
if (assetCleanUpIsRestCall()) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// [/wpacu_lite]
// WordPress AJAX Heartbeat
if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] === 'heartbeat' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// EDD Plugin (Listener)
if ( isset( $_GET['edd-listener'] ) && $_GET['edd-listener'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQs
if ( isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'epkb_load_editor' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
if ( isset($_GET['epkb-editor-page-loaded']) && $_GET['epkb-editor-page-loaded'] ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// AJAX Requests from various plugins/themes
if ( isset( $wpacuIsAjaxRequest, $_POST['action'] ) && $wpacuIsAjaxRequest
&& ( strpos( $_POST['action'], 'woocommerce' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'wc_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'jetpack' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'wpfc_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'oxygen_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'oxy_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'w3tc_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'wpforms_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'wdi_' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'brizy_update' ) === 0
|| strpos( $_POST['action'], 'brizy-update' ) === 0
|| in_array( $_POST['action'], array(
'eckb_apply_editor_changes' // Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQs (save changes mode)
) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// e.g. WooCommerce's AJAX call to /?wc-ajax=checkout | no need to trigger Asset CleanUp then, not only avoiding any errors, but also saving resources
// "wc-ajax" could be one of the following: update_order_review, apply_coupon, checkout, etc.
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wc-ajax'] ) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// WooCommerce API call
if ( (isset($_GET['wc-api']) && $_GET['wc-api']) || (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/index.php?wc-api=') !== false) ) {
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
// Stop triggering Asset CleanUp (completely) on specific front-end pages
// Do the trigger here and if necessary exit as early as possible to save resources via "registered_taxonomy" action hook)
$wpacuNoLoadMatchesStatus = assetCleanUpHasNoLoadMatches();
if ( $wpacuNoLoadMatchesStatus ) {
// Only use exit() when "wpassetcleanup_load" is used
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wpassetcleanup_load'] ) && $_REQUEST['wpassetcleanup_load'] ) {
add_action( 'registered_taxonomy', function() use ($wpacuNoLoadMatchesStatus) {
if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
if ( $wpacuNoLoadMatchesStatus === 'is_set_in_settings' ) {
$msg = sprintf(
__( 'This page\'s URL is matched by one of the RegEx rules you have in "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "Do not load the plugin on certain pages", thus %s is not loaded on that page and no CSS/JS are to be managed. If you wish to view the CSS/JS manager, please remove the matching RegEx rule and the list of CSS/JS will be fetched.',
} elseif ( $wpacuNoLoadMatchesStatus === 'is_set_in_page' ) {
$msg = sprintf(
__( 'This homepage\'s URI is matched by the rule you have in the "Page Options", thus %s is not loaded on that page and no CSS/JS are to be managed. If you wish to view the CSS/JS manager, please uncheck the option and reload this page.',
exit( $msg );
} );
define( 'WPACU_NO_LOAD_SET', true );
return true;
return false;
// In case JSON library is not enabled (rare cases)
if (! defined('JSON_ERROR_NONE')) {
define('JSON_ERROR_NONE', 0);
// Make sure the plugin doesn't load when the editor of either "X" theme or "Pro" website creator (theme.co) is ON
add_action('init', static function() {
if (is_admin()) {
return; // Not relevant for the Dashboard view, stop here!
if (class_exists('\WpAssetCleanUp\Menu') && \WpAssetCleanUp\Menu::userCanManageAssets() && method_exists('Cornerstone_Common', 'get_app_slug') && in_array(get_stylesheet(), array('x', 'pro'))) {
$customAppSlug = get_stylesheet(); // default one ('x' or 'pro')
// Is there any custom slug set in "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cornerstone-settings"?
// "Settings" -> "Custom Path" (check it out below)
$cornerStoneSettings = get_option('cornerstone_settings');
if (isset($cornerStoneSettings['custom_app_slug']) && $cornerStoneSettings['custom_app_slug'] !== '') {
$customAppSlug = $cornerStoneSettings['custom_app_slug'];
$lengthToUse = strlen($customAppSlug) + 2; // add the slashes to the count
if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -$lengthToUse) === '/'.$customAppSlug.'/') {
add_filter( 'wpacu_prevent_any_frontend_optimization', '__return_true' );